
Chapter 886 Alien Beast

Chapter 886 Alien Beast
Landing on an open space above the island, Yi Tian felt a burning smell coming from under his feet as soon as he landed.

He lowered his head and smelled it carefully. The source of the smell turned out to be the bottom of his shoes.

Hastily cast the escape technique, not daring to stay on the ground anymore, and then flew into the air to look at the island again with his divine sense.

Not far from the front is a hundred-foot-high mountain, and there seems to be a fire shining from the top. It should be the volcano Zhang Xian mentioned.

But the area I was in was still dozens of miles away from the crater, and I didn't expect that the ground below contained so much power of fire.

He stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan sword to cut towards the top of the ground, prying up the soil in a radius of one zhang.And beneath the soil was actually a trace of red magma flowing.Yi Tian was shocked immediately, he did not expect that the power of the fire source on this island had already seeped below the surface.

After looking around the environment, he flew to a pitch-black tree trunk and cut off a piece of tree trunk to inspect it, and then his face beamed with joy.Although the trees grown here are not authentic hibiscus wood, they should also be a subspecies of it.Unexpectedly, there is such an excellent holy place for cultivation in this world.

But these hibiscus wood subspecies in front of them are a lot of treasures. For the fire monks, they can use them to refine a natal spirit treasure for later use.

These things can be put aside for now. Just now, I noticed in my spiritual sense that there is still a boundary on this island that cannot be detected by my spiritual sense.

Although the size of the area is not large, Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless, and flew over in a hurry.

After three breaths, I came to this place where the mind was isolated and looked down to see that it was a lava swamp.Only then did he feel a little relieved. It can be seen that it took thousands of years for the lava to gather here, and its concentration is thick enough to block his divine sense coefficient.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw an inconspicuous imprint out of the corner of his eye. The imprint was only one inch in size, but it was not formed naturally.

As a result, he immediately became vigilant in his heart, looked at the lava swamp below, and suddenly had a bad expression, and secretly said in his heart: "There is a problem, there may be some crisis lurking here."

Suddenly a bubble appeared in the lava swamp and attracted Yi Tian's attention. It was not surprising that there were a few bubbles at first, but there was obviously a demon spirit mixed in this bubble.And it looks like the intensity of the demon spirit power is at least level five.

Seeing this, Yi Tian was not polite, and hastily stretched out his hand to sacrifice the Taiyuan Sword, and slashed down at the swamp below.Unexpectedly, Jian Guang hadn't approached the swamp yet, a splash of lava rose up and hit Jian Guang.

It's a pity that the power of this lava is pale and powerless in front of Taiyuan Sword. If it weren't for the powerful attributes, even the sword light would not be able to delay it for a while.

In a flash, Yi Tian saw a three or four-inch red light ball jumping out of the magma, and then he shook his hand so that the sword light of Taiyuan Sword missed the red light directly.

With one move, he forced the opponent out of the swamp, and when the ball of red light fell to the ground, only a burst of 'croak' sounded in his ears.

After clearing customs in Yi Tian's eyes, he used the Qingling method to take a look, only to find that there was a three-inch toad in the red light.At this time, its face was full of horror, its belly was bulging and its mouth was yelling 'croak'.

This was the first time I saw a living creature on the island. After looking at it, I found out that it was a fifth-level elementary fire toad.It's just that this monster lived here alone and didn't even leave the pond or swamp. When it saw someone invading its territory, it didn't recognize the situation and attacked directly.

To deal with such a fifth-level monster, Yi Tian asked himself that he only needed to move his fingers to overthrow it.Then he put away the Taiyuan sword, reached out and took out several ghost face flower seeds and pinched them in his hands, muttering a word to the sound of "Go".

In an instant, a vine with the thickness of a bowl stretched out from his hand, surrounded the two sides of the fire toad, and directly surrounded it.

For these strange beasts, Yi Tian is still planning to focus on being trapped. Creatures that can survive in such a harsh environment must have something special.This fire toad seems to be only a fifth-level elementary level, but it would take at least seven or eight hundred years for monsters to upgrade to this level based on their own abilities.

And those alien beasts that inherited the ancient blood will take longer, unlike Fat Dog, who eats delicious food by his side and has the blood of the spirit beasts from the upper realm poured into his body. It took less than 800 years to achieve the seventh level Strength.

Seeing that something was wrong, the fire toad struggled to prop up the ground with its four legs, and then jumped up and jumped a distance of more than one foot. It looked like it wanted to jump back into the lava swamp.

After finally finding a place to practice, Yi Tian didn't want to be disturbed by such a creature from his scheduled training plan.Then with a shake of his hands, he manipulated the wooden vines to intertwine into a net and directly cut off the fire toad's return path.

It was obvious that the fire toad in front of him hadn't activated much intelligence yet, seeing that he was still struggling desperately to jump out after falling into the wooden vine net.

With a slight hook of Yi Tian's finger, several vines as thick as little fingers stretched out from the wooden vine net to firmly hold Huo Toad's limbs.

Then I saw it helplessly opened its mouth and let out a rapid 'croak'.

As a monster, the instinctive fire toad seemed to be able to feel that his life was at stake, so he didn't care about so much and struggled desperately.

At this time, Yi Tiancai slowly walked forward to take a closer look, and found that the fire toad was about four inches in size, and the skin on its back was dark red.

I was thinking about it, when suddenly I saw the fire toad opened its mouth and took a sharp breath towards itself.Yi Tian then felt a trace of abnormality appeared, and hurriedly stepped aside and began to check whether there was any abnormality on his body.

But half a moment later, I scanned it several times with my divine sense, but I didn't find any harm.After suffocating the fire toad in a blink of an eye, I saw that it seemed to be more energetic. Something must have happened just now, and it must have taken something away from itself with that puff.

My vision is limited and I can't tell the truth, but I still have a big demon from the upper realm with me, so I slapped the storage bag and released Mengxin.

After three breaths, a golden light flew out and floated not far in front of him, and after the golden light faded later, a small Meng Xin appeared.I saw it rubbing its eyes and shouting dissatisfiedly: "Why do you always disturb my old man's sleep? What troubles have you encountered this time?"

Yi Tian curled his lips and pointed at the fire toad in the wooden vine net, saying: "I don't dare to bother you if I have nothing to do, please help me to identify what kind of creature this is?"

Meng Xin turned her head and stared at it with her small eyes, then curled her lips and said, "It's just a 'Yunmeng Toad' alien, the power of the blood in it seems to have not yet awakened, could it be that you fell into its way."

Yi Tian's face sank and he replied helplessly: "It opened its mouth and took a breath at me, but I couldn't find any damage."

"Luck, this little guy is gifted with supernatural powers and can absorb a little bit of luck from others. You have won the jackpot. Yunmeng Toad is born with different eyes and can see the level of luck." Mengxin looked at Yi Tian and continued: "It also It will not absorb other people's luck at will, and only monks who are strong enough to a certain level can enter its Dharma Eye."

(End of this chapter)

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