
Chapter 906 Inquiry

Chapter 906 Inquiry
Yi Tian in front of the main hall of the Inspection Division Headquarters in Luoxia City was shocked by a sudden cry. The man seemed to be in his early thirties, and his body cultivation had reached the late stage of transformation.

It is definitely not easy to know the identity of the other party with a glance, and then respectfully saluted: "Xia Yitian is here to report today. Please forgive me for the many impoliteness."

The man glanced at him for a while before he opened his mouth and said, "Are you that Ascension Cultivator?"

"Exactly, I don't know how to call it," Yi Tian replied.

"This Qingyuan is the first one here."

"It turned out to be the Chief of the Inspection Department, and his subordinates are guilty of blindness." Yi Tian's tone was polite, but his demeanor was neither humble nor overbearing, showing no trace of timidity.

In terms of cultivation, Qingyuan is indeed two small steps higher than himself, but if he really wants to use his hands in rotation, he may not lose with the powerful skills of Lihuo Palace.

That Qingyuan was also taken aback, ordinary people would be respectful and respectful when they saw the inspectors, and even the subordinates seemed to cringe when they saw him.On the contrary, the soaring cultivator in front of him was full of pride, seemingly respectful, but actually had the meaning of rather bending than bending.

After the first confrontation, Qingyuan had a judgment in his heart and said immediately: "Since he is a newly recruited patrol envoy, he can be regarded as one of his own, and follow my inner court for questioning."

After hearing this, Yi Tian followed Qing Yuan into the lobby of the inspection department without saying a word.In fact, after the cultivation level has reached the stage of transforming gods, even if the divine sense is restrained, you can detect every move within a range of more than ten feet anytime, anywhere.

Presumably, I was discovered by the director when I first entered the inspection department. The inquiry just now was just a formality, and the key was to test myself.

Fortunately, no flaws were revealed under the calm response, and he had already made up his mind to properly handle the relationship between the city lord and the inspection department.At worst, wait until the achievements are enough to exchange for the 'Secluded Lightning Pill', then leave here and go to the territory of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect to find an opportunity to join the sect.

After entering the inner hall, Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that the interior was quite exquisitely arranged, with a somewhat antique flavor.

And Qingyuan himself sat down at the main seat more casually, and then stretched out his hand to signal Yi Tian to sit down.Then he picked up the copywriting on his desk and looked at it for a while before asking: "From now on, inspector Yi, those who enter our inspection department need to keep their duty in mind, and do their best to complete the work assigned by the boss."

"It's natural, you should be dedicated to your duty," Yi Tian hurriedly replied, but he had some doubts in his heart, wondering whether the other party was knocking or pointing out.

Then I heard Qingyuan say again: "Although you are recommended by Hong Shanhe, it is really difficult to practice as a rising monk without a foundation here. I wonder what your future plans are?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yi Tian felt uncomfortable answering, Luoxia City is the site of Taiqing Pavilion, and the owner of the city must be an inner disciple of Taiqing Pavilion who is stationed here.

To say that it was not my original intention to join the Taiqing Pavilion, and the existing kungfu in my hand is the "Yaolinghuashenjue" of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, which is out of the Lihuo Palace.

It would be great if he could join the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect and use the power of the sect to cover himself.

Seeing Yi Tian's troubled face, Qingyuan didn't urge him, but said again: "Actually, Luoxia City is not monolithic, for example, I am an outer disciple of Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and I just follow the arrangement of Shangfeng to serve here."

Yi Tian's face changed when he heard the words, he really had nowhere to look for, and it took no effort to get it.It's just that I don't know why the two parties will draw themselves together so much.

After a little recovery, Yi Tian asked: "This subordinate has only been in the spirit world for ten days. If there is a chance, it is good to join the sect. It would be great if you can get the support of noble people."

Qing Yuan nodded with a satisfied expression, Yi Tian neither agreed nor objected to what he said just now, but wanted to understand the situation clearly before making plans.

Obviously such a move belongs to a mature and prudent person, if he directly agrees to it, it will make people look down on him by three points.

Qingyuan didn't hide anything, so he told the inside story in detail.

It turns out that Ascending Cultivators have always been a scarce resource that the major sects compete with each other. You must know that these Cultivators are all overlords in the lower realm, and they are all second-to-none in terms of mental perseverance.Even some of the sect's inner sect leaders may not have such qualifications.

Moreover, the soaring monks who have just arrived in the spirit world must have nothing to rely on. As long as the sect gives a helping hand to enter the gate wall, there is no need to worry about loyalty. This is like recruiting soul boys on Tianlan Continent.

After listening to it, Yi Tian showed a serious look and said: "My lord's kindness is appreciated, but the three sects have their own advantages and disadvantages. I just want to choose the one that is most suitable for my cultivation."

Qingyuan didn't find it strange when he heard the words, Yi Tian's idea was also reasonable, and it was especially important to choose the cultivation method and sect that suits him.He smiled and asked: "The director doesn't know Yi Xunzhan's main skills and moves. If it is convenient, let me know one or two, so that I can make a judgment."

Yi Tian was overjoyed and secretly said: "This meat show is here, but fortunately, I have already chosen Yaolinghuashen Jue as a secondary exercise."After the fusion of the five elements, he only uses wood-based exercises as the main method to cover up his original strong aura of thunder, purple flame and real fire. '

As long as the round of actual combat skills can not use the moves of the gold and water attribute, it can maintain the balance of the five-star true energy in the body, so that people will not be aware of the cultivation of the palace of fire.

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "Before the fusion of the five elements' vitality, my subordinate majored in wood-type kung fu, and most of the spells in my hands were wood-type. In addition, I also practiced some sword control skills. I don't know whether it can enter the director's eyes."

After hearing this, Qingyuan couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.For Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, most of them are sword cultivators. The reason is very simple. Sword cultivators have much higher fighting power than ordinary cultivators, unless they encounter militants from Lihuo Palace, they are generally rare opponents at the same level.

He opened his mouth a little later and said, "It just so happens that my Fei Yu Sword Sect majors in killing and cutting swordsmanship, but it suits your needs. I wonder if Yi Xunzhang would like to join?"

Faced with such a blatant recruiting, Yi Tian thought for a while and asked: "I heard from the director's introduction that I guess that your sect should be the right method for me to practice. It's just that I just joined the inspection department, how can I worship the sect?" Woolen cloth?"

Qingyuan laughed and said: "Don't worry about inspector Yi. This entry into the sect does not conflict with the appointment of the inspection department. After 300 years, the Zongmen's internal affairs ministers and elders will inspect this place and I will recommend it."

Hearing this, Yi Tian showed joy, but then frowned as if hesitating to speak.Seeing what Baliao decided in his mind, Qing Yuan tentatively asked: "Is Yi Xunzhang worried about the matter of Lei Jie and Secluded Lei Dan?"

Yi Tian showed a look of helplessness, nodded embarrassingly when he poked at the center of the matter, and said: "I heard what City Master Hong said, this is what all ascension monks have to face, so the subordinates still have some hesitation in their hearts."

(End of this chapter)

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