
Chapter 908 Attendance 1

Chapter 908 Attendance One
After meeting the members of Squad 27 at the North of the city inspection station for the first time, Yi Tian finally had a bottom line in his mind.In terms of strength, my team is at most in the mid-range, plus there is a burden from the early stage of Nascent Soul, I really greet Hong Fei and Qing Yuan in my heart.

Looking at the female cultivator at the early stage of the Nascent Soul in front of her, she didn't let out her Qi.The childishness of this person's dignified face has not faded, and he looks like he is in his twenties or eight years.

Judging by the age of his bones, he has not yet reached three hundred years old, but in terms of aptitude, he is quite good, but there is still a greenness between his brows, obviously he has not experienced any big storms.

I estimated in my heart that it was probably the second generation of cultivators, and the spiritual power in his body was not very stable.

In this way, if you don't even have the magical powers to practice, you will follow the mission. Wouldn't you have to be a nanny yourself?

Yi Tian immediately pulled his face down when he saw it, and glanced at the other three people in a blink of an eye, only to see that they all avoided his gaze intentionally or unintentionally, probably because he knew that such a treasure was coming.

Up to now, Yi Tian really wants to find a deacon to replace the team members, but fortunately, he has practiced well in cultivating Qi for many years.Then asked in a deep voice: "Come on, report your name, and hand over your identity jade badge for me to check."

The female cultivator pursed her mouth, and seeing Yi Tian staring at her seriously, she didn't dare to pretend anymore, she just reached out and took out a jade plaque and handed it over, "Luoxia City Huajiahua Yuxin."

Yi Tian's face was stern, and the power he had developed over the years was slowly released, and he continued: "I asked your name, but I didn't ask about your family affairs, so don't just talk about useless things. And I'm your Shangguan. In honorific terms, didn’t you learn these rules when you joined the job?”

One sentence made Hua Yuxin's face suddenly violent.In his heart, he secretly calculated that as long as Hua Yuxin's subordinates made a fuss, he would have a chance to kick her out of the team.

In this way, it is justifiable to ask the deacon for a mid-Yuanying team member to fill up.

Unexpectedly, Hua Yuxin stood there and waited for a while, her whole body trembled, and then she forcibly calmed down later.Then he cupped his fists and said to Yi Tian: "My subordinate Hua Yuxin sees the captain, this is my identity plate."

After hearing this, Yi Tian was taken aback. He didn't expect that the second generation Xiu in front of him was not bad, and he entered the role so quickly.He reached out his hand to take her identity jade badge and glanced at it, it was obviously almost brand new like his own.

But I was forced into the inspection department, but it wasn't why the Hua family lady in front of me came here.

Thinking that we still have time to get along with each other in the future, we are not in a hurry, and then Yi Tian returned the jade card to Hua Yuxin with a slight smile on his face, and then said: "In this way, our No. Let's take a look at the task issued by the Inspection Division together."

With a flick of his hand, he took out the task jade slip and opened it gently, and in an instant, the four divine senses stretched out and scanned the jade slip several times.Then I saw that the faces of the Kui family brothers became extremely exciting, and Zhao Cheng also frowned and remained silent there.

Yi Tian knew that there must be something strange in it, and after a blink of an eye, he saw the jade slip that said, "Investigate around Guyun Mountain, the Tongtian Pavilion caravan disappeared there five days ago, just ask for clues to the caravan." "Next is a detailed description of the characters. The caravan from Tongtian Pavilion was originally expected to arrive in Luoxia City three days ago, but this time it happened to miss the handover time.

The Sanxiu who had contacts provided information. The last time they saw a caravan under the banner of Tongtian Pavilion entered Guyun Mountain.That's why the shopkeeper of Tongtian Pavilion approached the inspection department and asked to find the whereabouts of the caravan.

And Qingyuan is in charge of the surrounding affairs outside the city, so he assigned this matter directly to himself.

After taking out the map and searching it, he quickly found the location of Guyun Mountain, which is about two thousand miles north of Luoxia City in a steep mountain forest.

It can be said that it is the only way to pass through the main road in the north of Luoxia City. Seeing the appearance of these four people, he knew in his heart that Guyun Mountain was not a good place.

I am new to the inspection department and I don't want to be disgraced as soon as I come up, so this first mission must be completed, and it must be done beautifully, so that both Hong Fei and Qingyuan can see it. Only in the eyes can we face up to our own value.

After thinking about it, he said: "Since we have accepted this task, everyone, please express your opinions. I also want to hear your opinions on this."

Kui Bao looked at Zhao Cheng and hesitated to speak. In terms of seniority, Zhao Cheng was under Yi Tian, ​​so he was the first to speak about this matter.

After receiving the stares from his teammates, Zhao Cheng did his part, walked up and clasped his fists at Yi Tianyi and said, "Forgive me, this Tongtian Pavilion is lost, and the caravan has its own guards in the pavilion to investigate, why? You need to report to the Inspection Department. According to my subordinates, although Tongtian Pavilion is a business alliance, the forces behind it are closely related to the Taoist sect of the Shangqing, why not invite the masters of the sect to come."

Kui Lang also took the opportunity to agree: "Exactly, and the caravan disappeared five days ago. It's too late for us to check now."

Yi Tian frowned and asked, "What do you mean by looking for you?"

Kui Lang went on to say: "If it was artificially done in five days, the head and tail would have been cleaned up. If there was a beast disaster, there would probably be very little left."

"Beast disaster," Yi Tian asked puzzled, "Why is there such a rampage of monsters happening on the boundary of Luoxia City?"

Hua Yuxin, who was standing on the side, turned to look at Yi Tian after hearing this, and then saw the other three were silent, so he found a chance to speak: "The captain doesn't know that there are still some places where monsters appear in the area around Luoxia City, but Most of them are at the level of Huashen, maybe the caravan from Tongtian Pavilion happened to meet this time and they didn't know about it."

"Then the caravan is always followed by a guard team, and the number of people will not be small, but I don't know how it is cultivated?" Yi Tian asked again.

Kui Bao interjected: "Usually, the caravans of Tongtian Pavilion are equipped with four monks guarding the team. The cultivation level at the head is about that of the late Nascent Soul. The remaining three are monks at the Nascent Soul stage."

In this way, Yi Tian had a general understanding in his heart, stretched out his finger to the direction of Guyun Mountain and said: "This mission is urgent, and our biggest concern is that the caravan disappeared for too long. So everyone has a Prepare to pack at the hour, and gather at the gate of the inspection station in an hour, and we will go directly to Guyun Mountain to find out."

Although the other four people had some doubts in their hearts, they didn't dare to disobey the order and hurriedly resigned to buy supplies and prepare to go.

Yi Tian took advantage of this spare time to take the task jade slip in his hand and carefully read it several times, feeling a little bit of disdain.This kind of task actually underestimated myself, but I still take it easy when I am a newcomer, and this matter does not seem to be as simple as it is on the surface.

And there is definitely something wrong with Hua Yuxin, it is very unfavorable to keep such a hidden danger by your side, and you have to touch her bottom to find an opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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