
Chapter 904

Chapter 904
In Luoxia City, Yi Tian was taken by Director Hong Fei to the reception room of the reception department, opened the door and entered it, and found a round table for eight people inside.Sitting at a section of the table was a monk dressed in Zongmen costumes. He looked very young, but he knew in his heart that he was actually much older than himself.

Moreover, no fluctuations in spiritual power could be detected on his body, which showed that his cultivation base was much higher than his own.Yi Tian didn't dare to be negligent, and walked into it slowly under the leadership of Hong Fei, and then bowed to the man and said: "The monk Yi Tian of the lower realm sees the senior."

"This seat, Hong Shanhe, is the lord of Luoxia City." The young monk said.

"It turned out to be the city lord face to face, disrespectful, disrespectful," Yi Tian replied neither humble nor overbearing.

Hong Shanhe raised his hand and said: "It's okay, Xiaoyou Yi, please sit down and talk."

"Being respectful is worse than obeying orders," Yi Tian immediately stepped forward and sat down on the left side of Hong Shanhe.

Hong Shanhe took a few glances before opening his mouth and said: "It's not easy for my little friend to ascend from the lower world to the spiritual world safely. You are the first one during my term of office."

Such a genius suddenly realized that Yulai himself was still in short supply, so even the city lord put down his airs and came in person.

Then I only heard Hong Shanhe continue to say: "Any ascension monks who are new to the spiritual world will receive spiritual infusion, but after 500 years, there will be a thunderstorm to cross the world, which is also a test for yourself. I hope you are at this stage. You can't slack off in your cultivation, and only after you have survived the thunder calamity of entering the world can you truly integrate into the spirit world."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, he didn't expect that there was still this trouble, so if he couldn't get through the thunder disaster of entering the world, wouldn't it be a waste of all his previous efforts.

A hint of doubt appeared on his face, and he asked directly: "Dare to ask City Master Hong how powerful this worldly thunder tribulation is, has anyone ever been unable to survive it?"

Hong Shanhe said with a smile: "Young friend Yi, don't need to be nervous. This thunder calamity is just to wash away the breath of the lower world brought by you. As far as I know, the ascension monks are all talented people, and it is no problem to survive this calamity." .And there are special secluded Leidans available in the city."

"Secluded Lightning Pill," Yi Tian murmured in a low voice, but he thought about it in his heart: "It seems that this Secluded Lightning Pill is not so easy to get. The Lord Hong came here to meet with unknown intentions, so I'd better take it easy good."

After thinking about it, he asked with a faint smile: "I think there must be a certain price for this remote Lei Dan, so please ask the city lord to speak bluntly."

"Okay, I like the straight-forward character of monk Feisheng," Hong Shanhe laughed and said, "Young friend Yi can take a post in our Luoxia City Inspection Department first, and your cultivation level is enough to be the captain of the chevron flag."

Inspectorate, Yi Tian's heart moved, wasn't Qian Lingzi the inspector of the upper realm back then.Now the seat I'm looking for is the same as him, but I don't know which position is higher or lower.

Then he asked tentatively: "I don't know what the position of the inspection department and the captain of the herringbone flag is?"

Hong Shanhe waved his finger and pointed at Hong Fei and said, "My younger brother is the deputy director of the inspection agency. You can ask him more about these things in the future."

It turns out that Hong Fei still has such a big background. Although Yi Tian guessed that she had a lot to do with Support, he didn't expect such a connection.

But since the city lord said he was the deputy director, he didn't know who the director was.Judging by their appearance, could it be that he is involved in power disputes again.

As it is now, the situation is overwhelming. If I don't agree, I'm afraid I might not be able to get out of this door.Yi Tian immediately cupped his hands towards Hong Fei and said, "In the future, Director Hong will ask for more guidance."

The word 'vice' was intentionally omitted between the words, Hong Fei's expression remained unchanged after hearing this, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.But in Yi Tian's eyes, he saw naked ambition, secretly thinking that Hong Fei would use his own hands to fight for the rightful position in the future.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian felt at ease, so it seemed that he was stable in Luoxia City for at least a while.

Later, Hong Shanhe also explained the affairs in the lower city, and then picked up the plane and left.Then Yi Tian went through identity registration under the leadership of Hong Fei, and got the jade card certificate from the inspection department.

Holding the jade card in his hand, he felt a chilly feeling. He opened the jade card and glanced at the front, which had the words 'Luoxia City Inspection Division' written in spiritual characters.

On the back, there is a circular mark with the word 'people' written in it, and a number 27 below it. According to Hong Fei, the inspection department is also organized according to 'heaven, earth and people'.

The chevron flag can be regarded as the smallest patrol unit, and a captain usually has four team members to follow.The position given to oneself in this way is the seven groups of herringbone flag No.20.

The captain of the Dizi Banner on the top governs ten teams, with a total of fifty monks.As for Tianziqi, there are two chief inspectors in the inspection department. There are more than 350 inspectors in the inspection department of Luoxia City. Yi Tian took up the position of captain as soon as he came up, which will be of great help to the future development. .

According to Hong Fei, he is full-time in charge of the security affairs in Luoxia City, while the director who has never met is in charge of the defense and security outside Luoxia City.Therefore, in terms of manpower allocation, Hong Fei could only command two ground flags, and the control rights of the remaining five were in the hands of the director.

Yi Tian didn't need to be too concerned about these things for the time being, Hong Fei gave himself a ten-day vacation, but he could take this opportunity to go around Luoxia City to find out information.

And it was obvious that he wanted to win him over, so after getting the herringbone flag jade medal, Hong Fei directly transferred two hundred merit points to himself.

Now that Yi Tianchu has come to drive, he is not short of money for the time being, so he needs to understand the situation in this world before he can figure out what to do next.

After coming out of the reception department, Yi Tian found the Zangshu Pavilion in the city according to the map of Luoxia City given by Hong Fei.The man on duty at the door was a late-stage cultivator, and Yi Tian didn't dare to force his way in, so he went up to show his identity.

The monk on duty just gave a symbolic 'oh', and then said that the people in the inspection department can consult all the materials except the cultivation method and skill books for free.

Yi Tian looked at the catalog, and saw that the number of merits exchanged for 'Jade True Treasure Mirror' was as many as [-].The Taiqing Pavilion entry-level exercises are also written on the back.

Although it was known early on that Luoxia City was a branch of the Dao Sect of the Qing Dynasty, the branch of the Taiqing Pavilion, but it is a bit rash to sell the sect's martial arts in a grand manner here.Seeing that Yi Tian was fascinated, the deacon said, "Don't be too ambitious, even if you learn the exercises of Yuzhen Baojian, you are just getting a pre-selection ticket to enter the Taiqing Pavilion, and there are still many obstacles behind Waiting. But if you can really enter the Taiqing Pavilion and become a true disciple, then at least one city lord will not be able to escape."

Yi Tian had an open-minded look on his face, but he was full of laughter in his heart. He even had a full set of Li Huo Zong's exercises and would care about it.But if he reveals his strength for no reason, it will definitely attract prying eyes from all parties, and his life may be in danger.

This Taiqing Pavilion's cultivation method is just enough to cover himself, I am afraid that the matter of exchange will be put on the agenda as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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