
Chapter 893 Chapter Township

Chapter 893
After driving an assault boat from Zhongzhou to cross the [-] mountains in the east, he directly entered the boundary of Dong'ao. This time Yi Tian can be regarded as his last visit to his hometown.

Now the Iron Sword Sect has long been renamed the Lihuo Sect Iron Sword Academy, and Xuan Jianxin is in charge of the affairs of the sect, with two early stage monks, Enemy Jiu and Wu Min, assisting.

Originally, he was transferred to the main branch of Zhongzhou to take charge of the Discipline Academy, but the two of them were focused on the road and didn't want to be too distracted, so they recommended Yi Lingfeng for this position.

Qu Yifeng and the others naturally knew the truth of the matter, and they only nodded in agreement after consulting Mo Wentian and Shi Qianwei.

This time after Yi Tian returned to Tiejianmen, he first visited his senior brother Mo Wentian and his old friends Jiujiu.Although his cultivation had already far surpassed everyone at this time, Yi Tian didn't put on airs at all. Instead, it was the same as before, and everyone sat down and chatted for a long time.

Knowing that there is no hope of becoming a god, Mo Wentian began to make plans for his afterlife.When Yi Tian heard that Chi Yangzi's reincarnation had been found, there was a hint of comfort on his face.

Yi Tian knew what he was thinking and did not shy away from telling the pros and cons of reincarnation and recultivation directly. Although reincarnation can retrieve some of the previous life memories, there is no room for sloppy cultivation and everything can be done by himself.

Afterwards, he told Yi Lingfeng in public that he must try to find his reincarnation after Mo Wen's naive step.

After wandering around the Iron Sword Sect for many days, the three of them set off to visit the Xuanling Bieyuan. At this time, Nangong Qianyun was in charge. Yi Tian didn't want the two children to know too much about his past, so he didn't have a relationship with Nangong Qianyun. What an overreaching move the cloud showed.

After leaving the Xuanling faction, the flying boat changed to the direction of Hewan Village in Yihua Mountain and galloped away.

Half a day later, the flying boat rushed to the sky above Hewan Village, and Yi Tian looked down. The small village back then had turned into a medium-sized town.

Then he took his two sons Luoxia Yuntou and walked around the city on foot.After several inquiries, I found out that the name of this place has been changed to Hewan City. Thirty percent of the residents in the city have the surname Yi, and they belong to a large clan that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

There is also a Yi family ancestral hall in this city, which is said to have enshrined more than [-] generations of ancestors.After Yi Tian heard the news, he just said to his two sons indifferently: "Go and see the Yi's ancestral hall."

The figures of the three came to that place after a flash of three breaths. Yi Tian looked outside and saw that the Yi's ancestral hall was not very magnificent, but it was like a scholarly family, and the ancestral hall did not occupy a large area. , almost the same as I remembered back then.

The three walked into the ancestral hall, and Yi Tian saw from a distance that there were hundreds of memorial tablets in the deepest part of the ancestral hall, and there were more than 30 rows from top to bottom.At the front of the sixth row there are a few tablets painted with gold lacquer, and the words that catch the eye are Yi Da and Yi Er.

There are also two tablets on the second row below, but the top one has no name and is empty.Seeing this, Yi Nan asked quietly: "Which generation is the descendant of the Yi family?"

Yi Lingfeng hastily said, "That blank sign at the top of the seventh row is enough. We are the eighth generation according to our seniority."

After Yi Tian's divine thoughts were swept away, a little thought appeared on his face. Back then, he found that half of the seal at the top of the spirit card of the ancestral hall.According to my grandfather mentioned that my ancestors had seen immortals descending from the Yihua Mountain, so they chose to take root again.

After all, there must be something special about the place that can attract the attention of immortals.

Before, I thought that the two disciples of Zhongzhou Lihuozong who met in the banyan tree cave in Yihua Mountain should be the immortals that grandpa said.But after thinking about it carefully, I can't match the numbers. My ancestors were only about 300 years ago six or seven generations ago, and the Jindan disciple Lin Yi was at least a thousand years ago, so the time does not match.

Could it be that there were other cultivators who came to Yihua Mountain after this, or did they fight over this half of the seal to take advantage of their ancestors.

Thinking of Yi Tian's brief voice transmission, Yi Lingfeng sent Yi Nan to the Chiyang Hills directly, and he teleported directly to the high altitude of Yihua Mountain.

After three breaths, he swept his spiritual thoughts across the entire mountain and found that the banyan tree hole he had filled back then seemed to have been covered by intricately growing vines.And there is no special place on the entire mountain that can isolate one's spiritual thoughts.

He thought to himself: "Could it be that I was thinking wrong, all this was caused by an unprovoked coincidence, my ancestors just accidentally picked up half of the seal in the mountains and took it home.

After thinking carefully for a long time, he let go of his divine sense and swept Yihua Mountain again. This time, the range was more than doubled, covering the entire [-]-mile radius.

Half a moment later, he frowned and turned his face to the east, and there was a place in the Changqing River at the foot of Yihua Mountain that could not be fully detected by the divine sense.

After flying over, I went deep into the bottom of the river again with my spiritual sense and found that there was a space about three feet away that my spiritual sense could not penetrate.

He bowed his head and said secretly: "It should be here", then he fell headfirst into the river and swam towards that place.

The entire Changqing River is nearly a hundred feet wide, and the depth in the middle is nearly thirty or forty feet deep.Yi Tian sacrificed a layer of protective cover to protect himself and then continued to sink down. After thirty feet, the light became dim.Take out a luminous pearl at hand to illuminate the road ahead before continuing to dive.

Thirty breaths later, I realized that I was already stepping on the silt at the bottom of the river, and then I stretched out my hand and split the water in front of me, kicked my whole body and ran straight towards that place.

In less than ten breaths, he came to the area where the divine sense could not invade, and stretched out his hand to throw the Ye Mingzhu out for eight weeks and three circles were illuminated.Looking carefully at the silt at the bottom of the river below, a thin halo of light flickered.It is covered with aquatic plants and silt, if it is not for my strong spiritual sense, I may have missed it directly.

Stretch out your hand and raise your green light to lift off all the aquatic plants above this layer of halo, revealing a spherical enchantment with a faint white light.

The seal in the Niwan Palace seemed to shake a bit, and the barrier below was directly broken.After three breaths, one of the tiny balls of light floated up again and stopped directly in front of it.

Yi Tian reached out and held the ball of light in his hand, and then his figure flashed from the bottom of the Changqing River to the sky.

Half a day later, in the depths of the Tiger Leaping Cliff Brahma Curse Heaven Secret Cave, Yi Tian opened the barrier to completely isolate himself from the outside world, and then took out the light ball and placed it in front of him for a careful look.

There seemed to be a shadow in the ball of light, and the surrounding halo seemed to seal it tightly so that he couldn't find out.

When he was at his wit's end, suddenly the seal flew out of his forehead and shot out an aura according to the halo.Immediately, the halo barrier was directly broken, revealing one of the animal skin letters.

(End of this chapter)

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