
See Chapter 903

See Chapter 903
Through Shen Yeming's introduction along the way, Yi Tian finally had a preliminary understanding of the spirit world, but this envoy was only a god-turning cultivator, so he only had a rough idea of ​​the situation at a higher level.

Even so, Yi Tian's eyes were wide open. In the spiritual world, there are three Mahayana monks who are in charge of government affairs together.Needless to say, these three people must be sitting in Lihuo Palace, Feiyu Sword Sect and Taiqing Pavilion respectively.

And seeing how Shen Yeming admired Lihuo Palace very much, he finally learned that there are strengths and weaknesses among the three Mahayana monks.The one in Lihuo Palace is definitely a top monk in this world, but he won't show up easily on weekdays.As for anything, it was handled by the other two.

Needless to say, this is a stable situation maintained by the coexistence of the three forces, but Yi Tian couldn't help being taken aback. The one in the Lihuo Palace doesn't seem to be a good person, and the cracking of Ascension by Patriarch Wuye 400 years ago is bound to cause damage to him. threaten.

I am afraid that the stable situation of the three parties in the human race will change in a short time, but I feel helpless in my heart.Since I have come to the spirit world, I will definitely be involved in this dispute, but now I still hope that these things will come later, so that I have enough time to prepare.

What he lacks the most is time. Knowing that the road ahead will be difficult, Yi Tian feels extremely depressed, but his face is silent and pretends to listen.

I heard Shen Yeming mention that in the spiritual world, the cities of comprehension are divided into three levels of "heaven, earth and people". The Luoxia City closest to here is only a human-scale comprehension city in the spirit world.

There are no fewer than hundreds of such cities, and most of the city lords stationed in the cities are monks in the distraction period.As for the upper-level prefecture-level cities, there are more than [-] cities scattered throughout the entire spiritual world, and the monks sitting there have reached the integration stage.

Hearing this, Yi Tian couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Is there only three super cities that day, and these three Mahayana monks are in charge?"

Shen Yeming smiled slightly and replied: "You Daoist Yi is judging according to common sense, but it's a pity that you guessed wrong?"

Yi Tian frowned slightly and hurriedly said: "Can you ask fellow Taoist to clarify?"

Seeing Yi Tian's attitude of asking for advice sincerely and humbly, Shen Yeming also felt a great sense of satisfaction in his heart.Then he directly replied: "There were originally three sky-level cities, but it is said that Qingfeng City under the Taiqing Pavilion was occupied for thousands of years after the demons invaded during the Jiemian War 8000 years ago. Afterwards, although the three Mahayana monks joined forces to The demons have been driven out of this world, but Qingfeng City has not yet recovered its vitality. And I heard that there are still some relics left by the demons in the city that have not been completely cleaned up."

"In this way, doesn't Taiqing Pavilion need to re-select the site to build the city?" Yi Tian asked.

Shen Yeming nodded in agreement before replying: "That's true, so Taiqing Pavilion re-established a new city [-] miles west of the original site, also named 'Qingfeng City', and all the facilities in the old city It was moved over as it was.”

"Isn't that still a sky-level city?"

Shen Yeming curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Heavenly level is not considered, after all, it is also distinguished according to the strength of the spiritual power of the land veins. The land veins of the new city are still somewhat different from those of the original site, but they are also higher than those of ordinary prefecture-level cities. It's several times better. And the level of damage to the old city's leylines has dropped, so now those two places can only be regarded as quasi-celestial. However, some good people have arranged to call them Qingfeng Twin Stars, which can be regarded as the defeat of the Taiqing Pavilion. It's been whitewashed."

Changing the name and giving it a fancy name can whitewash Taiping, Yi Tian felt really funny after hearing this.It seems that the strength of this Taiqing Pavilion is much weaker than the other two sects, and it is bound to be seriously injured after being invaded by the demons.

And according to myself, since I can't completely let go of Qingfeng Old City, there must be an unknown secret behind it, but it is impossible for me to have the opportunity to understand it with my current cultivation level. OK.

Along the way, he followed Shen Yeming into Luoxia City, and then flew directly to a tall building in the north of the city.Just now, I looked down at the scale of Luoxia City from high above, only to find that this human-level city is ten times larger than the largest Lihuo City in Zhongzhou on Tianlan Continent.

But even this scale is only the lowest level, so what will be the scale of the earth level and sky level above.Thinking of this, Yi Tian sighed and admired secretly.

Shen Yeming, who was leading the way, didn't talk too much. In fact, he was not much better when he first came here, but now he pretended to be mature and prudent.

Outside the tallest building, Yi Tian could see the three characters "Jianyinsi" written in the spiritual world from a long distance away. Needless to say, this is the destination of his trip.

When I came to the introduction department, Yi Tianshen thought about it and found that the cultivation base of the monks on duty outside was like that of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.Surprised in my heart, it seems that this place is really "there are as many nascent infants as dogs, and they walk all over the place with transformation spirits." Only at a higher distraction stage can they be regarded as little masters of Megatron.

Before Shen Yeming walked to the main entrance, he took out his identity jade badge and handed it up. After the two guards inspected it, they stretched out their spiritual sense and passed it by Yi Tian before rushing in to report.

Not half a moment later, three bells rang in the reception department, and then the middle door opened wide, and a monk in his thirties came out from it.After seeing Yi Tian, ​​he sized him up and said: "I will guide Si Hongfei, congratulations to Fellow Daoist Yi for ascending to this world, please come with me."

Yi Tian saluted with both hands together and said "Please, fellow daoist", and then followed with big strides.

After walking all the way from the main entrance to the reception room of the reception department, Yi Tianshen realized with a thought that a monk was already waiting there.After taking him to the door, Hong Fei turned to Shen Yeming and said, "Special Envoy Shen can go to the Inspection Division to collect his merits, and someone else will be on duty at the reception desk there."

After hearing this, Shen Yeming was overjoyed and hurriedly replied respectfully: "Thank you, Director Hong, I will hand in the task right now." Then he turned to Yi Tian and said, "Friend Yi, forgive the old man for sending the duties here. In the future, if you are destined, please support me more. The old man lives in Tianzifang at the beginning of Jiugong Street."

Yi Tian smiled back and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for accompanying me all the way. If there is a chance in the future, Yi Tian will come to thank you in person."

That Hong Fei seemed to be frowning and seemed to be a little concerned about such nonsense, Shen Yeming hurriedly apologized a few times and backed away.

After he left, Hong Fei said: "Friend Daoist Yi, you don't have to be so polite with this kind of monk. A rising monk like you will definitely have a bright future in the future, and it's definitely not something that a small Luoxia City can keep."

Yi Tian didn't know the reason and didn't dare to offend Hong Fei. He nodded and responded: "Thank you, Director Hong, for pointing out. I don't know much about the spiritual world at the beginning of the Xia Dynasty, so I asked Fellow Daoist Shen on the way."

Hong Fei understood, "It's not difficult. You can go to the Cangshu Pavilion in the city to look for the information you need after you meet the director of the reception department."

(End of this chapter)

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