
Chapter 890

Chapter 890
More than 300 years ago, the Zhongzhou Lihuo Sect suddenly revived under the leadership of the new Lihuo Patriarch, and then formed an alliance with various sects after many attempts.

In the years that followed, the Lihuo Sect searched the world for children with spiritual roots, and then set up selection trials layer by layer to select children with strong minds to be included in the gate wall.

In this way for 300 years, once every ten years, after more than 30 rounds, the foundation of the sect has been laid.Every ten years, there are twenty or thirty children who can be directly selected by Elder Jindan as quasi-inner disciples, and almost all of these children can enter the category of foundation-building period.

And 200 years later, there will be more than 200 disciples of the alchemy formation, although there are no monks in the Nascent Soul stage yet.But as long as things go on like this, there will always be a few talented people among these people who can try to break through that natural barrier.

The Lihuo Sect's internal inspection of the disciples' identities is also extremely strict, to prevent those monks with ulterior motives from sneaking into the sect to steal secrets.

In addition to the hinterland of the sect, a group of Jindan disciples will be assigned to the Pill Pavilion or Qi Pavilion to learn professional skills according to their specialties.If you can enter the Dharma Eye of the first branch, you will have the opportunity to learn the secrets of the sect.

As for the disciples of the main line, they can also go to the sub-line to learn special skills. The suzerain Qu Yifeng will hold an internal competition of the sect every hundred years, and the winner can get more resources and opportunities.

The Zongmen Derby, which is held every hundred years, is in full swing, and the scope of this competition is set within the range of Jindan stage disciples.

The big favorite of this inner sect competition is Yi Nan, a middle-stage Golden Core cultivator. Little is known about his identity, but he is well-known among Golden Core disciples.

It is all because of the extremely hard work of practicing the sect's direct-handed skills. It took 200 years of hard work to refine the Xuanyang True Fire to the stage of mastering it, and there are few rivals in the same level, even the monks of the late Jindan period. None of them are his opponents.

This time the Zongmen’s Inner Sect Grand Competition is still in the form of a ring. This matter is at a place where disciples gather on the outer edge of the ring. Everyone is looking at the odds board and placing bets.

A cyan light flashed among them and directly took out a storage bag and threw it to the disciple who was in charge of collecting the spirit stones, saying: "It's all over here."

The Foundation Establishment disciple glanced at his face and said in a daze: "If you dare to ask, this Taoist friend is unfamiliar, and I don't know which lineage he is from."

"A disciple from the Southern Academy."

"It turned out to be the senior brother of Zhongzhou Fenmai, so it's no wonder I don't know how to bet this time," the disciple explained with a smile: "There is a single bet here or the championship, I don't know which one you want to bet on Under the name of Master Uncle?"

Pointing to a nameplate in front of him, he said, "Single bet on Chi Yang, the mid-stage Golden Core cultivator who is the champion of the championship."

The loud voice immediately attracted the eyes of all around, and everyone looked at it with a look of contempt on their faces, and then ignored it.

As for this Chi Yang, he is just an unknown person among the middle-stage Golden Core cultivators.Many disciples have never heard of his name, and naturally there are very few people who have invested in him.

When the deacon disciple penetrated into the storage bag to check the spirit inside, his face was instantly stunned and speechless.This time even the disciples next to him also found it strange, and tried to investigate, but they were all too scared to speak.

A little later, only a faint voice was heard: "Write as much as you want. Are you afraid that you will not be able to pay for it? If you can't do it, ask the backer behind you to come out."

The two disciples were stunned by the words, and then tremblingly put away the storage bags, and then opened a bet ticket.It's just that 1000 million is written on the number of spirit stone bets.

The one who came to bet was Yi Tian who had traveled all the way back to the sect from the South China Sea.When I was at the gate of the mountain, I discovered that Neizhong was holding the inner door Jindan competition.

My heart warmed, thinking of the scene when I was in the Grand Competition of the Chiyang Sect, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of embarrassment.Then he directly restrained his breath, suppressed his cultivation base in the late stage of foundation establishment, and walked towards the place where the crowd of low-level disciples gathered.

It happened that passing by these betting booths saw Lie Xinxi in their hearts, so they directly shot and played.In fact, along the way, I also learned a lot about the development trend of the sect in the past hundred years from the mouths of these foundation establishment disciples.

Now among the group of Jindan cultivators, Yi Nan, a branch disciple of Qi Pavilion, stands out the most. It is said that he is the first Huo Chilian from Qi Pavilion, and he has been accepted as a closed disciple early in the morning, and he has a lot of hope to be in charge of Qi Pavilion in the future.

But Yi Tianding felt uncomfortable in his heart, he managed to create such a situation, but he didn't want to be his own talker.

If this continues, the entire Lihuo Sect will be divided into several forces, which will be extremely detrimental to future development.

So this time I want to reorganize the interior, this time the inner sect Jindan competition is an excellent opportunity.Everyone is unanimously optimistic about their son Yi Nan, and Liu Piaopiao will definitely have a secret hand to take him to the top.

But if I am in this matter, I will definitely not let them succeed. In the end, I still have that veto power.Originally, Chiyang was intended to be appointed as the suzerain of the Lihuo Sect, so even if his closest relatives came out to disturb the sight, he must be severely punished.

Moreover, making Yi Nan worship Huo Chilian as his teacher back then was to keep him away from the sect's power struggle.

In fact, I really don't want my children to step into this vortex again. It is also my heart's expectation to be able to learn a skill to continue the family.

That's why it was decided to let a pair of children learn the two skills of refining equipment and alchemy respectively.

The Inner Sect Dabi was not disturbed by the small turmoil of this bet, but a news suddenly spread among the high-level sect that this time the Jindan Dabi was not as simple as imagined, and all three of the Dabi would have An extra reward, and it will also involve the power structure within the sect afterwards.

However, there were gossip rumors among Jindan disciples that this time the leader of the inner sect competition might enter the direct line and be listed as a candidate for training as the next young suzerain.

As a result, the eyes of the entire Lihuo Sect Jindan disciples were brightened, and Yi Nan, who was the most popular Qige who won the championship, was full of ambitions and wanted to show his skills in the inner sect.

That day, all the disciples of Jindan were sitting in Zixiao Hall to listen to the pre-match instruction given by the suzerain Qu Yifeng.It's just that today's situation seems to be a little different. There are still a few futons beside the suzerain, obviously other Yuanying ancestors will come to watch the ceremony together.

A little later, a group of four people came out slowly from the back of the main hall. The leader was the suzerain himself, followed by Dan Pavilion, and at the head of the Qi Pavilion was Yi Lingfeng, the personal disciple of Mo Wentian, the protector of the sect.

After the four of them sat down, the suzerain Qu Yifeng swept away the many Jindan disciples present and said directly: "This time the big competition is adjusted as follows, Qige Yi Nan is not allowed to participate in the competition. The position of the head of the pulse vessel hall."

As soon as the words came out, the entire hall exploded, and all the disciples looked at Yi Nan who was sitting in the first row with incredulous eyes. Although he was in charge of the first seat in the Hall of Weapons, it was a branch.Such an arrangement is tantamount to exile, but no one dared to defy the suzerain's order and everyone had to keep silent.

Suddenly a cry sounded: "Why did the suzerain make such a decision? Yi Nan refuses to accept it."

Qu Yifeng didn't move his mouth, but Yi Lingfeng who was sitting on the side said: "Don't mess around, you must not be presumptuous in the hall, disobeying the suzerain's orders is a crime of disrespect."

 Thank you Shiliangfei Waterfall for your continuous support
(End of this chapter)

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