
Chapter 896

Chapter 896
When talking about the use of the lifting platform, Yi Tian also had one person on his mind, that is Cui Zhenzhen, the flying female corpse of Wanlihai.

In terms of strength, she is the most promising person in the ten thousand islands sea area to become a god. Although she is practicing the corpse path technique, isn't there a corpse world in the upper spirit world?

A monk like her can directly ascend after cultivating to transform into a god, and her advantage is that her body is extremely strong, which is three points stronger than ordinary monks practicing physical skills.

Regarding the void storm in the interface channel, Yi Tian thought that among the human monks besides himself, only Cui Zhenzhen might be able to pass through safely.

As for the many secret methods of the monks of the Banruo Temple Buddhist Sect, I haven't fully understood them, so I can't say clearly, but Abbot Wu Yin should be able to deal with them calmly.

But there are additional conditions in the communication with Cui Zhenzhen this time, if she wants to use the Feishengtai, she must kill He Tianxiong.And Zi Yuan needs to witness it with his own eyes.

Putting forward such a condition is also to let the Ten Thousand Islands sea area be completely under the purse of Tianyi City.As long as apart from the Blood Fiend Cave in the south of He Tianxiong, there will be no monks who can play the leading role.

Even if there are Nascent Soul casual cultivators in the sea area of ​​Wandao, they may not be opponents of Tianyi City. With the current strength of resources, even if they cannot advance to the middle stage of Nascent Soul, it will be difficult to find any opponents at least in the first few stages.

In addition, Yi Tian also directly sent a message to Qu Yifeng and others, saying that he was going to Banruo Temple and his party, and deposited the other Six Realm Wheel with Monk Huiyuan.

Such an arrangement is also to divert the attention of some people after he ascends.With Banruo Temple coming forward to keep the other wheel of six realms, Li Huozong will not become the target of public criticism, and at least the two sects can join forces to fight against the enemy.

With the strength of the Buddha Sect, it is not difficult to keep a spiritual weapon, and Yi Tian has thought about it in his heart, and then the price of a quota is the condition, so Abbot Wucai must have nothing to say.

In the Banruo Temple, there is a Wuchen master who is not weaker than him, and this place must be reserved for him.If Master Wuchen can't use it in the end, he can also give up the place to Monk Huiyuan.

Seven days later, when Yi Tian went to Banruo Temple to visit Abbot Wuyin, he reached an agreement with him. At the same time, Fat Dog and Yu Xiang of Tiandaozong also came to witness.

Yi Tian handed over the second wheel of six realms to Abbot Wuyin in front of these two people.Afterwards, the four of them sat down and exchanged their cultivation experience, but Yi Tian could clearly feel that Yu Xiang was completely out of state.

His appearance is similar to what I guessed, he should be in the state of cultivating to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage but not reaching the Great Consummation.With his current Dao Xin, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take the last step.

Yi Tian felt very relieved when he saw it in his eyes. At Yu Xiang's age, his lifespan would only last about 200 years at most, even if he found the secret medicine to prolong his life, he would only last another hundred years at most.From this point of view, he might not be able to use the quota of Tiandaozong, and now the only one who is most likely to use this quota in Tiandaozong is the suzerain Du Ziheng.

After Yi Tian returned to the sect, he told the results of the survey of the itinerary with all the brothers.Then it can be arranged for Qu Yifeng to deliberately disclose the news of the six realms wheel to the second in command of those big sects.

In this way, everyone is tacit on the surface, but it is clear in the dark.Moreover, Lihuozong and Banruo Temple joined forces, and Tiandaozong also assisted, no one in the world would dare to peek at these treasures.

Not long after, Yi Tian received a reply from Cui Zhenzhen, saying that she had advanced to become a god a hundred years ago.It's just that the corpse repairer's reputation is not very good, coupled with her deliberate seclusion practice, so there are very few people in Wandao Sea Area who know that there is such a number one monk.

This time it was also mentioned that He Tianxiong, the scourge, should be dealt with once and for all. Cui Zhenzhen also mentioned in the reply that she would fulfill her promise before returning to Zhongzhou.At the same time, I also hope that Yi Tian can keep her word and open the Ascension Platform so that she can go to the Underworld, which will be about 20 years later.

In this way, Yi Tian notified the monks of the major sects directly, and briefly explained the situation.At the end, it was also mentioned that multiple teleportation arrays can be set up between Tianlan mainland and Wandao sea area, so that the two times of communication can be strengthened and the rare specialties of Wandao sea area can be introduced to Zhongzhou, so that everyone can kill two birds with one stone.

After having the previous sweetness, these large sects also expressed their opinions one after another as long as they have the opportunity to cooperate together.Moreover, afterward, a condition was set up to open up a trading market in the Wandao sea area in Zhongzhou, and at the same time, it was hoped that some areas in the Wandao sea area would also be opened so that Zhongzhou monks could get involved.

Yi Tian sneered at this, and he could guess what these big sects were thinking.But I didn't plan to participate too much, I just informed Qu Yifeng of the conception, and then the representatives of the two parties were free to discuss the trade agreement.

20 years is also fleeting for Yi Tian. After retreating in the Dange forbidden area for a period of time, he received a message from Cui Zhenzhen to agree on the time of ascension.

Yi Tian immediately informed the people in charge of the various sects that the difference was that this time it was the first human monk to ascend. Although he ascended to the world of corpses, everyone was very fortunate to be able to witness it with their own eyes.

Yi Tian knew that Cui Zhenzhen's identity was closely related to Lihuozong, so he didn't want to involve too much, but each family gave a quota.

Then it was learned from the message that Zi Yuan would also lead a group of monks from the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Area to Zhongzhou this time.On the surface, it was said to see Cui Zhenzhen off, but in fact, he brought a group of disciples to Zhongzhou to open a large business.

Yitian just ordered these things, and the following people went to receive and deal with them.

After the time was almost up, he set off and flew towards Qiyao Mountain. Today's Qiyao Mountain is already a sacred place for human and monster races on Tianlan Continent.

Everyone knows that six monster races have ascended to the upper realm since then. Although two of them have fallen in the middle, the journey of ascension is indeed in front of them, and it is not such an illusory legend.

After Yi Tian came to the waiting area fifty miles away from Qi Yaoshan's Ascension Platform, he found that this place had been carefully designed.Now several monks have arrived first, and everyone has already been waiting in the newly built Hou Ke Pavilion.

When everyone saw Yi Tian's figure appearing after a green glow, they all stood up and walked forward to pay homage.Today's Yi Tian's cultivation level is higher than that of everyone present, and he can be regarded as the real ancestor of Lihuo.

Fortunately, I didn't have any airs, I just smiled back and strode in.This time, he wanted to fulfill his promise to Cui Zhenzhen, so Yi Tian decided to open the Ascension Platform for him personally.

After waiting for a while, Shen Nian moved his head and looked towards the sky, with a smile on his face and said: "When people come, I still like to be so public."

After hearing this, everyone opened up their spiritual thoughts but couldn't find out what happened. Half a moment later, the monks present found out who came one after another.It wasn't long before the red Feiyun flew in the direction of Qi Yaoshan. It was Cui Zhenzhen, the corpse repairman.

(End of this chapter)

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