
Chapter 900 Soaring 1

Chapter 900
Before the seventh opening of the Ascension Platform, the major sects in Zhongzhou had received invitations from the Lihuo Sect early in the morning.Then one after another replied that they would send monks from the door to watch the ceremony.The person who ascended this time is not a small person but the current Lihuo Patriarch Yi Tian of the Lihuo Sect, and all sects attach great importance to this.

After Yi Tian leaves, the situation in Zhongzhou will definitely change, and I believe Li Huozong will be fully prepared for this.Most of the monks took a wait-and-see attitude towards this, and wanted to see how Li Huozong would deal with itself in the future after losing its pillar.

Out of the previous six times, five times were the passages to the demon world opened, and one time it turned out to lead to the corpse world. As for the ascension of a real human monk, it was really the first time.

At dawn on that day, many sect cultivators arrived at the waiting area of ​​Qiyao Mountain Feisheng Platform ahead of schedule.This time, the number of people who came to watch the ceremony was relaxed to three, which can be regarded as the largest number of people who came to watch the ceremony.

Afterwards, monks from major sects arrived one after another, and this time, the Lihuo Sect even invited those famous casual cultivators from Zhongzhou and Nascent Soul monks from the neutral sect to witness together.

As a result, dozens of Nascent Soul monks gathered in the waiting area not long after.

At about the beginning of noon, a blue and red fire cloud flew from the sky.The spiritual pressure fluctuations around his body were beyond ordinary monks, almost comparable to the top monk present at Abbot Wuyuan of Banruo Temple.

All the monks present immediately whispered and asked about the identity of this person via voice transmission in a low voice.After ten breaths, the blue and red fire cloud circled in the air and then fell straight towards the guest area.

After the aura faded, a monk who was [-]% or [-]% similar to Yi Tian was revealed. Most of the people who didn't know the truth thought that it was the Lord who came, so they went up to pay homage.

On the contrary, Abbot Wuyin stepped forward and said to the visitor: "I haven't seen the Bingli Demon King for so many years that he has improved so much. I really envy others."

It took only four weeks to realize that what was in front of him was Bingli, the demon king of the North who had been promoted in the past hundred years.It's just that what everyone is puzzled about is how the appearance of this demon king is so similar to that of the righteous master. It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no relationship between them.

Before everyone could continue to study further, there was another cluster of fire clouds flying towards Qiyao Mountain from the west.The spiritual power in his body was not restrained at all, and the expressions on the faces of the monks present changed several times as long as they used their spiritual thoughts to probe for a while.

The one who came was also a great demon, but the people present knew little about him, but the Ice Glass Demon King took a look and twitched his mouth and showed a smile on his face.

A little later, after the fire cloud fell, a red-haired young man appeared. Seeing the Bingli Demon King, he shouted, "Brother came so early, younger brother, did you not miss the hour?"

The Bingli Demon King smiled and said: "I'm not busy, I just arrived, and the second brother came at the right time. I guess the ancestor should be here in a while."

In just one sentence, the identities were revealed without a doubt, and everyone was startled and secretly marked the two monsters with the Li Fire Sect's mark.

Only those who knew the inside story stepped forward one after another to meet Fat Dog and Chi Yanju.Abbot Wuyin even opened his mouth and said: "The two demon kings have a very close relationship with the Lihuo Sect. Do you know when Daoist Yi will arrive?"

After hearing this, Fat Dog turned to make a confession to Abbot Wuyin and said: "The ancestor should be there soon, everyone just wait patiently."

While talking, a green light flashed across the sky, and everyone stretched out their spiritual thoughts to check for a while, and found that an assault boat was flying towards here rapidly.

Among the crowd, many monks showed a little contempt on their faces. Such a vehicle is usually a means of transportation that only monks of the Zongmen Foundation Establishment will use.But after three breaths, the contempt on his face was directly replaced by doubts. The speed of this assault boat was much faster than normal.

Roughly estimated, it can catch up with the speed of monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul.But what surprised everyone was still to come. This flying boat actually drew a trace in the air, and then the whole boat flew towards Qi Yaoshan several times in a flash.

In less than ten breaths, the distance of thousands of miles had passed, and the faces of the monks present all showed horror. Few people in the world could control the flying boat to teleport as a whole.

After a while, the assault boat came to the sky above the waiting area, and dozens of monks flew out of the cabin after it was opened.The one who took the lead was Qu Yifeng, the patriarch of the Lihuo Sect, followed by the other two heads of the sect, and Yi Lingfeng, the chief of the Discipline Hall.

The next few people are the former senior figures of the Lihuo Sect, Dong Ao's Nangong Ba, and Hu Yiyuan of the branch veins. They are also listed.

Behind them are Yi Tian's three elders of the Taoist sect, Liu Piaopiao, Yan Zhaoxue, the head of the Kuiyin lineage, and Qianwei, the patriarch of the Qianling Sect.

In the end, a figure appeared in a flash of light. It was Yi Tian, ​​the number one deity cultivator of the human race in the Tianlan Continent, who is the rightful master today.

After the clouds fell, representatives of the various sects stepped forward one after another to greet them politely.Yi Tian is also proficient in human relationships and worldly skills, and he never refuses to return gifts one by one.

At this time, two demon kings, Fat Dog and Chi Yanju, came forward slowly, with tears in their eyes, but nothing to say.Yi Tian glanced at him and knew that he was in two minds, so he could only comfort him with words: "Why are you two like this? After your cultivation base is consolidated, you can also ascend to the upper realm in the future, and then we can have a good time talking and drinking again."

Fat Dog held back his tears and laughed: "Yes, yes, we have met and known each other for thousands of years. If it weren't for the Black Pool Swamp back then, I wouldn't be who I am today. I just don't know what will happen after this farewell?"

"When this is the case, I will wait for you in the upper spirit world, as long as you go to the Human Race Lihuo Palace to inquire about my news after ascending to the upper spirit world," Yi Tian said bluntly.

"It's hard to chase after a gentleman's words, so it's settled," Fat Dog turned his tears into a smile.

Chi Yanju, who was at the side, also said: "It's a deal, we will chase you in the direction you left."

After hearing this, Yi Tian stretched out his hand to touch Chi Yanju's red hair and said with a smile: "Okay, okay, a person like me can't stay in a certain place even in the upper spirit world, but wait for you to ascend to the upper world." Maybe everyone can hear my deeds spread to the demon world."

After speaking, he looked at the sunlight above his head and saw that it was almost noon, and then he said to the people around him: "When you send you off for thousands of miles, you will have to say goodbye, everyone, don't be too sad."

Then he gave Huo Chilian a wink, and the latter said knowingly: "Fellow daoists, the ancestor Lihuo of our sect is about to ascend, and I will go to the ascension platform right away, all fellow daoists can watch from here." Then the figure jumped up and turned into a red light and flew towards the valley barrier.

Yi Tian looked back at the many friends around him again in a blink of an eye, and finally lingered on Liu Piaopiao and others for a while, and said in his mouth: "Don't sigh the current separation, as long as we keep improving and improving our cultivation base, we can still be in the spiritual world." The world will continue to lead."

The three girls were crying over this matter, but there was a trace of expectation on their faces, and then they all nodded to Yi Tian in response.

(End of this chapter)

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