
Chapter 885 Situation

Chapter 885 Situation
A ray of green light above the vast South China Sea crossed the sky and then flew straight to the depths, and the person in the light was Yi Tian's true self.

After the wedding banquet between Miss Qingyu and Fat Dog in Shiwanda Mountain in the south, he publicly terminated the master-servant contract of the two spiritual pets.

Fat Dog and Chi Yanju were immediately stunned by this action, but they did not expect that they said that they have been taken care of by themselves for so many years, and they don't know how to go in the future.

To be honest, Yi Tian also has his own considerations. The new demon king of Tianlan Continent turned out to be the spiritual pet of human monks.If this is said, it will be a big mess. If it is serious, it may lead to the hatred between the monsters and the monsters and lead to a large-scale animal chaos.

At the very least, it will also sweep away Fat Dog's majesty, thereby affecting his dominance.Thinking about the majestic demon king still obeying the orders of the human race, the other big monsters who have transformed themselves may not be able to bear this tone, and they will definitely develop resentment over time.

After the two demons cried and complained, Yi Tian still insisted on his own opinion and terminated the master-servant contract, and then gave them two errands as the elders of Lihuozong in Zhongzhou.In this way, it can be regarded as reassuring their hearts, and even Qingtian Demon King and Golden Hair King greatly appreciated Yi Tian's approach.

I think they also served as the elders of the sect back then, and there are traces in the name list of the disciples of the sect, ranking behind the four major disciples.

Immediately, Yi Tian directly took out the new sect name tree that had been prepared and added the names of Fat Dog and Chi Yanju directly to the current suzerain Qu Yifeng, which can be regarded as confirming the names of the two.

Then the two demons dripped blood next to their names on the spot, leaving a unique blood mark, so this matter was perfectly resolved.

After returning from southern Xinjiang, Yi Tian handed over the clan name tree to the suzerain Qu Yifeng for safekeeping, while he went to find Huo Chilian in the Qi Pavilion to refine the defensive spiritual weapon together.

After holding more than a dozen pieces of seventh-level top-level treasures in their hands, the two mobilized all the treasures that could be called in Lihuozong and began to design and refine spiritual weapons.

Originally, according to Yi Tian's estimate, at least eight to ten seventh-level spiritual weapons could be refined. Unexpectedly, Zongmen has indeed produced a lot of precious materials for mobile phones in the past few hundred years.In addition, she sent a letter to inform her master Qianwei, asking her to open the treasure house of Qianlingzong and take out all the treasures of the thousand years.

Later, with the support of sufficient financial and material resources, Huo Chilian filled in the seven vacant parts of the Lihuo Ten Soldiers 3000 years ago.Moreover, most of them are refined into spiritual weapons of the sixth-level peak or the seventh-level elementary level.

And Yi Tian selected many top-level treasures to refine nine copies of seven-level defensive spirit weapons, although the grades range from middle to top.But it is a rare treasure for those monks who need to ascend.

You must know that every additional defensive spirit treasure during the ascension will increase the chance of success.

During this period, Yi Tian also edited several letters stating the requirements of Jiaolong King and Nanhai Zhangxian.Of course, the price is that each sect can obtain a spirit treasure.

At first, these sect overhauls didn't directly agree with this matter with one heart and one mind. Fortunately, I also revealed in the letter that I also refined a Six Realm Wheel as a backup, so it didn't affect everyone at all.

In this way, one more defensive spirit treasure can be obtained for no reason. The major repairs have an additional confidence in Ascension, and everyone's benefit is a win-win situation.

A few years later, the Qingtian Demon King and the Golden Retriever King arrived as scheduled, and the news that the two were going to ascend was also communicated to the heads of the major sects in advance.

After having the first experience, Yi Tian directly gave each case two places to watch the ceremony, and the Sifang Demon King also sent two representatives to witness the acceptance.

In addition, Jiaolong King and Nanhai Zhangxian also received invitations to take an entourage to visit the hinterland of Qiyao Mountain in Zhongzhou.

For such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the two great demons of course agreed wholeheartedly, and rushed to Qi Yaoshan within the agreed time, with a group of top monks from Zhongzhou to witness the ascension of the two demon kings.

The result this time was significantly better than the first time. After learning the painful lesson from the Soul Eater Mouse King, Qingtian Demon King and Golden Retriever King were also fully prepared.And this time they also adopted the method of ascension together for the first time.

In this way, the two demon kings can work together to support each other when crossing the void storm.Of course, Yi Tian disagrees with this. Although this method can reduce the chance of falling and greatly increase the probability of success.

But after ascension to the upper realm, the two demon kings need to share the divine light evenly, so even after arriving in the demon realm, they will lose half of the demonic energy compared to normal ascension.I'm afraid that in the future, it will take thousands of years to replenish the other half's evil spirit in the future.

Fortunately, the two demon kings also left behind soul lamps. After saying goodbye to Miss Qingyu, Fat Dog and Chi Yanju, Yi Tian personally opened the Ascension Platform and sent the two demon kings into the gap between the interfaces. In the void channel.

Then the soul lamps of the two demon kings were as usual, first the flames in the soul lamps dimmed a lot and shrunk to half of their original size.After a few hours, it will be ignited again and restored to its original appearance, then everyone will know that they have arrived in the demon world safe and sound.

The success of Qingtian Demon King and Golden Retriever King greatly encouraged the monks present at the ceremony.Especially Jiaolong King and Zhang Xian, they must have taken this very seriously when they booked the next Ascension quota.

After watching the ceremony, the two demons also met with the people present one by one. Firstly, they were familiar with each other, and secondly, they could exchange their cultivation experience in private.

After agreeing on the time for the next ascension, the crowd dispersed, and Yi Tian calculated that the time was exactly 150 years away.For myself, I can conduct a retreat, or to find the opportunity to break through to the stage of transformation.

After entrusting all the internal affairs of the sect to Qu Yifeng, Yi Tian headed towards the depths of the South China Sea alone.

According to the map given by Zhang Xian, start from the southern cape of southern Xinjiang and fly straight to the southwest for a few months to reach there.

After constantly using the sundial Luo Geng to determine the position on the chart, after nearly a hundred days and nights of continuous flying, the outline of the island finally appeared in front of him.

As he flew forward, the closer he got to the island, Yi Tian found that the activity of the fire element in the air was gradually increasing.A distance of only thirty miles is comparable to that of the Chiyangpai Lava Cave.

When flying over the island, Yi Tian swept the ground below with his spiritual thoughts and found that the entire island was exactly the same as what Zhang Xian described.The ground was covered with a layer of pitch-black bushes, and the leaves on those trees were just like the ones Zhang Xian took out before.

After three breaths, his brows were slightly frowned, and in his spiritual sense, he found that there was a point that he could not fully investigate.The whole island was dead silent, without any trace of animal activity, so Yi Tian boldly let go of his divine sense and began to cover the whole island unscrupulously.

(End of this chapter)

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