
Chapter 884 Opportunity

Chapter 884 Opportunity
I thought that Zhang Xian would not be able to come up with any treasures that would make his heart flutter here, but fortunately things turned around, even if it was not a top-level seventh-level treasure, he could just use it.

With a smile on the corner of Yi Tian's mouth, he thought in his heart that Zhang Xian had a good plan, but he failed to break through after practicing Lihuo Nine Changes to the peak of the fourth rank.

The reason is that the source of fire in this world is not strong enough, and only by relying on its own continuous accumulation can it rely on the precipitation of time to break through the natural moat, so whenever there is a chance, it cannot be given up.

Immediately came the voice: "Such a wise person does not speak dark words, the matter that Zhang Daoyou entrusted should be the same as that of Jiaolong King."

"That's the case, please Daoist Yi Daoist can show you your hand, I will be grateful," Zhang Xian said earnestly, and then took out a fist-sized red spar and several other treasures.

Yi Tian stared at the red spar strangely, and quickly searched for the source of this treasure in his mind.

Just as he was thinking about it, Fat Dog who was at the side suddenly said, "Why does Fellow Daoist Zhang Xian have two high-level seven-level treasures? This seems to be somewhat inconsistent with our previous requirements."

As soon as the words were finished, everyone turned their eyes to the table, only to see that exactly as Fat Dog said, Zhang Xian only took out four pieces of top-level treasure materials and two pieces of high-level treasure materials.Obviously, his muddled pass made the faces of Jiaolong King and the two demon kings a bit ugly.

Later, Qingtian Demon King frowned and asked in a deep voice: "You Zhang Daoyou seems to be insincere."

Zhang Xian knew he was in the wrong but he didn't have extra precious materials in his hands, so he just cast a helpless look, and was about to defend himself, when suddenly a sound transmission came from his ear and asked: "I don't know if this red spar, the source of fire in the center of the earth, is it?" Where did you find it?"

Zhang Xian raised his brows and realized that it was Yi Tian who asked the question, so he hurriedly replied via voice transmission: "Yi Dao is friendly and knowledgeable. Actually, I don't know the origin and name of this thing, but I just think that the fire source in it is stronger than ordinary fire-type spirit mines." Strong. This item was obtained near a deserted island in the depths of the South China Sea, where there is an active volcano that erupts every now and then."

"Is it an active volcano? Dare to ask, Zhang Xian, that island is covered with scorched earth and black dead branches and shrubs?" Yi Tian asked.

Zhang Xian paused for a moment to think about it, and with a look of suspicion on his face, he said via voice transmission: "It is true that there are scorched earth all over the place, but the island is not covered with black dead branches and shrubs, but dead trees three feet high."

"Oh, fellow daoist, have you ever remembered whether the dead wood is dead or alive, but have you noticed whether there are three-inch black dead leaves growing on the dead wood?" Yi Tian asked again with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

This time Zhang Xian didn't think too much, but took out a few black leaves from the shell storage that he carried with him and handed them over.

Yi Tian took the dead leaf and looked it over carefully, his face was expressionless, but he was happy in his heart.It really didn't take much effort to find nowhere to find it. I had doubts in my heart when I saw the fire-source red spar in the center of the earth. There are very few pieces of this kind of top-quality fire-type rough stone.Just now I went through the history of Tianlan's foreign objects in my mind, only to find that this kind of rough stone had appeared once as early as 3000 years ago, and it happened to be found by the Lihuo ancestor for the promotion of Nanming Lihuo.

Although this piece of red crystal has little effect on him now, the place where this kind of ore is bred must be the place where the strongest spiritual seed fire source in this world is, and this is the opportunity for him to break through to become a god.

After thinking about it, the corner of his mouth moved for a while and he said again through voice transmission: "This ruby ​​stone from Zhang Daoyou meets my requirements, and I want to make a deal with you."

This time Zhang Xian could also anticipate Yi Tian's next request, and he spoke with a lot of confidence in his heart.Immediately, the sound transmission said: "Does Fellow Yi Daoist want to go to that volcanic island?"

"Exactly, I'm very interested in the spiritual plants on these volcanic islands and want to investigate and collect materials in person," Yi Tian didn't dare to reveal his true intentions easily, but just played with the few black dead leaves in his hand and went on thoughtfully. He said: "If Fellow Daoist Zhang can give me a detailed map of the South China Sea to indicate this place, I can save half of the remaining 5000 million middle-grade spirit stones, what do you think?"

Zhang Xian didn't reply directly when he heard the words, but just stared at Yi Tian for a long time, not knowing how to think in his heart.

The people around immediately found that the two were having a private transaction, so it was inconvenient to disturb them, and they just waited quietly.

After ten breaths, Zhang Xian moved his lips again and said through the sound transmission: "You Daoist Yi's request, I can fulfill it now, but I hope I can get rid of the remaining half of the spirit stones."

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard this, but he laughed in his heart: "It seems that this Zhang Xian has also dealt with human monks for a long time and knows how to bargain. Fortunately, the meaning of his drunkenness is not in wine, those spirit stones are just an extra addition. It’s just a gimmick. The reason why the price is raised so high is to make some reserves for the sect. Since the dragon king is willing to give a copy of the chapter, it seems that this is just icing on the cake, but the sea chart is very important to me. Being important is like sending charcoal in a timely manner.”

Then he sighed and said loudly: "Since Zhang Daoyou has the heart, I will be happy to be an adult, I will accept the things and do as agreed."

A few words were equivalent to directly finalizing the matter, and a bright smile appeared on Zhang Xian's face.He reached out and took out a jade slip, held it up in both hands and handed it over.

Yi Tian nodded his head slightly, reached out to take the jade slip, put it on his forehead, and quickly read it through with his spiritual thoughts.The volcanic island is located in the southwest corner of the South China Sea.It takes about three months to fly all the way south from southern Xinjiang to arrive.

Then he reached out and put away the treasures on the table. These things can be used as the main materials for refining sixth-level or seventh-level defensive spirit weapons.

After the matter was settled, the atmosphere on the following scene was very harmonious, and the demon kings also scheduled their dates for ascension.At the same time, Yi Tian also invited Jiaolong King and Zhang Xian to watch the ceremony.

For them, being able to witness an ascension with their own eyes will also benefit a lot.After some conversation, the two big demons got up to say goodbye. They agreed to meet again at the Ascension Platform three years later to witness the ascension of the two demon kings together.

As today's host, Fat Dog is obliged to go out to see off the guests. Just as he walked out of the dormitory, his body trembled suddenly and he heard Yi Tian's voice transmission: "Wait for you and Chi Yanju to come here to see me later. Still have to let go."

At this time, Qingtian Demon King in Neizhong looked at Yi Tian and said with a smile: "The suzerain is planning to return Bingli and Chi Yanju to freedom?"

Yi Tian nodded and replied: "Exactly, especially Fat Dog has been by his side since he first started cultivating, and now it's time to release their shackles."

"Speaking of which, the two of them are blessed by you, or else they might still be living on their own in the barren mountains and wild places," the Golden Retriever King said in a different way: "It's like when I met old Li Huo. It's the same with ancestors, the sect's great kindness and virtue can't be repaid, and after ascending to the upper realm, if there is an opportunity, we must go to Lihuo Palace to pay a visit."

(End of this chapter)

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