
Chapter 895

Chapter 895
Among the major sects in Zhongzhou, the most promising person to achieve Huashen is Abbot Wuyuan of Prajna Temple.His body cultivation has reached the late stage of the Buddha Infant, and only a chance can take that step to become a god.

As for the three original Nascent Soul cultivators in Zhongzhou, He Weiming, Old Demon Hehuan and Yu Xiangming are all late-stage cultivators on the surface, but they have all been stuck in the late-stage realm for more than 500 years.

They were already in that state when Yi Tian entered Zhongzhou, and now more than 500 years later, he has surpassed himself and became the first incarnation monk to appear on Tianlan Continent in thousands of years.

On the other hand, they are still standing still, and they are far away from becoming gods.Except for He Weiming's death, the other two of these people are still alive, but they are still struggling.

Judging from their appearance, their potential seems to have been almost exhausted, and it is almost impossible to reach another level in this life.Moreover, the two of them are already old, and some say they have a lifespan of 200 years. If things go on like this, they can basically make a conclusion after surviving another [-] years.

Over the years, the continuous ascension of the four great demon kings must have had a great impact on them. If there is no other way to do it at the last step, they may try to take the risk of forcibly ascending once with the cultivation base of the late Nascent Soul.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian secretly had an idea in his heart, and he could make a little fuss when the Ascension Platform is activated next time.After all, the spare wheel of the six realms has the seal of Feishengyin stamped on it, so it is better not to expose such things that involve the mystery of the upper realm as much as possible.

In fact, many years ago, I secretly tried to get together the materials of the Six Realms Wheel to refine it.It can be calculated that there are only two spirit wood cores used as spirit guides.

This thing is not so easy to get, there is no seventh-level top-level spiritual plant to fill the excavated spiritual wood core, which will cause the foundation of the Beiyuan Jianmu sacred tree to be unstable.And the condition of the sacred tree will further affect all the living beings in Beiyuan, and I dare not easily recite this cause and effect.

After returning to Lihuo Sect in Zhongzhou, Yi Tian directly invited the suzerain Qu Yifeng and the two pavilion masters to give face-to-face instructions.

After the four of them discussed for a few days, Li Huozong issued a summons to inform all parties that the Ascension Ceremony 50 years later would once again increase the number of visitors.Each sect can send four Nascent Soul cultivators to observe the ceremony, and the quota of each sect can be continued. If the existing Nascent Soul cultivators fail to break through to transform themselves, they can leave the Ascension quota to the remaining cultivators of the sect.

In this way, other monks in these sects can also have hope.And if you can be a good person from the Lihuo Sect, anyway, the quotas are all given to you, so use whatever you want and just recognize the sect.

As a result, the No. [-] figures of the big faction suddenly became active, and after replying to the summons from the Li Huo Sect, they retreated to practice.

This move to drive away tigers and devour wolves made the cultivators of these sects mess up first, no wonder the Li Huo Sect used it very cleverly.

It didn't take long for spies from the sect to report that the top monks of the sect who received the news have become very subtle.For example, Haoji of Hehuanzong and Du Ziheng of Tiandaozong will naturally have their own Xiao Jiujiu.

On the second day after the reply, he began to announce the retreat, and he would not go to Qiyao Mountain to watch the ceremony until the Ascension Ceremony 50 years later.

Yi Tian just smiled faintly after reading the feedback, and then took out the communication talisman to inform Huo Chilian that he would preside over the next Ascension Ceremony.

For mortals, 50 years is at least two generations, but for Nascent Soul monks, it is just a short retreat.

After Yi Tian returned to Zongmen, he didn't go to see Liu Piaopiao and others, but just left a message for them.On the other hand, he announced that he would start a long retreat in the Dange forbidden area.

In fact, I chose this place to temper my alchemy skills. I think that the ancestor Wuye mentioned that the people in charge of the Lihuo Palace in the past are all at the level of both alchemy.

Although I started as a refining tool, I have already been involved in the way of alchemy, so I try to choose those five-level and six-level elixir refining when I retreat in the Dan Pavilion.

With the assistance of the Lihuozong Juzong's power, I absolutely don't need to worry about the source of the treasure.

And in the past few decades, a strange thing has happened to the Pill Pavilion of Lihuo Zong. Every once in a while, a large number of high-level pills will be produced.The techniques of the refiners are also advancing day by day, and the grades of Chengdan range from the fifth-level low-level to the sixth-level top-level.

Now the elixir stored in the sect will have a surplus in a short time, and even the suzerain rewards the elixir more than twice as much as before.

The extra elixir was specially entrusted to Zhongzhou Qi Baozhai to be auctioned, and the spirit stones that were auctioned were also very impressive.

One day 50 years later, when Yi Tianmao was thinking about how to refine the pile of treasures in front of him into a elixir in the forbidden area of ​​Dange, suddenly a hole in the protective barrier was opened, and a white light flew in from it.

He stretched out his hand to catch it and turned his palm to see that it was a communication talisman sent by Huo Chilian.After lightly injecting a bit of power into it, I only saw the information left in it recorded: "The Ascension Ceremony is a success and a failure."

Seeing Yi Tian's eyelids, it seems that these two people have finally gone, and the cultivation level of the Flood Dragon King is slightly better than that, so he should have passed the test.

Yi Tian raised his eyebrows after continuing to look at the Communication Jade Fu, which clearly stated that the Flood Dragon King encountered a very strong void storm when he ascended to the entrance of the interface channel.It was directly torn apart under the eyes of everyone, which can be regarded as falling on the spot.

But even this didn't scare Zhang Xian who was behind him. He learned his lesson from this ascension and showed his true colors in mid-air, and then rushed directly into the interface channel.

The South China Sea monster that accompanied him left a soul orb, which has the same effect as the soul lamp of the human race.Within three hours after the ascension, the soft radiance of the soul orb indicated that Zhang Xian had safely arrived in the demon world.

This gave everyone present a new understanding of Ascension.Even someone as strong as the Flood Dragon King couldn't get rid of the force of the void storm.But Zhang Xian found a different way, even if his strength is half a chip away, he can reach the other shore safely. It can be said that luck also plays a huge role.

After reading the information in the jade talisman, Yi Tian just curled his lips and said: "Is it due to luck, it seems that this Zhang Xian is also a person with great luck."

Then he shook his head and said that luck is not always the case during the ascension, and in the face of material difficulties, he can only rely on his own strength, and any luck is in vain.

That Zhang Xian must have a secret that no one knows, otherwise he would never have dared to attack rashly after witnessing the death of the Flood Dragon King.

Forget it, the wheel of the six realms has been used five times now, except for Qingtian and Jinmao who ascended together, the rest of them use it alone.

Five to two, the real success rate is [-]%, which is reasonable. It seems that the next one should be my turn.

However, before the ascension, there was still a favor that hadn't been returned, so he took out a communication jade talisman to activate it and sent it directly outside the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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