
Chapter 888

Chapter 888
With Meng Xin's advice, Yi Tian also knew how to deal with Yunmeng Toad. Fortunately, he still had several altars of spirit wine in his storage ring.I started out brewing Haoqi Yuntian back then, but I seldom drank it after reaching the Jindan stage, mainly because I thought the spirit power provided by the spirit wine was limited, and at most it was just a drink to go back to the past. .

Afterwards, the wine recipe was improved and several high-grade spiritual fruits were added as the main ingredient to make it again.Afterwards, it was named 'Golden Core Drunk'. As the name suggests, even a monk in the Golden Core stage can't escape the custom after drinking a cup.

But with the continuous improvement of his cultivation base, these spiritual wines are nothing but spicy in his mouth.Originally, he could drink a few altars of good wine that could make Jindan cultivators drunk without a trace of intoxication.

Then the spiritual power contained in it was quickly decomposed and absorbed as soon as it entered the stomach. Since drinking by myself 500 years ago, I haven't felt any strange feeling.

Now, after taking out the 'Golden Elixir Drunk', Yunmeng Toad in front of him seemed to have smelled it, fixed his eyes on the wine jar, opened his mouth and let out a cheerful 'croak' a few times.

After removing the mud from the seal and lifting the seal symbol on the wine jar, a pungent and pungent smell of wine wafted out directly.

After placing the wine jar on the ground, a red light flashed across Yunmeng Toad, and jumped directly into it.Then there was a sound of 'gruff' from the wine jar, and half a moment later it slowly climbed out of the wine jar and happily 'croaked' towards itself.

Unexpectedly, the spiritual pet he accepted again turned out to be a drunkard, even if Yi Tian had a good temper, his face would twitch non-stop.

He reached out and took out a pre-sale bag and said to Yunmeng Toad: "From now on, you can live here. Next time I find a chance, I will help you build a nest."

This time, Yunmeng Toad turned into a red light and flew into the beast-controlling bag without any hesitation.Later, Yi Tian scanned it with his divine sense and found that the little thing nestled in it and began to sleep soundly.

At this moment, after it was over like this, Yi Tian reached out and took out the Taiyuan Sword, and after offering it, he copied the two circles of lava swamps in front of him.

There was nothing below but the hot lava, so he took out the Jingling bottle and put the lava in, and later hoped to use it to build another nest for Yunmeng Toad.

After tidying up these things, he spread out his divine sense again and searched the whole island, and after confirming again and again that no place was missed, Yi Tian flew to the top of the crater in a flash.

The heat emitted by the power of the fire source in the center of the earth below can be clearly felt even in the mid-air at a height of [-] feet above the crater.

But Yi Tian was overjoyed in his heart, the power of the source of fire below was exactly what he dreamed of.In the depths, the index finger came to sacrifice a trace of Nanming Lihuo, and after quickly forming seals with both hands, there was a sound of "come".

With a 'puchi' sound, Nanming Lihuo instantly ignited the whole body, and a thin layer of flame appeared on the outside of the whole body.This is a slight modification after practicing the True Flame Armor spell to the extreme. Although the momentum is not as strong as before, the power has increased by more than ten times.

Then I saw Yi Tian headed up high above the sky and fell towards the magma in the center of the volcano. With a 'plop', the whole person was submerged in the magma without splashing the slightest wave.

In fact, Yi Tian also has doubts. He has seen many secret realms with strong fire power, but there is no subspecies that can breed hibiscus wood.

This place is so strange that there must be unknown secrets at the source of fire in the center of the earth.So I am not polite to solve the worries of the future, and then I will unravel the biggest secret here, and then I will have the opportunity to absorb the energy of the fire source to help myself hit the bottleneck.

After diving into the magma pool, Yi Tian found that it was different. He had been to many lava pools before. As long as he sacrificed the True Flame Armor and jumped into the lava pool, he could almost swim in the lava.But now with the continuous improvement of my cultivation base, I should be able to handle it with ease, but the actual situation is that although I feel that the magma around me is pushed away by Nanming Lihuo's True Flame Armor, the scorching temperature continues to spread. Come.

As the temperature continued to rise as it continued to dive into the surrounding area, a layer of crystal clear sweat appeared on his forehead not long after.

After diving to a depth of about [-] feet, Yi Tian found that the magma in front of him had become extremely thick. Although the surrounding environment was severe, his face still showed a little joy, which was almost the end.And there must be some strange scenes waiting for him not far below.

After thinking about keeping the spiritual power of the True Flame Armor in an undetermined state, he stretched out his hands and formed a seal to reveal the Dharma Body of Asura, and then pushed the thick magma in front of him with force with six hands at the same time, so that he could continue to probe down.

Half a moment later, he finally came to the bottom of the lava pool in the crater. After searching, Yi Tian was surprised to find that the source of so much lava above was just a fist-sized hole.Another stream of pure fire power gushes out and gradually spreads out, forming surrounding magma.

It can be seen how powerful the power of the fire source flowing out of this small hole is, and everything on the entire island is caused by this source of power.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and hurriedly sat cross-legged next to the spring, and then began to absorb the fire source from it under the heavy pressure of the surrounding lava.

So far, the whole deserted island has returned to calm. It is located in the depths of the South China Sea, and there are no sea animals around to disturb it. Only the crater in the middle still shows signs of eruption from time to time.

However, the limited difference from before is that the number and frequency of volcanic eruptions here have been greatly reduced, and the amount of magma flowing down from the mountain has been reduced by more than half.

The peaceful days passed day by day, until one day a hundred years later, the sky suddenly became densely covered with dark clouds and formed a huge whirlpool of thunderclouds.

Its range fully covered nearly a thousand miles of sea area, originally there were not many aquariums cruising here, and now they were frightened by the thunderclouds in the sky and fled in all directions.

It's just that there seems to be only a gap with a diameter of about ten miles in the thundercloud in the sky, and the thunder flashes inside, but there is no target underneath and it can't fall.

At this time, Yi Tian, ​​who was at the bottom of the crater, was sitting by the mouth of the spring, all his clothes were gone.And the true flame armor on his body seemed to have faded away, as if he was resisting the erosion of the surrounding hot magma with the strength of his body.

A purple true flame flashed across Niwan Gongzhongnian's forehead, and then turned into a thin film covering the whole body to protect the body.After retreating here for 20 years, he has absorbed enough power of the fire source, and then Yi Tian directly tried to cultivate the fifth grade of Lihuo Nine Transformations 'Fire Alchemy Body'.Until 80 years later, the whole body was tempered with Nanming Lihuo, but there was a slight change in it. The original white Nanming Lihuo turned into a light purple color after passing through the seal.

At the beginning, Yi Tian didn't notice it, but with the improvement of his cultivation base, the condensed level of the natal real fire continued to increase, and the color change could be clearly detected in the flame.

(End of this chapter)

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