
Chapter 882 Visit 2

Chapter 882 Visit II

At the wedding banquet of the Bingli Demon King, the Jiaolong King brought the Great Demon of the South China Sea, Zhang Xian, to come here uninvited, and the host gave him extra courtesy, which made all the great monsters in Shiwan Dashan very puzzled.

Unexpectedly, the proposal of exchanging treasures for elixir in front of everyone immediately brought the whole scene to a deadlock.

To be honest, precious materials produced in the South China Sea rarely flow into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, no matter which one it is, it is of extraordinary value.But this time Zhang Xian took out four pieces of seventh-level treasure materials all at once in exchange for twenty pills, just as if he was domineering and was bound to get it.

These big monsters knew that they couldn't get in the way, but their eyes showed naked jealousy and envy.

Later, Fat Dog sneered and replied: "Since Fellow Daoist Zhang Daoist Nanhai is willing to spend such a price to buy pills, then I have no reason to refuse. But this time, four of the Jianmu fruits are reserved for the golden fur demon king. Maybe there are not many left that can be used to refine elixirs. In this way, I can exchange five level [-] elixirs for one level [-] treasure, but it may not be possible to exchange for four, please forgive me, fellow Daoist Zhang."

Unexpectedly, after Zhang Xian heard this, his face showed a hint of surprise, and he turned his head to communicate with Jiaolong King in private.Afterwards, I saw that the Jiaolong King also had a look of amazement on his face, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. I don't know what he was thinking about.

Fat Dog didn't say much, but slowly filled the wine glass in front of him as if waiting for the other party's answer.

After a while, I saw Zhang Xian said solemnly and earnestly: "Since this is the case, I agree, and I will ask the Ice Glass Demon King to raise your hand. I, the Sea Clan of the South China Sea, are very grateful."

"Well, this matter is settled, let me respect Zhang Daoyou for a drink," Fat Dog raised the wine glass in front of him as a signal.

Zhang Xian didn't hesitate to pick up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, which means the matter was finalized.

Jiaolong, who was silent on the side with Shaoqing, asked for the first time: "I wonder how sure the two demon kings, Qingtian and Jinmao, are that they can ascend to the upper realm?"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole scene fell silent again, which was what the Yaozu were most concerned about.It is also an open secret that the Ten Thousand Eagle King ascended to the demon world and the Soul Eater Mouse King fell halfway.Although these big monsters here had ideas earlier in the morning, they did not dare to question the Bingli Demon King directly due to the prestige of the two demon kings, but it was only appropriate for the dragon king to say it.

Fat Dog didn't answer directly, but just stared at Jiaolong King for a while, then twitched his mouth and said: "Today we only talk about Fengyue, why bother to talk about these things."

Although they deliberately avoided it, all the people present were silent and seemed to want to understand this matter. After all, this may be related to something that everyone may face in the future.

The scene was a little cold for a while, but the Dragon King seemed to want to live with this matter and insisted on asking for a point to take it over.

Suddenly a voice came from above the main hall: "Why are the two fellow Taoists embarrassing the younger generation? Bingli brought them to the back hall to meet me."

The atmosphere on the scene was relaxed, and many insiders recognized the identity of the speaker, and after a while they looked at Jiaolong King with serious expressions.

There are also many big monsters who don't know what's going on and started to ask about the identity of the person in private. After the fat dog glanced at it, he just ordered lightly: "You are so kind to entertain the guests, let me lead two overseas Taoist friends to meet the nobleman .”

After speaking, he stood up and pointed towards the apse: "You two, please follow me." After speaking, he walked straight towards the apse.

Flood Dragon King Tong Zhang Xian made a face and hurriedly followed.Half a moment later, the three of them came to the side hall outside Qingtian Demon King's bedroom, and saw that sitting beside a five-foot round stone table, the three of them were Qingtian Demon King, Golden Hair King and Yi Tian.

Seeing this, Jiaolong King hurried forward to salute the three of them one by one and said: "The three are well, I am really disturbing you by coming uninvited."

The three of them are well-versed in the world and know the purpose of his visit without guessing, and that Zhang Xian also has similar thoughts.

After returning the gift one by one, the three of them signaled to sit down and talk slowly.The matter is of great importance, presumably Jiaolong King has made full plans for coming this time and will not give up so easily.

After the six people sat down, the Jiaolong King first congratulated Qingtian Demon King and Golden Hair King: "The two fellow Taoists have been preparing for thousands of years to finally be able to ascend. I am really envious of waiting for this."

"Why did the Flood Dragon King say that? I think you are the patriarch of the Flood Dragon Clan in the East China Sea, and your strength is unrivaled in the world. It is not a big deal if you want to ascend," Qingtian Demon King said jokingly.

The Jiaolong King's complexion changed and he replied in a deep voice: "Then we have to use Zhongzhou Lihuozong's ascension platform to open up the passage to the demon world. I also ask Sect Master Yi to help me with this matter. I am very grateful."

Half of these words were directed at Qingtian Demon King, and the second half of the sentence was directly directed at Yi Tian.Before waiting for an answer, Zhang Xian hurriedly came forward and said, "Sect Master Yi was in person, and I knew that you were the one who made the elixir yourself, and the scene is still fresh in my memory. This time, I would like to ask Sect Master Yi to do the refining." Zhang is not stingy about making a seven-level crossing pill and opening a flying platform, as long as Sect Master Yi asks for it, he will give it to him."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian also knew that he had made up his mind about Feisheng.But the use of the Feisheng platform cannot be decided by one's own words, and it also involves the interests of all parties.

Later, Yi Tian reached out his hand to signal that he would be safe and not to be impatient, and then said: "You two have to think about it clearly. You must all know about the ascension of the King of Eagles and the Rat King of Soul Eater back then."

Speaking of which, the Jiaolong King nodded slightly and replied: "I also understand that it was a success or failure. 3000 years ago, the old man's cultivation base reached the peak of the seventh level. Unfortunately, because of the meager spiritual power in Tianlan Continent, I couldn't make it one more step." After that, there will be no more progress, so it is better to take advantage of the state to fight than to sit and watch the loss of life essence."

"Does Fellow Daoist Zhang think the same way?" Yi Tian turned his head and asked again.

After hearing this, Zhang Xian also sighed and replied: "I am in the same state as the Jiaolong King. It is a pity that I am trapped in this world with a thousand years of cultivation but cannot escape. The Eagle King and the Soul Eater Rat King have also tried to use it, and even though they were successful and failed, the old man naturally has an idea in his heart."

Speaking of this, Yi Tian naturally understood the determination of the two people in front of him, and after thinking for a while, he said: "I understand the wishes of the two fellow Taoists. But the Zhongzhou Feisheng Platform was not built by me independently from the Fire Sect. There is financial support, and they need to be notified to come to watch the ceremony when it is opened. Originally, there is a limit on the number of places, and if you two want to jump in, you have to spend a lot of money to manage all these sects."

It was clear that this matter would cause him two major bleedings, and the Dragon King replied without even thinking: "As long as you Daoist Yi is willing to help, I think this matter will not be difficult. The Flood Dragon Clan is definitely second to none."

(End of this chapter)

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