
Chapter 897 is up

Chapter 897 is up
As a corpse repairer, it is really rare to be able to practice to such an extent. When Cui Zhenzhen fell into the cloud, there was no trace of corpse energy leaking from his body.

At first glance, she still had the face she had when she was [-] years old, her skin was snow-white without any trace of blood.Moreover, the cold spiritual power faintly leaked out, and the monks standing within ten feet around her immediately felt a cold wind blowing, and goose bumps immediately appeared on their skin.

Everyone felt that something was wrong, and they hurriedly moved aside, not daring to get closer.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stepped forward and said, "Your fellow Daoist Cui hasn't seen it for hundreds of years, and his cultivation is progressing so fast."

"Thanks to you, is the Ascension Platform ready?" Cui Zhenzhen returned blankly.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and pointed to the soaring spiritual light constantly shining in the valley not far away, and said: "It's all ready, when will Fellow Daoist Cui be ready to leave?"

"The sooner the better, I'm tired of staying in this world, and it's time to go to the spirit world," Cui Zhenzhen said.

Then Yi Tian raised his hand and flew towards the entrance of Qi Yaoshan in a flash, Cui Zhenzhen turned into a red cloud and followed closely behind, and the two flew in after the restriction barrier was opened.

After a while, Yi Tian came to the side of the Ascension Platform and pointed his finger: "Fellow Daoist Cui is here, please stand in the middle of the certificate issuance later."

A stiff smile appeared on Cui Zhenzhen's face, and then his figure flashed past, and a red light fell straight to the eye of the big formation of Feishengtai.Then he opened his mouth and shouted: "I can do it, send me to the Yin corpse world."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "Forget it, it's as you wish. But we have something to say first, have you ever done what you told you to do?"

Now Cui Zhenzhen replied with a cold snort: "Don't worry, how could we forget the deal between us, but this time I didn't do anything wrong, I just destroyed the man's body and imprisoned Yuanying." Take out a transparent crystal bottle and drag it in your hand.

Yi Tian glanced sideways and found the official and Tianxiong's Yuanying spirit body in the bottle, but without the nourishment of the main body, the Yuanying looked very decadent at this time, and his spiritual power still showed signs of slackening.

Yi Tian joked and said, "Why is Fellow Daoist Cui still planning to take him to the upper realm?"

After hearing this, Cui Zhenzhen tossed the bottle to Yi Tian and said, "Then you keep it and play slowly."

The crystal bottle went around in the air and returned to Cui Zhenzhen's hand, only to hear Yi Tian say: "I'm not some kind of magic cultivator who needs to practice human Yuanying spiritual power. Since Fellow Daoist Cui keeps his promise, I can be regarded as a testimonial." It's out of stock. Let He Tianxiong's Nascent Soul be handled by you."

Cui Zhenzhen said with a look of disdain: "I know that you spiritual practitioners are all sanctimonious, and you say one thing and do another. I can guess what you think in your heart. It's nothing more than trying to use my hands to clean up He Tianxiong. In this way you It’s better to be less involved in karma.”

"Fellow Daoist Cui really said what I was thinking. You destroyed his physical body, why did you detain his Nascent Soul spirit body?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "You are not afraid of the power of cause and effect when you wait for a corpse repairer. The so-called good thing Do it to the end."

After hearing this, Cui Zhenzhen replied with a smile on his face: "I just brought it for you to confirm." Then he stretched out his hand to lift the bottle cap, then stretched out his slender fingers to pinch He Tianxiong's Nascent Soul and stuffed it directly into the bottle. mouth.

After chewing for a few times, he chewed the Nascent Soul into pieces and swallowed it directly into his stomach. The body's body was full of corpse energy, which should be the result of transforming a large amount of spiritual power.

Yi Tian didn't say much after seeing it, stretched out his hand and quickly picked up the seal, and then clicked on the wheel of the six realms on the ascension platform.

I saw a white light shining on Cui Zhenzhen's body from the entire Six Paths Realm Wheel. After ten breaths, the Realm Wheel turned rapidly and then pointed the side marked with the Netherworld to the sky.Then a ray of spiritual light came out from the conclusion and rushed directly into the sky. Unlike the previous situation where the demon king ascended, the interface channel turned bloody red after being opened.

Standing below, Yi Tian could see streams of red bloody evil spirit gushing out of the passage above his head.Needless to say, these are all evil spirits leaking from the Netherworld.

On the other hand, Cui Zhenzhen looked excited, as if he felt the original energy, and then smiled slightly on his face: "Yi Daoyou is really trustworthy, so I will go as a concubine like this, I hope that I can be in the upper spirit world after many years meet you again."

After hearing this, Yi Tian twitched his eyelids and said hastily: "If you don't leave at this time, fellow Daoist Cui, let's talk about it later. You and I are from Tianlan Continent. If we can meet in the upper world in the future, we will inevitably meet each other. Give some support."

When Cui Zhenzhen heard the words, his whole body appeared red, and then he wrapped himself up, kicked his whole body, and rushed directly into the passageway.

Maybe it was because the corpse repairer had caused too many killings, several red thunderbolts suddenly appeared in the passage and fell on Cui Zhenzhen.

Yi Tian, ​​who was watching from below, had a look on his face like sinking water, and then thought in his heart: "The corpse path technique is extremely cold, and the thunder is its nemesis, but I don't know how Cui Zhenzhen will deal with this block."

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly saw the red light on her body fade away to reveal her real body. At this time, a gray corpse aura appeared on one side of her skin to cover herself, and then her whole body seemed to swell up, and her height suddenly lengthened by three There is more than enough feet.

Yi Tian was stunned when he saw such a huge body spell, but the thunder in the void passage only made her body tremble a few times after it fell on her body.Then the lightning was forcibly resisted by the gray corpse aura around it, and the lightning that leaked in from the protective cover traveled around its huge body for a few breaths before being absorbed again.

I saw that Cui Zhenzhen's escaping speed did not decrease at all, like a flying arrow, which turned into a gray flash and fell into the interface channel.

Then the gap in the sky shrank rapidly, and most of the corpse aura that had leaked out was recovered.

Sending away this plague god, Yi Tian suddenly felt relieved. Cui Zhenzhen was the only person he was most unsure of facing in this world. Fortunately, he used tricks to stabilize her back then.

After flying out of the valley and returning to the waiting area, all the monks who had been waiting here came forward to congratulate him.But Yi Tian knew in his heart that most of these people still saw the special products from the Wandao sea area brought by Ziyuan, and wanted to get a share of it more or less.

Afterwards, Yu Qu Yifeng was summoned to inquire about the result of the negotiations with the monks in the Wandao sea area. After receiving the summons for a while, his divine sense flashed across his eyes, but there was a gleam of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the three monks, Hao Ji, Shi Qianwei, and Yun Mengyao, who were the full negotiating representatives of Zhongzhou, all fell behind in the confrontation with Ziyuan, and had to give in to let the Ten Thousand Islands Sea Territory take the lead.

When he finished reading, his face showed a thoughtful expression. It turned out that the four of them had a lot of gambling, but it turned out that Ziyuan showed his might and overwhelmed the three girls respectively, forcing them to give in.It also mentioned that Ziyuan could win against the three of them by relying on a spirit treasure in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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