
Chapter 899 Arrangement

Chapter 899 Arrangement
Time flies, and a hundred years is at least the replacement of four or five generations for mortals.Some dynasties may not be able to last for such a long time.But for Yi Tian, ​​who is a monk of Huashen, it is just a short-term retreat.

Now my cultivation base is already in a stable state in the early stage of Huashen, and several senior brothers under my command have also made great progress. No one dares to underestimate it.

And within a hundred years in Zhongzhou, there is no sign of any middle-stage Nascent Soul monks breaking through to the later stage. As for the old-fashioned late-stage Nascent Soul monks, they are even more complacent.Although he has been retreating in the sect for a long time to attack the Heavenly Moat of Transforming Gods, there is no sign of a breakthrough.

In this way, Yi Tian realized that he could completely lay down the foundation of the Lihuo Sect. Now that there are many brothers and sisters helping him, although he can't be monopolized by one family.But he is also the leader of the Zhongzhou Cultivation Alliance, and his momentum is in full swing. As long as he continues to maintain it, he can maintain his foundation for a thousand years.

As for the future, Yi Tian is unwilling to investigate further, the younger generations have their own blessings, and too much interference by himself may not be a good thing.

In this way, he calculated in his heart that the preparations before the next ascension were almost done, and it was time to bid farewell to Tianlan Continent and ascend to the upper spirit world.

Moreover, all these years of closed-door training have allowed him to cultivate his natal real fire to the fifth-grade intermediate level, which is more than enough to deal with the storm through the void.

Sitting cross-legged in the cave, he raised his hand and sent out several jade talismans of communication, which turned into white light and flew out from the forbidden barrier.

Then he stood up slowly, pushed open the stone gate and walked out. Before going to Qiyao Mountain, Yi Tian was going to go to Zixiao Hall and say goodbye to all the brothers and sisters.

Three days later, nine bells rang throughout the ancestral land of Lihuo Zong, and the sound came from Zixiao Hall.In this way, all the disciples in the sect stopped their work, and all gathered outside the Zixiao Hall except those who were retreating.

According to the sect's rules, when the bell rings nine times in Zixiao Hall, something important must have happened.

For a while, the square outside Zixiao Hall was crowded with people who came, only at this time, disciples regardless of inner or outer sects could gather together unconditionally.

In addition to a group of Nascent Soul cultivators, those who could enter the Zixiao Palace also included candidate successors of the suzerain, the first disciples of each hall, and a group of elite leaders.

Not long after, several white lights flashed from the teleportation arrays of Qi Pavilion and Dan Pavilion, and several waves of people teleported to the ancestral land one after another.Those monks who were qualified to meet the ancestor hurried to the outside of Zixiao Hall and entered it one by one.

As for the ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays of Dong'ao and Xihuang, which are not used much at ordinary times, they were suddenly activated today.After the flash of inspiration, all the stewards of the Dong'ao branch, and the current suzerain of the Xihuang Maiden Sect appeared outside the Zixiao Hall.

Counting these people into the main hall, all the high-level monks from the entire Lihuo Sect gathered here.

In this matter, everyone in Zixiao Hall sat cross-legged in the main hall, and the first row was full of Nascent Soul monks, as long as they were still alive, basically all of them came.

After a short while, Yi Tian led Qu Yifeng, Huo Chilian and Xiao Linhang out of the back hall slowly.

With a glance, he saw that everyone had arrived, and then he walked directly to the main seat in the middle and sat down.

The suzerain and the two first seats respectively sat down on the left and right, and after signaling, the following disciples stopped making a sound and began to listen to the instructions of the ancestor.

Yi Tian swept his eyes, and when he saw Yi Lingfeng and Yi Nan, there was a look of kindness on his face.Then he looked at Enemy Jiu and Wu Min with playful smiles on their faces.

The people in the main hall couldn't be bothered to tease directly, losing their prestige, and then said: "I called you all here today because I have something to announce."

The owner below can roughly guess eight or nine points, but it is another scene to say it from Yi Tian's mouth.

I only heard Yi Tian said in a deep voice: "I wasted thousands of years to achieve the transformation of the gods, and now the realm is stable. If I stay in this world, I can't make any progress, so I hereby decide to ascend to the upper realm. It is also necessary to arrange for you to come here Excuse me, lest anything go wrong after I leave, and I will be ashamed of the great trust I have given to my ancestors."

Everyone didn't dare to take a breath after hearing this, but just waited quietly for the next sentence.The suzerain Qu Yifeng, who was sitting on the left, turned around and cupped his hands and said, "Brother has worked hard to revive the prestige of Lihuo, and built a flying platform to open up the passage to the spiritual world. What he has done is to benefit the entire cultivation world of Tianlan Continent. Ascension to the spirit world is also imperative. Brother, I wish you all success."

All the disciples congratulated together: "I wish you all the best."

Yi Tian smiled and nodded his head as a response, and then said: "After I left, what I was most worried about was that the status of the sect would not be guaranteed. So early in the morning, Shi Jihe and Zong Lianheng formed an alliance with the Buddha sect."

He took out a jade slip and handed it to Huo Chi Liandao: "The second wheel of the six realms is stored in the Prajna Temple, and is kept by the abbot himself. If you need a replacement in the future, you can take this jade slip to ask for it."

"By my senior brother's trust, it is my duty to do my best to maintain the prestige of the sect," Huo Chilian said, reaching out to take the jade slip and put it away.

Then Yi Tian said again: "I have decided to form an alliance with the Qianling Sect, and Yi Lingfeng will hand over the covenant between the two sects to the Qianling Sect Master on my behalf."

Qu Yifeng hurriedly asked: "Brother, please tell me, after you leave, if the two late Yuanying monks from Qianlingzong come back, how should I deal with Lihuozong?"

Yi Tian just smiled faintly, and then said: "You can rest assured about this matter, He Weiming and Qian Lingyuan are no longer in this world. And the Qianling Sect Master and I are old, as long as the two sects can share the same hatred, it will be fine. Let the other sects in Zhongzhou not dare to face us."

Yi Tian spoke so thoroughly that everyone present could hear the meaning.A little surprise flashed in everyone's eyes. It turned out that Qianlingzong, the number one sect in Zhongzhou, which was recognized to be second only to Lihuozong in strength, had already lost a lot of power and was not as strong as it used to be.

Then I just heard Yi Tian continue to say: "There is no need to worry too much about the structure of Zhongzhou. It is not a big problem for the land of Beiyuan to be looked after by Bingli. The land of Dong'ao was originally the place where my Xuanyang ancestral line has been operating for thousands of years. It is as solid as gold. Xihuang is up to me. A branch goes deep into it, just need to deal with the relationship between the Excalibur Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect skillfully. Only Nanjiang Ming Wangdao needs to be handled carefully. Although they have a close relationship with me, after all, there have been several misunderstandings in the past, and they are still enemies. It's better to resolve than to end, it's better to let things go."

Qu Yifeng hastily asked: "Then senior brother, do you have any tricks to appease the people in southern Xinjiang?"

"You still need to go there in person for this matter. Take this jade slip and hand it over to the Elder Ming Wangjiao. They will know what to do after watching it," Yi Tian took out another jade slip and said to Qu Yifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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