
Chapter 889 Breakthrough

Chapter 889 Breakthrough
The thundercloud that suddenly appeared on this unnamed deserted island scared away all the sea beasts within a thousand miles.

Such a powerful catastrophe is rare in this world, let alone these sea people who have no vision.

It's just that the thundercloud lasted for two or three hours without falling, and it was already midnight at this time.Under the cover of the dark night on the sea, if you didn't pay attention to the sky above, it would be impossible to find the condensed situation of the robbery cloud.

Suddenly, there seemed to be several lightning bolts jumping in the center of the thunder cloud, and it seemed that they locked on the target and were about to fall down.

Many bubbles appeared on the surface of the calm lava lake in the crater, and then a ripple appeared on the surface of the central lake.The originally thick magma began to rotate continuously in one direction.

Half a quarter later, the speed of rotation became faster and faster, forming a vortex with a diameter of five sheets.From time to time, hot magma flew out from the vortex, splashing out streaks of fire.

Then the center of the vortex fell slowly, and a figure appeared from it, which was Yi Tian who showed the image of Ashura.

After retreating at the bottom of the lava for a hundred years, he finally broke through the late Yuanying stage with half a foot and entered the stage of transforming gods. As long as he survives this thunder disaster, he will be a real incarnate monk.

But in Yi Tian's heart, there are mixed feelings, Yuan Ying is also very simple, every time he crosses the catastrophe, the seal in the Niwan Palace will come out to make trouble.And as his cultivation continued to improve, the catastrophe caused by this seal became stronger and stronger.Its power is definitely three points stronger than the Thunder Tribulation that I should have when I crossed the Tribulation.

So Yi Tian didn't care about the God Transformation Tribulation, the key was how to deal with the extra meals later.

For a while, the thunderclouds in the sky condensed a bolt of lightning that was as thick as a bowl and fell straight down, beckoning directly to Yi Tian who was in the center of the deep crater.

A purple light flashed and formed a thin true flame armor around the body, covering everything except the eyes.

Immediately after the True Flame Armor was cast, and then the tribulation thunder came, only a 'bang' was heard, and Yi Tian felt a violent thump on the top of his head.After sinking half a foot with both feet, he stabilized his figure, checked his own condition with his spiritual sense, and found that the true flame armor completely blocked the power of thunder calamity.

The remaining electricity was then absorbed by the purple flames on the True Flame Armor.Yi Tian suddenly discovered that the natal real fire in his body seemed to have started to change from Nanming Lihuo to Leiyan Ziyan.

This kind of situation also happened when Po Dan became a baby back then, but the electric energy contained in the Thunder Flame and Purple Flame was exhausted by him in a short time.And after practicing Nanming Lihuo, he swallowed all the original real fire.

I didn't expect that after I practiced non-stop this time, my natal real fire began to change again.And this time the change was thorough, directly transforming the white Nanming Lihuo wrapped around Yuanying's body into the purple Leiyan Ziyan.

What's even more strange is that the seal on the top of the head began to continuously absorb the thunder and purple flames from his Nascent Soul's spirit body.Those purple flames flew forward to wrap the seal, and after three breaths, the purple flame on the surface of the seal was slowly absorbed into the body.

Yi Tian suddenly felt that the seal seemed to have an inexplicable connection with himself, but he couldn't find out for a while.

Ten breaths later, the second tribulation thunder in the sky had been condensed, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of light flashing across his heart. He didn't dare to think about it anymore, and hurriedly formed seals with both hands to sacrifice the defensive true flame armor to the strongest state again.

After the rumbling thunder resounded through the sky, the thunder disaster in the sky didn't seem to stop, gathered again, and then bombarded Yi Tian's head indiscriminately one after another.

I just felt that Yi Tian's whole body sank by more than three feet after being attacked violently one after another on his head.The magma around him splashed away under the thunder disaster, leaving only a space within a range of three feet in the middle.

After the four thunder tribulations passed, Yi Tian found that the tribulation cloud above his head began to shrink, and then he suddenly felt in a trance.

He bowed his head and said inwardly: "Heart demon is coming", not wanting to sit cross-legged on the surface of the magma lake and silently recite the "Bodhi Concentrating Mantra" in his heart to expel all distracting thoughts from his body.

With the blessing of the Buddha Sect's mind method, the intensity of the heart demon calamity has also been reduced a lot compared to the normal state.Coupled with the fact that his original Dao heart was stable, Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting cross-legged on the surface of the magma lake, opened his eyes with a sliver of clarity in less than half a moment.

After slowly checking himself, he found that his physical body had become a lot stronger under the tempering of Lei Guang.After the True Flame Armor was put away, the delicate skin of a newborn was revealed.

Exercising the method of inner viewing, he checked his meridians and found that all of them have been strengthened. The spiritual power running in the body is more than twice as fast as before, and the spiritual power that can be tolerated is also more.

Needless to say, this is a change in the body after breaking through to the incarnation stage.

Turning his gaze to the Niwan Palace in the middle of his forehead, he saw that the spirit body of the Nascent Soul sitting in the middle seemed to have grown a lot, and the spiritual power on his body had also condensed a lot.

Immediately, the Nascent Soul Spirit Body slowly stood up and tried to reach out and slowly remove the seal on its head.

Unsurprisingly, a purple flame burst out from the seal and directly enveloped the Nascent Soul.Fortunately, before cultivating the fire and refining the golden body, he took the lead in refining the soul body of the Yuanying many times, and this seal absorbed his own true fire, thunder, flame, and purple flame.

The flame from the seal was the same as his own real fire, and it was easily caught by Yuan Ying's little hand.

At the same time, the thunderclouds in the sky gathered again and a bigger gap appeared, in which a few purple lightning spots flashed and instantly turned into a bucket-like thick electric column and fell vertically.

The seal in Yuanying's hand seemed to be pulled by lightning, and flew out of his hand with a 'swish' sound.After escaping from Niwan Palace, it happened to fall into Yi Tian's hands.

Yi Tian's expression changed drastically as soon as he glanced at him, and he didn't have time to do other unnecessary things, so he directly sealed his hands and said "get up".

After a purple flame flashed, a true flame armor appeared to protect his whole body.

With a loud bang, the tribulation thunder completely swallowed Yi Tian's body away, and the scattered arc sparks splashed on the rock wall of the crater, immediately bursting the surrounding rocks.

From the distance of the volcano, one could see a thunderbolt falling from the sky, knocking down the rocks in the entire crater by as much as a foot.

But Yi Tian only felt dizzy in his head, and after the True Flame Armor resisted for ten breaths, Zilei found a narrow gap and broke through.

When the electricity eroded into my back, I felt a tingling sensation.Fortunately, the fifth-grade fire alchemy body of Lihuo Nine Changes has strengthened both the physical body and the Nascent Soul, otherwise this catastrophe cloud would really kill him after it fell.

But this also made Yi Tian feel flustered for a while, and he was stunned by Jie Lei for a long time before he could react.

Turning his head, he looked at the seal that was dark purple after absorbing the power of lightning, and four incomprehensible characters gradually appeared on the seal surface.

 Thanks to Yang Jiaichiro for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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