
Chapter 907 Serving

Chapter 907 Serving
Facing Qingyuan's solicitation, Yi Tian had intentions in his heart, but he also expressed his worries.This World-Ending Thunder Tribulation is no joke, its power is three points stronger than the Transformation God Tribulation.

Moreover, Yi Tian still had some worries in his heart, wondering if the seal in his body would come out to make trouble again.To be honest, I have been tossed by this cup of seal along the way. Every time I cross the catastrophe, I am frightened and have to face the sudden "extra meal".

Now that having the secluded thunder pill can reduce the power of the thunder calamity by [-]%, I am determined to win this thing in my heart.

It's a pity that the secluded thunder pill is completely controlled by the major city lords, and ordinary alchemists will not refine it even if they get the alchemy formula.The reason is very simple. Refining such elixir usually cannot make ends meet. If it weren't for the support of large sects with strong financial and material resources, they would not have done such a thing that was not worth the loss.

After listening to Yi Tian's story, Qingyuan showed a hint of admiration and said, "Don't worry about Yi Xunzhang. If you want to talk about this remote Lei Dan, I have a way to get it. As long as you can show value in these 300 years, you want to wait for Zongmen to inspect it." The elders can bring it with them when they arrive at Luoxia City."

The meaning of these words is self-evident, and Yi Tian relieved the worry on his face after hearing this.But in the blink of an eye, talking about what reflects the value, most of them should complete many tasks in the inspection department.

After all, this rare Lei Dan will not be given for nothing, and should be exchanged with the merits he has earned, at most he will give himself a discount based on his willingness.

Thinking of this, Yi Tiancai replied: "With this shortcut, I will definitely perform well. If I can get into the eyes of the director, please help me a lot."

"In the case of Yi Xunzhan, the success or failure of this matter is entirely in your own hands, and I'm just pushing the boat along with the flow," Qingyuan replied flatly.

"Thank you, Master Chief, for your support," Yi Tian asked after thinking for a while, "I don't know if any of the Ascension Cultivators have survived the Lightning Tribulation without taking the Secluded Lightning Pill."

After being asked this question, Qingyuan seemed to be interested, and after recalling it for a while, he sighed and said, "It's better not to think too much about Yi Xunzhang."

"Is there not?"

Qingyuan said with a serious expression: "Actually, there are some. I think the Ascension monks recruited by Lihuo Palace can pass through the fifth stage of refining their sect's secret method within 500 years. I haven't heard anything else. Said that there are other people who can forcibly carry the thunder disaster of entering the world."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was ecstatic. It is not easy to cultivate to the fifth level in 500 years.If it is a monk without any foundation, it is absolutely impossible to achieve it.

But now I am already the fifth grade of refining, and if I continue on like this, I can survive the thunder disaster as long as I proceed step by step, but this is only if there is no 'additional meal'.

After thinking about it, he was determined, but his face showed a look of disappointment, his eyes dimmed, and he did not dare to show any flaws.

After a while, he sighed and said: "It seems that I should stop thinking about other things and focus on obtaining a secluded Leidan for the time being."

"It should be like this," Qingyuan said, "I won't do much to keep you here. You can go to the front hall and hand over the token to the deacon, and he will arrange team members and tasks for you. As for the completion, you can go to The Front Office Registry receives the corresponding merit as a reward."

Speaking of which, Yi Tian also heard Qingyuan's intention of raising a glass to see off the guests, and hurriedly thanked him, then hurriedly left the backyard and returned to the front hall of the inspection department.

At this time, there were several waves of people coming and going in the front lobby, and Yi Tian glanced at them, and they were basically in groups of five in the herringbone team.

However, there are also two groups that are not full, and one or two members are missing.Although I don't know if it was intentionally arranged like this, Yi Tian couldn't ask any more questions, but just wrote down the cultivation bases of their group members.

Usually the captain of the five-person team of the herringbone flag is in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and he is equipped with a late-stage Nascent Soul monk and three members of the mid-stage Nascent Soul.

As for the weaker team, there are also early-stage Nascent Soul monks, so the overall strength has indeed been lowered a lot.

When Yi Tian handed over the inspection token in his hand to the deacon, the other party only showed a strange look in his eyes, and then he looked at himself before saying without changing his face: "Take the token and go to the North City Inspection Station, your The team is waiting there."

Then he took out a task jade slip and handed it to Yi Tian, ​​saying: "After all your team members confirm to accept this task, you can use the identity jade card to activate it."

Yi Tian didn't want to be looked down upon for the first time on a mission, whether it was Hong Fei or Qing Yuan, maybe they were secretly paying attention to themselves at this time.After thinking about it, Yi Tian just curled his lips and took the task Yujian, then turned around and left the gate of the inspection department and rushed towards the north of the city.

The square garden of Luoxia City covers an area of ​​more than [-] li. Fortunately, the inspectors can fly in the city.Standing on the street, Yi Tian took out the map of Luoxia City, glanced at it, found the location of the inspection station in the north of the city, and then flew straight towards it in a flash.

The distance of hundreds of miles is just a short time away. When I arrived at the inspection station in the north of the city, I found that there were not many people inside, but most of them were Nascent Soul monks.

Yi Tian went up and handed the identity jade badge to the deacon in front of the door for inspection, and then was told that his team members were all waiting in branch 27.

Enter from the main entrance of the inspection office and pass through several long corridors before finding the room marked with 27.After pushing open the door, he swept away his spiritual sense and saw two burly men sitting cross-legged in the inner courtyard, their cultivation bases were only in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

On the other side is a small man with five short stature, but his cultivation base has reached the late stage.

Counting these are his teammates, but it seems that there is still a shortage of people.Think about it, the group of four I met before was a cultivator who transformed himself into a god with three late Nascent Souls.

That overall strength is definitely much stronger than mine here, and I was wondering when I suddenly saw those two big men stepping up to salute me: "May I ask, are you the new captain of my 27th team?"

Yi Tian frowned and realized that there was a lot of information contained in these words, and then nodded and replied: "This seat, Yi Tian, ​​you can report your names so that I can have confidence in myself."

The leading man hurriedly replied: "Subordinate Kui Bao, this is my younger brother Kui Lang." After saying that, he stretched out his finger and pointed at his brother beside him.

As for the little man, he hurried forward and saluted Yi Tian: "Subordinate Zhao Cheng has seen the banner owner."

Countless people in Yi Tianyue saw that this person was a cunning at a glance, and secretly made a note in their hearts, but they responded one by one without changing their expressions.

Then he asked: "Our team is not full, do we need another member from the deacon?"
Zhao Cheng really smiled and said: "The captain doesn't have to worry, there is still a team member on the way, and it should be here."

Just as he was talking, Yi Tian frowned, and in his divine sense, he discovered that a monk in the early Yuanying period was walking towards him, and judging by his aura, he should be a female cultivator.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket of the man who loves to drink liquor

(End of this chapter)

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