
Chapter 894 Xin Mi

Chapter 894 Xin Mi
Sitting in the secret cave of the Brahma Mantra on Tiger Leaping Cliff, Yi Tian opened the letter in the light cluster in front of him and frowned deeply after his spiritual thoughts passed by.

It was densely filled with words, but I didn't know any of them.Upon closer inspection, these characters belong to the same category as the words on the seal surface.

Moreover, the entire animal skin letter was obviously forcibly torn apart, and the material of this letter should be the fur of some kind of prehistoric beast.Renpin himself couldn't tear it apart no matter how he tore it with his hands, and then took out the Taiyuan sword to forcefully try to draw a mark on it, but the result left him dumbfounded.

The blade of the Taiyuan Sword could not even leave a single fine line in a flash, and it was useless to sacrifice the real fire of life to condense it into a thread and then move towards the edge of the first batch.

After half an hour, Yi Tian gave up all his efforts. Looking at the letter, he could imagine the strength of the person who separated the letter in the first place.Later, he glanced at the text on it, took out a jade slip, and wanted to engrave it.

But just after writing the first sentence, the whole piece of jade slip couldn't bear it and broke apart directly.

Looking at the scroll in his hand that was broken into jade slag, Yi Tian fell into deep thought.You must know that even the exercises of the upper spirit world can be engraved on many high-level materials in this world.But the words on this animal skin handbook can't even be engraved for a single sentence. One can imagine how powerful the land of heaven and earth bears on it.

There is only one explanation for this situation. The text on this animal skin hand letter was passed down from a higher level.Although I couldn't understand the content of these words, I knew in my heart that there must be some shocking secrets recorded on them.

And the seal in his body can open its seal, which in itself shows that these things are closely related.

If you want to understand the mystery of the upper spirit world, you can only find Mengxin to solve the puzzle.But at this time, he has a close connection with himself, which can be said to be his biggest secret at present. If Mengxin finds out something strange, it will really be worth the candle.

After thinking about it, he just laughed at these thoughts, and then concentrated on memorizing both the animal skin and the written words.Although I haven't been able to unravel the secrets for a while, I still have to make a complete backup. Since I can't engrave it, I should remember it with my head.

The text recorded in the entire manuscript is only a thousand words. Although he didn't know the meaning of it, Yi Tian spent three days to write down all the text styles in it.In the end, I tried to write silently on the stone wall, but I didn't expect that the words carved on the stone wall would crack after half a stick of incense.

Yi Tian had expected the consequences early in the morning, but he didn't care. He just used the words on the animal skin to compare and search every time he engraved a sentence, and finally put away the letter contentedly when he got it right.

Since this thing can carry such a great power of heaven, it will definitely attract those high-ranking monks from the upper spirit world to compete for it.Yi Tian thought over and over again, but wanted to keep this letter directly on Tianlan Continent, so as not to worry about others, anyway, he had already kept the above contents in mind.

But there seemed to be a lot of spirituality in this letter. When he buried it in the ruins deep in the cave, he just took a few steps, and a white light shot out from the soil and flew directly to his hand.

It looked like he was staring at himself, and then he reached out and put it into a storage bag, but before the storage bag was closed, the letter flew out again with a 'whoosh' sound.In this way, Yi Tian knew with a flick of his eyelids that this time he was in trouble. If he ascended from the Ascension Platform to the Upper Spirit Realm with this letter in hand, he would be discovered once he got there.

Moreover, the prehistoric power emanating from the animal skin can be felt from ten feet away.In this way, I will definitely become a living target, and those monks in the upper spirit world will definitely not let me go.

Thinking of the faint sweat oozing from the forehead here, after thinking about it for a while, he stretched out his right hand to sacrifice a trace of thunder and purple flames, and then flicked the letter lightly to wrap it up.

Then he directly opened his mouth and took a deep breath, swallowing the animal skin letter wrapped by Lei Yanziyan directly into his stomach, and later moved this thing into the lower dantian.

In this way, he managed to store this letter properly, but he was thinking in his heart that he must find a way to completely get rid of it after he came to the upper spirit world.

The group of thunder flames and purple flames wrapped the letter and failed to ignite it, but Yi Tian knew in his heart the power of his natal real fire, and he said bluntly that he was an unrivaled existence in this world.

Under the burning of the purple flame, the animal skin began to slowly absorb the power of the real flame, and then a white light shrank itself into a ball, and the outside was wrapped by the purple flame.After looking inside, I realized that my divine sense was no longer able to detect the existence of the letter, and I only saw a ball of true flames gestating in the lower dantian.

Yi Tian was finally relieved after doing all these things. Judging from the current situation, he should be fine for the time being, but he didn't know if he would reveal his secrets when he met those Mahayana monks in the integration period when he came to the upper spirit world in the future.

After dealing with the small incident, Yi Tian was not interested in going to the Chiyang Hills anymore, he just took out two messenger talismans and briefly said what he wanted to ask.Afterwards, the communication talisman was sent to Dongfang Lingyun and Yi Lingfeng respectively.

Entrusting Yi Nan directly to Dongfang Lingyun this time can be regarded as his support for the Xuanling lineage. Although Yi Nan is in the utensil shop of the Xuanyang Hall, he is still taken care of by the Yuanying monk of the Xuanling lineage.

After doing these things, Yi Tian got up and rushed towards Zhongzhou. This time it was just a small episode, and he wanted to take his children to recognize his ancestors, but he didn't expect that he would throw himself a huge burden.

After returning to the sect this time, they will start preparing for the opening of the Ascension Platform, and the time of Ascension agreed by the Dragon King and Nanhai Zhangxian is also imminent.

And this time is the first time I have appeared in front of everyone after entering the stage of transformation into a god.The bigwigs who want to come to other sects in Zhongzhou will be surprised when they see him.

And the original status of Zhongzhou Lihuozong, Tianlan's number one sect, will definitely be confirmed.Although his cultivation base can be said to be the best in the human race, it is not necessary to rush to ascend for a while.

The main reason is that now Lihuo Sect doesn't have any talented and amazing people besides myself. If I do this and throw away the shopkeeper, it will definitely attract the prying eyes of other sects who want to warn monks.

With the strength of Qu Yifeng and others, it is absolutely impossible to defend Feishengtai, so he has to make a long-term plan to settle all these sect forces in order to be at ease.

Thinking of this, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and he whispered the names of several major sects, "Tiandao Sect, Hehuan Sect, Tianmo Sect, Excalibur Sect, let me have a good deal with you."

(End of this chapter)

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