
Chapter 891 Punishment

Chapter 891 Punishment
The whole scene in Zixiao Hall of Lihuo Sect became chaotic, and some disciples below began to whisper to each other, and everyone didn't know why the suzerain could target Yi Nan in such a way.

Those who knew a little bit about Yi Nan's background also remained silent, since the suzerain insisted on sending him to Dong'ao, there must be deep meaning.It's just that I don't know how Elder Liu in the hinterland of the sect will deal with this matter.

Facing the chaotic suzerain on the field, Qu Yifeng just let out a cold snort, and the coercion of the monks in the middle stage of Nascent Soul suddenly rose, making all Jindan disciples feel pressured.

Yi Nan, who was sitting at the front and protested, was the first to feel it. Only then did he realize with a shock that he had offended the suzerain.Immediately, he hurriedly sat down and worked silently to resist that strong coercion. To be honest, this strength is definitely not much worse than that of his mother.

In fact, Yi Nan was also delaying time, she had secretly informed her mother just now, as long as she could arrive in time, presumably with her face, the suzerain would make appropriate concessions.

And Huo Chilian, who was the master in the upper seat, also looked anxious at this time, but he didn't seem to be worried about Yi Nan's going to Dongao.Instead, he wanted to single-handedly facilitate this matter. Of course, he also knew that this matter must not be hidden from Liu Piaopiao. If the master jumped out to protect his shortcomings, the scene would be ugly.

But Qu Yifeng, as the suzerain, seemed to be determined to send him there, and the whole person also showed the aura of the suzerain with a strong promise.

On the other side, Hu Yiyuan, the head of the Dan Pavilion, said in a rare way: "What is the ancestral rule of the Lihuo Sect? If a disciple disobeys his orders, he will be punished to go to Jingsi Cliff to reflect on his mistakes. And when the punishment is over After the period, I will still send you to Dongao, so why bother."

These words sounded like they were still standing on the suzerain's position, but they also reminded Xia Yi Nan that this matter cannot be changed.

The three big bosses of the sect all spoke. Yi Nan who was below sat down blankly with a frustrated expression on his face. It seems that even if the mother came in person, it might not be able to change this matter.

On the contrary, Yi Lingfeng, who was sitting at the bottom of the table, said at the right time: "Disciples need to keep their duty in mind, and don't contradict the head of the sect again. If anyone in the sect dares to despise the authority of the suzerain, don't blame me, the head of the Discipline Hall, for enforcing the law impartially." It's gone." After speaking, he looked at Yi Nan meaningfully, but his eyes were full of helplessness.

This time Qu Yifeng summoned the three of them here and told him that there was an important event to be announced, and that the ethos in the sect should be strictly enforced.This incident surprised the three of them, and then they realized that the suzerain must have a follower, but they didn't know that they would directly exile the son of Lihuo Patriarch to Dong Ao to be the head of the Artifact Hall that divides the veins.

After hearing this, Yi Nan showed disappointment on his face, even his eldest brother stood on the side of the suzerain and did not speak a word of justice for himself.Now the only way to turn around is to wait for the mother to come by using the dragging formula.

Yi Nan didn't listen to a word that the suzerain Qu Yifeng said next, and only heard a cold snort coming out of the suzerain's nose again, and it exploded in his ears before he came back to his senses.

Qu Yifeng said slowly: "In this Inner Sect Golden Elixir Competition, the top three can all be selected as candidates for the Young Sect Master. Even the disciples of the branch veins have the same chance, but I have made it clear that the candidates for the Young Sect Master Zong Candidates are not at ease, if they fail to refine the golden elixir Dzogchen within a hundred years, they will automatically lose their qualifications, do you hear me clearly?"

One sentence made the rest of the Jindan disciples present all excited.This time there is one less top seed, and the reward is so generous, everyone is eager to try.

Yi Nan, who was sitting in the front row, clenched his hands into fists with a helpless expression on his face, while his serious gaze was looking at the entrance of the main hall from time to time, hoping to see his mother Liu Piaopiao.

To be honest, this sudden incident is tantamount to depriving him of the opportunity to be selected as the young suzerain, how can people be reconciled to this.

Qu Yifeng, who was sitting on the upright seat suddenly, sighed and said to Yi Nan, "I know you are waiting for rescuers. To be honest, even if your mother comes this time, it won't help."

Suddenly a white light flashed outside the door, and then Liu Piaopiao in a white shirt came quietly.Waiting to come forward to salute Qu Yifeng and the other three people one by one, although she has a strong background, she dare not break the rules in the Lihuo Sect.

Convincing others with reasoning in everything, Liu Piaopiao looked at Yi Nan again after the four Nascent Soul cultivators returned their salutes, with a little love in his eyes.He turned his head and gave Qu Yifeng a reassuring wink before turning his head and said, "May I ask why suzerain Yi Nan made a mistake and was sent to Dong Ao to branch?"

Qu Yifeng didn't panic, even though the name of the Seven Shaw Witch back then had frightened him for hundreds of years.But now that the Lihuo Sect has become the largest sect in Tianlan Realm, and as the sect master, he doesn't need to be afraid of anything.

Then he stood up and stretched out his hand to signal: "Sister-in-law, please sit down first, let me talk to you slowly about this matter."

"If you have anything to say, just say it," Liu Piaopiao replied domineeringly, "If Yi Nan didn't make any mistakes, why would he be removed from the list of inner sect grand competitions and sent to Dongao as a punishment."

This is also the doubt in everyone's mind. If the suzerain cannot explain this matter clearly, it may be difficult for people to be convinced.

Seeing this, Qu Yifeng sighed, and moved his mouth directly, as if he was communicating privately with Liu Piaopiao.A little later, Liu Piaopiao showed an incredible expression on his face, and then looked at Yi Nan reluctantly, and his eyes turned red, which turned out to be a little moist.

This scene made everyone present very puzzled, but the suzerain Qu Yifeng said again: "From now on, the sect must strictly regulate the atmosphere, do not form cliques for personal gain, do not form cliques, and everything must put the interests of the sect first. The head of the Discipline Hall From now on, you will be fully responsible for the internal rectification of the sect."

After hearing this, Yi Lingfeng didn't dare to be negligent and hurriedly got up and said to Qu Yifeng: "Respect the patriarch's decree, Ling Feng will definitely live up to the heavy entrustment and restore the ethos of the sect."

Qu Yifeng turned his head and said to Yi Nan: "The assault boat that will take you to Dongao has arrived, and it is now parked above the Zixiao Palace. After you go out, go straight up. Someone will take you to Dongao. Ao's."

"Assault boat, who still uses such an old-fashioned means of transportation?" Yi Nan asked puzzled.

"If you are told to go, you will go, where is there so much nonsense," Qu Yifeng replied directly with an impatient expression on his face.

And Liu Piaopiao directly took out a storage ring and handed it to Yi Nan, saying, "You should hold this by your side."

Before Yi Nan took over, Qu Yifeng showed distress and said: "Sister-in-law, don't embarrass me, this is against the rules."

After Liu Piaopiao cast a blank look, she didn't care so much and directly wanted to forcefully stuff the storage ring into Yi Nan's hands.Suddenly a ripple appeared in the air, and a big hand stretched out to take the storage ring, and then said: "A loving mother has many failures, how can the rules of the sect be easily broken."

(End of this chapter)

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