
Chapter 883 Deal

Chapter 883 Deal
As soon as the Dragon King opened his mouth, he brought out all the financial and material resources of his clan. To be honest, Yi Tian couldn't find anything to refute.If the Donghai clan did their best to offer the Dragon King in exchange for a promotion spot, they would definitely spend a huge amount of property.

At that time, as long as you find a way to get through the relationship with the other factions, it will not be difficult.

On the contrary, Nanhai Zhangxian's attitude was a bit ambiguous, since the Dragon King just spoke, he has been holding back and not saying much.I really don't know what good things he can bring. With the current price, if he wants to impress himself, he needs to use his brains.

Putting Zhang Xian aside first, Yi Tian turned his head to the Jiaolong King and said, "Since the Dragon King has opened his mouth, I can't refuse, why don't you take out six top-level seven-level spiritual plants or mineral raw materials and hand them over to me?" How about buying a place for Ascension with me and 5000 million Chinese spirit stones."

After hearing this, the Jiaolong King's face became serious, as if he was lost in thought, but Zhang Xian asked, "Is the price too high for Sect Master Yi? It's not easy to find six pieces of spiritual plants and treasures of the seventh level."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Yi Tian smiled and said, "You Zhang Daoist, that's wrong. It's not that you come to exchange Du'er Pills, just take those seventh-level treasures. You know, I'm going to dredge the five sects of Xiazhong Province and If one of the two late Nascent Soul cultivators in Xihuang disagrees with this matter, it will not be possible to continue."

Zhang Xian looked distressed when he heard this. He also heard that the Ascension Platform was built with the joint efforts of eight sects from Zhongzhou and Xihuang.So what Yi Tian said is also reasonable. If you want to use it, you need their consent. If one party comes forward to obstruct it, it will be very difficult to do it.

Seeing that Zhang Xian was about to open his mouth to make a distinction, the Flood Dragon King directly interrupted his words with a raised hand: "Sect Master Haoyi is really quick to speak, I agree to this matter. But you have to persuade the other seven factions to only use six pieces of top-level seven pieces." Is the treasure enough?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian laughed dumbly and said: "The Dragon King was originally worried about this, but I actually have something else to say."

"But it's okay to say, the old man is all ears," Jiaolong King replied directly without pretentiousness.

"Actually, the Zhongzhou Feisheng Terrace was prepared and built by the four great demon kings in collaboration with the six top sects of Zhongzhou and the Xihuang two. Although it belongs to my Lihuo Sect, it is actually the property jointly signed by these twelve families. "Yi Tian paused for a moment, then glanced at the Jiaolong King's eyes and seemed a little uncomfortable, and then said: "The two demon kings will definitely ascend to the upper realm before you, so it's not too bad to leave wealth to them It is very useful, as long as you can swear a blood oath on behalf of the Jiaolong clan and the new demon king Bingli, and the harmonious family will never invade each other in the future, I think Qingtian and Jinmao will not object."

After finishing speaking, Qingtian Demon King hurriedly agreed: "Yi Daoyou said that sooner or later I will ascend, and now the preparations are almost done, and the most worrying thing is whether the next generation can keep the foundation. If you can It would be great to form an offensive and defensive alliance with overseas big families.”

The Golden Retriever King, who has always been silent, also said at the right time: "That's right, it will be of great benefit to Ascension if you can let me wait for the things on my mind. I agree with that."

After listening to the words of the two demon kings, Jiaolong King raised his head and laughed loudly, "You Daoist Yi said very well, your conditions are not too much at all. If you want to get a place, you must get the approval of these twelve schools." , I know what the two demon kings are thinking about."

Then he looked at the fat dog sitting beside him, and the smile on his face grew stronger.Reaching out, he took out a palm-sized red dragon scale and handed it over, "Brother Bingli, this thing is the reverse scale on my body. If necessary, I can take this scale to the East Sea Dragon Clan and hand it over to the patriarch. Then they will know how to do it." of."

A gleam of light flashed in Fat Dog's eyes, and when his divine sense passed over the reverse scale, he knew that it was a good thing, and it was peeled off from the body of the Flood Dragon King.The above monster has strong spiritual power, even if it is used to refine treasures, it must not be low-level, and it also shows the sincerity of the dragon king, but Yi Tian didn't agree to it and dared not accept it directly.

The Dragon King was stunned when he saw it, and suddenly Yi Tian moved his lips a few times, then the fat dog reached out to take Nilin, and then cupped his hands and said: "Thank you Bingli for your generosity, from now on, the monsters in my hundred thousand mountains will The clan and the East Sea Jiaolong clan are allies of the iron brothers Wannian, and they advance and retreat together in everything."

"It's easy to say, Brother Bingli is a good-looking talent, it's my monster clan's great fortune," Jiaolong King said, but most of his eyes are still focused on Yi Tian, ​​it is obvious that the Bingli Demon King also has to look at the place in front of him The master's face acts.Although they don't know their true relationship, they must have known each other for a long time and the connection between them is absolutely extraordinary.

As for the other eight families in Zhongzhou, he didn't need to think about how to deal with it. Anyway, as long as Qi Baocai and Lingshi were handed over, Yi Tian would deal with everything.

Then he reached out and directly took out several treasures from the storage shells that he carried with him and placed them on the table.After scanning Yi Tian's divine thoughts, he found that they are all rare minerals in the deep sea, but the treasures produced in the sea are all gold and water attributes, which are too incompatible with the skills he practiced.

It is more than enough to refine a few defensive spiritual treasures, and I have already made up my mind early on that those ascended monks rely on two things to pass through the void storm.Either relying on one's own strong skills can withstand it, or relying on the blessing of the super defensive Lingbao to tide over the difficulties.

I can use these precious materials to refine several defensive spirit weapons, and the monks of those major sects will definitely consider this matter carefully.

Moreover, there are two of the Six Realm Wheels on hand, even if a few more people come to cross the tribulation, it is not a big problem.

After inspecting these treasures, Yi Tian asked for no reason: "I wonder if the Dragon King has fire-attributed seven-level top-tier treasures?"

Flood Dragon King shook his head after hearing this and replied: "Yi Daoyou, you don't know something. In the deep sea, the gold and water attributes are the main ones. As for the fire attribute treasures, they are not very useful to us, so generally even if you see them I won’t pay too much attention to it.”

"That's it, well, I'll take it. As for the Lingshi, please ask the Dragon King to send someone to Zhongzhou Lihuozong to hand over to the current suzerain Qu Yifeng. When you need to ascend, please let me know ten years in advance. Let me prepare for the Ascension Platform." Yi Tian replied directly with a dark face.

"That's that, it will take another 50 or [-] years for the old man to complete the preparatory work, and then I will directly send a message to Fellow Daoist Yi," the Dragon King replied with a smile on his face.

The matter of the Dragon King was settled satisfactorily, but Zhang Xian looked at Yi Tian thoughtfully and asked, "Friend Yi Daoist, I still have a seventh-level high-level fire element treasure material and several pieces. The material with the top-level golden water attribute, do you want to taste it?"

(End of this chapter)

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