
Chapter 901 Soaring 2

Chapter 901 Ascension II

This time, Yi Tian also made a lot of preparations before his ascension.First, he left the flame inscription ring, the sect token, to Qu Yifeng.Now I just changed to a newly refined storage ring, but this newly refined storage ring is completely evolved by engraving the pattern on the original flame inscription ring.

There is only a faint layer of traces left on the hands, which is difficult to detect unless you look carefully.

Qu Yifeng took the Haotian mirror and the flame inscription ring, which can be regarded as collecting all the treasures in the hands of the ancestor Lihuo back then.

And Yi Tian only carried his Zixiao lamp on his body as a necessary spiritual weapon to perform the Lihuo sect's technique.In addition, there are the spirit purification bottle left by Qian Lingzi and the Taiyuan Sword refined in the past as spiritual weapons for self-defense.

As for the many spirit weapons sacrificed and refined back then, they were all returned to the sect for future use.

There are also some ghost face flower seeds that can be brought to the upper realm. These are the necessary psychics for wood-type spells, so I have prepared enough.There are also seedlings of white jade lotus root and purple gold gourd picked from the secret place of Yunxiaozong in the Wandao sea area.

The spiritual energy on Tianlan Continent is thin, and these heaven-defying spiritual plants cannot be planted on a large scale, so let's take them to the upper spirit world and find a way.

The benefits of white jade lotus roots have been tested several times by myself. As for the purple gold gourd seedlings, the existing spiritual plant records in Tianlan Continent can't make the most of them, so I plan to go to the upper spirit world to find the spiritual plant records there. Bar.

In addition to these, there is also Yunmeng Toad, a spiritual pet newly adopted more than a hundred years ago, this little thing is addicted to alcohol.Fortunately, his wine-making skills are not inferior to others. In addition to brewing a batch of high-grade spirit wine, he also took the time to refine a jug tailored for Yunmeng Toad. Its shape is not like the usual long handle. The vertical pot, on the contrary, looks more like a chubby teapot.

Put the spirit wine in it and place Yunmeng Toad on the lid of the pot, just enough to make it sit firmly.Since then, the Yunmeng toad has clung to the flagon and refused to come down again, and now Yi Tianyi put it in the new beast-guarding bag for future use.

Counting it is also luck, not even a fat dog can ascend to the spiritual world in one step without such treatment.

After waving goodbye to everyone, Yi Tian's figure flashed and turned into a green glow, and then followed Huo Chilian directly into the valley barrier.

When he came to the valley, he saw that the magic circle was ready, and then he reached out and took out the jade slips that had been prepared and handed them to Huo Chilian: "Junior brother has worked hard these years, here is the detailed method of making the wheel of the six realms, if you can It’s best not to.”

After Huo Chilian took the jade slip, he scanned it quickly and said with a hint of horror on his face, "I never thought that so many things would be involved in the refining of the Realm Wheel. Refined, so the younger brother is disrespectful."

Yi Tian nodded and said: "After I leave, I will trouble you about the affairs of the sect. Yifeng's limited potential may not be able to practice to the later stage, and he has suffered less hardships since he was a child. Unlike you and me who live in a foreign land but can survive in adversity." become."

"Brother, don't worry, I can't repay the sect's great favor, and I will definitely try to continue the orthodoxy in the future," Huo Chilian said immediately.

After listening, Yi Tian showed a gratified smile on his face, and then said: "Okay, I want to host the Ascension personally this time, so you leave first and go to the waiting area to witness together."

Knowing that Yi Tian said the same thing, Huo Chilian immediately said, "Senior brother, take care all the way." Then he used escapism and hurriedly exited the valley barrier.

To be honest, Yi Tian has too many secrets and it is inconvenient to reveal them to others.If the seal in the body came out to make trouble again during the ascension, it would really be worth the loss.

Yi Tian stretched out his hands to form seals and slowly activated the Ascension Platform after he could not detect anyone still in the enchantment in his divine sense.After a white aura flashed across the platform, the wheel of six realms shot a beam of white light on Yi Tian.

This time it spun quickly and didn't stop for a long time. Yi Tian's divine thoughts swept only to see that the six realm wheels were in the spirit world, and there were a slight pause in the three places of the Asura world and the Buddha spirit world.It seems that I can't determine which world I should go to.

In this way, Yi Tian hastily released the spiritual power of his whole body to reveal the original power of the Lihuo Sect, and the six realm wheels found their target, and after three breaths, the word "spirit world" stopped at the top.

A beam of light shot directly into the sky and opened a void channel more than one mile wide. A large amount of spiritual energy swarmed down from the channel. Yi Tian glanced at it and knew that the so-called void storm was only caused by two interface spiritual forces It is caused by the backflow phenomenon caused by the great difference in richness.

Obviously, I have to go upstream with the spiritual power left behind from the upper spirit world to cross this passage to reach the other shore.

Watching the spiritual energy billowing down from the sky, Yi Tian smiled, and then his figure rose from the ground and flew towards the entrance of the void passage under the great spiritual power all over his body.

The gathering of thunderclouds at the entrance of the passage should be the first difficulty of the Ascension Tribulation.After thinking about it, he took out a spiritual armor and put it on his body to cover the whole body, leaving only the eyes empty.

After the figure passed through the entrance of the passage, he felt that the power of lightning from all around was rushing towards him, and the electric arc struck the armor and immediately shot out in all directions.But I didn't have any feeling at all, so I easily passed through the thunder cloud area.

Then there was only a loud roaring sound behind him, and when he turned his head, he saw the sound of the gap in the void being gradually narrowed.

After ten breaths, when the back road was completely cut off, Yi Tian knew that he had no choice but to go forward bravely.

There are strong winds blowing everywhere in the interface channel, and the strong wind speed blows on him, and he can feel the pressure doubled.

While constantly performing escapism to continue flying, he must avoid the attack of the strong wind in time.After flying for a while, I found a tiny spot of light in the distance.Yi Tian was overjoyed that it should be the exit on the other side of the interface channel, as long as he can fly there, he can be regarded as in the upper spirit world.

Overjoyed, the spiritual power in his body sped up and flew towards that place.

But before he flew far, he felt a strong hurricane coming, and he was directly involved in it.The spirit armor blown by the swift gust of wind made a clanging sound.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yi Tian hurriedly stabilized his figure, and then performed the Buddha's corona golden sun body technique with his hands in seals, and a layer of golden light suddenly appeared on his skin.Only in this way can he stabilize his figure in the hurricane, and then slowly move towards the foreign aid of the hurricane.

After half an hour, he finally got out of the danger zone without any risk, and then he reached out and took out a few pills, put them in his mouth and licked them to replenish the lost spiritual power.Then Yi Tian didn't dare to be careless and could only maintain a constant speed and fly towards the exit of the interface channel.

(End of this chapter)

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