
Chapter 887

Chapter 887
In this land of fire source, there are monsters of such a prehistoric and alien bloodline, which makes Yi Tian look at Yunmeng Toad in front of him differently.

But considering that he still has a magic weapon like a luck-stealing hook on his body, he doesn't care much about Yunmeng Toad.After hearing Mengxin's explanation, Yi Tianzheng was about to raise his hand to solve it directly.

Just as he raised his fingertips to sacrifice a streak of blue mana, he suddenly heard Meng Xin who was at the side yelling, "You're crazy, how can you be willing to get rid of such a heaven-defying monster after finally encountering it?"

Yi Tian replied with a look of disdain: "I have a spiritual weapon stealing luck hook designed to take other people's luck for my own use, why bother to need this Yunmeng toad?"

Mengxin stretched out her little finger and pointed at the fire toad, "I really don't know if you are lucky or just stupid and ignorant. How can the spirit weapon compare to this strange beast?"

"Is there any way to do this? Please give me some pointers, old man," Yi Tian has learned to behave now, and Meng Xin's tone seems to be that the Yunmeng toad in front of him can really be of great use.

Mengxin didn't talk nonsense and said directly: "Your spiritual weapon can still be used in this world, but if the target and the spiritual weapon level are too different, the effect will not be good."

Then he pointed to the fire toad that was tied up in the wooden vine net and said: "As for this little thing, it only looks like it is only at the fifth level and even its intelligence has not been fully activated, but that is the reason why it has not been carefully raised. Once you will It can be a great help to you after being taken as a spiritual pet and trained for hundreds of years."

"How can it help me?" After hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes lit up and he asked, "It can swallow luck, can it feed me back?"

Meng Xin looked contemptuous and then said: "His innate ability is to absorb the luck of others and has no level restrictions. Not only the human race, but even the demon race, monster race, ghost race, Nether race and Asura race are hard to exempt." Not only that, it can also strip away the bad luck from the devoured luck, and finally feed back the pure luck to the owner."

"How much can it feed back?" Yi Tian asked solemnly.

"At the beginning, it's only [-]% of the appearance, and as its strength continues to improve, it will feed back more and more luck. After you reach the fusion period, you can feed back about [-]% of the appearance every time," Mengxin said with a small head.

"In the early stage, it was as much as [-]%, and it can reach [-]% after the master's fusion period." Yi Tian took a breath, but the luck of all monks will increase significantly with the increase of their cultivation base.On weekdays, if you want to enhance your luck, you need to find great opportunities, and the stronger your luck, the more opportunities you can get.

It can be said that as long as I have this little thing, I will definitely be able to surpass Ji Xuanyuan in the Lihuo Palace in the upper realm after accumulating luck.

Thinking of this, Meng Xin's words came from my ear: "Your direct monk from the Fire Palace seems to have a major hurdle before the advanced integration period. The fierce flames in the Palace of Fire are no joke Yes, if you bring the adult Yunmeng toad with you, there may be unexpected benefits."

Yi Tian was startled when he heard the word Ganghuo Shayan from Mengxin's mouth. He didn't expect this little Mengxin to know the secret of Lihuo Palace.No wonder he has a very close relationship with Wu Ye, and he also mentioned that the fire toad can bring unexpected benefits, so he really can't just give up so easily.

I lowered my head and pondered for a while before asking: "I don't know anything about the habits and feeding methods of this Yunmeng toad, how can I raise it to adulthood."

These Meng Xin giggled a few times, and then said: "This Yunmeng toad likes the power of fire, as long as you can get some lava crystals to build a nest for it, and eat some fire crystals on weekdays. And It has a special habit. It likes to drink. As long as you can obtain high-quality spiritual fruit to brew wine and feed it, it can enhance its talent and cultivation."

Unexpectedly, this Yunmeng toad is still a drunkard, so it doesn't take too much effort.Now that there is a way to deal with it, it is not difficult to put it away as a spiritual pet.But the key is how to skillfully use his innate skills to enhance his luck.

Thinking of this, I don't care too much, pulled down my face and humbly asked for advice: "Then how can I use it for my use?"

Only then did Meng Xin show a contemptuous look on his face, as if to say, 'I know what you're thinking, kid. '

Being stared at furiously by him, Yi Tian also said cheekily: "If my luck increases, the probability of a successful ascension will also increase greatly, and you can return to the upper spirit world as soon as possible."

Meng Xin thought for a while before opening her mouth and said: "Actually, there is no need to deliberate to trend, as long as you let it recognize the master, most of the luck it has won will automatically be fed back to you."

"It's that simple?" Yi Tian asked in surprise.

Meng Xin nodded and then said: "That's the end of my words, you can figure out what to do." After speaking, his whole body turned into a ball of light and flew straight back into the beast sac.

Yi Tian smiled at the corner of his mouth immediately, since he has talked about this, he can't miss it anymore.Being able to meet this Yunmeng toad here means that it is also due to my own luck, if this is the case, I can't just let it go so easily.

Fortunately, the master-servant contract between Fat Dog and Chi Yanju was terminated back then, so it was just convenient for him to act.

After thinking about it, he took out the high-level talisman paper, the talisman pen and the spirit ink, and quickly wrote down the contract for the soul pet to recognize the master, and then raised Nanming Lihuo with his right hand to ignite the contract.

Immediately, the words on the contract were neatly displayed in white characters one by one.With a soft voice in his mouth: "Go", all the spirit beast contracts transformed by Nanming Lihuo flew in front of Yunmeng Toad, and then burrowed into his forehead.

Then I saw his small four-inch body shaking violently, and his limbs kept pulling out several times.After three breaths, after all the characters had been entered, Yunmeng Toad stopped moving.Then a trace of golden spiritual power flew out from its forehead and flew straight towards the position where its own Niwan Palace was located.

After the golden light flew in, a circle of fine golden light hovered in the Niwan Palace and stayed on the left hand of the Nascent Soul spirit body.After the golden light subsided, a small toad spirit body appeared, which was the soul of that Yunmeng toad.

This time, Yi Tian was cruel and directly used the safest method in the Beast Control Art to firmly control Yunmeng Toad in his own hands.Containing this trace of soul, the pet will gradually become more dependent on its master, and it will never return the money. Even if its own cultivation base is equal to it in the future, it can completely suppress the pet.

After doing this, he suddenly found that the Yunmeng toad in the Niwan Palace had a golden source force continuously feeding back to his Nascent Soul, even the seal above his head seemed to have absorbed a little.Since something that can make Feisheng Ling pleasing to the eye must be good, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to put away the wooden rattan spell and released Yunmeng Toad in a good mood.

(End of this chapter)

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