
Chapter 909 Attendance 2

Chapter 909 Attendance II

An hour later, Yi Tian left Luoxia City with the members of Team No. 20 and headed towards Guyun Mountain, two thousand miles away.Because everyone's cultivation levels are not uniform, they can only move forward at Hua Yuxin's flying speed along the way.

In fact, Yi Tian still has an assault boat that can be used, but I don’t know if using such a vehicle in the spirit world will attract too much attention.So I kept a mind in my heart, try not to be too outstanding in everything, and just follow the trend.

To be honest, Hua Yuxin's cultivation base is really too weak, even among the early Yuanying monks, he can only be regarded as a weak chicken.In terms of flying speed, it can only be faster than those monks who are golden elixir Dzogchen.

Yi Tian was patient and deliberately slowed down along the way so that she could keep up with the team members.As for Zhao Cheng and Kui's brothers, they looked dissatisfied, but it was because of the captain's face that it was not easy to attack.

It took three hours to fly for a journey of more than 2000 miles before entering the boundary of Guyun Mountain.

Along the way, Yi Tian carefully observed the four players under him, and began to constantly evaluate their performance in his heart.

My new official has not yet had three fires. It's not because I don't want to but because I haven't found a suitable opportunity.In addition, beating them also needs to pay attention to methods and means, and being silent for a while does not mean that you will not take the opportunity to go crazy.

Presumably, Zhao Cheng and the Kui brothers should have prejudices in their hearts, but they all seemed to have scruples about Hua Yuxin's family, so they had to hold back all the way.

After falling on the boundary of Guyun Mountain, Yi Tian asked: "Are you afraid that you have any special skills that you can share one by one, and I will use them to assign tasks."

Immediately, the four of them revealed their specialties respectively. Zhao Cheng is a personal level alchemist, and he has some skills in identifying medicinal materials and alchemy.

The brothers of the Kui family are from war cultivators, and they constantly improve their cultivation by fighting with others.I didn't practice any auxiliary skills on weekdays.

Since Hua Yuxin was from a noble family, so she was involved in refining equipment and alchemy, and even knew a thing or two about imperial beasts.

After understanding, Yi Tian turned his hands and took out four formation disks, put them in his hands and activated them slowly.Then throw one in each of the four directions in turn.

The four formation disks flew into the air and flew five hundred miles away in four directions before falling headlong into the boundary of Guyun Mountain.Afterwards, the four array disks echoed each other and connected with each other, and a blue light swept across the inner and middle areas.

Then Yi Tiancai said: "I have set up a four-element warning formation near here. If any monk comes in, the alarm will be issued as soon as possible. At that time, you don't want to fight and just ask your teammates for help. Another thing to remember is that we are To investigate the clues of the disappearance of the caravan, others can be temporarily put aside, safety first."

The last sentence hit the point. The four team members all showed serious expressions after hearing this, and after agreeing on the contact information, they found a direction and flew into the mid-air into Guyun Mountain.

After they all left, Yi Tian calmed down and thought about it. There was indeed something wrong with the Guyun Mountain in front of him, but he couldn't explain why for a while.Just now, I scanned the land within a radius of [-] miles with my spiritual sense, and almost didn't pull it down.

It's just that the thick fog rising from the mountain has the effect of isolating the spiritual thoughts, so I couldn't find out.

After searching just now, I found at least four places that cannot be detected clearly by divine sense.

The direction that the four members of his team were searching happened to be not far from that place, and it is estimated that there will be news soon.Moreover, their movements can be clearly detected in the four-element early warning formation that he has set up.

After reaching out to take out an array disk, Yi Tian glanced over, and saw the general situation of Guyun Mountain faintly transformed into it.There are four light spots moving rapidly, which are the four team members under him.

All of a sudden, one of the dots of light stopped motionless, something must have been discovered somewhere, and then a message was sent from the identity jade badge.Yi Tian looked at the source of the summons, which was the direction Hua Yuxin was searching for.Immediately after that, an afterimage appeared on the figure of Shengfeng under his feet, and then disappeared in place.

After ten breaths, several figures floated in the air one after another, and Yi Tian chased after them. Hua Yuxin, who was in mid-air, turned around and saw the captain following him, and hurriedly sent a message to inform him.

After stabilizing his figure in the air, Yi Tian asked directly, "Did you find anything?"

Hua Yuxin was taken aback for a moment and didn't expect the captain to come so fast, and then replied: "I found some traces of caravan transport vehicles here, this time the Tongtian Pavilion transported ordinary materials, so we still use the usual method and quickly It is transported by ground rhinoceros."

After hearing this, Yi Tian frowned slightly. Since it was an ordinary material, why should he send four monks at the Nascent Soul level as guards.Obviously, this seems to be a bit of a big deal. It is enough to send some golden core monks.

Then he expressed his thoughts, but Hua Yuxin's eyes flashed a look of disdain, and then he explained: "In the spirit world, only Nascent Soul monks can come out to pick up jobs, and those under the Nascent Soul are considered weak cultivators. Most of the people are cultivating in sects or families, or traveling separately.

It was so easy to realize that he had made a big joke. It was indeed inappropriate to look at things in the spirit world from the perspective of Tianlan Continent.

People here have enough spiritual power to practice effortlessly, just as Hua Yuxin said that under the Nascent Soul are all weak cultivators, who would go out to take risks, all of them are seizing the opportunity to improve their cultivation.

Looking at Hua Yuxin's appearance again, Yi Tian understood in his heart that she probably came out to find a job as an inspector when she first arrived at the Nascent Soul stage.I really didn't know that the Hua family would be so relieved to let her come out.

The division of strength and cultivation in the spirit world made Yi Tian deeply feel his unique environmental advantages, but on the other hand, it can also prove that their experience in fighting people must be insufficient.It's no wonder that ascended monks can be regarded as the elite among the elite in the spirit world. Their knowledge, mind and way of dealing with people are much more sophisticated than theirs.

The only weakness is that the spiritual energy in the lower realm is thin, and the bone age is usually relatively old after cultivation, but once there are sufficient resources, it will definitely go a little smoother on the subsequent path of cultivation.

As early as when I saw the four of them, I found that they were much younger than I expected. The middle-stage Nascent Soul was only about [-] years old, and the late Zhao Cheng also looked close to a thousand years old.

And I am not young among the incarnation monks, at least I have seen monks of the same rank who are less than a thousand years old in the inspection department.

Later, the other three also received the signal and rushed over. After everyone got together, they lowered their heads and went down to investigate on the spot.

After a while, Zhao Cheng discovered something and led everyone to look at the footprints on the hillside, saying: "It's the traces of the Gale Demon Wolf."

"And there's more than one. It should be a pack of wolves." Kui Bao said.

But Hua Yuxin frowned and said suspiciously: "I have never heard of a large number of Gale Demonic Wolves in Guyun Mountain before, and these monsters live in groups, and there are hundreds of them at every turn. There are many places, but obviously not so many."

"Maybe it's one of the sub-teams. It's no wonder you don't have a lot of experience at such a young age, Fellow Daoist Hua," Zhao Cheng said emphatically.

Seeing that Hua Yuxin was about to refute, Yi Tian snorted and said: "In this case, let's conclude that the caravan was attacked by wolves, Kui Bao Kui Lang and you two search around to see if there are any traces of the caravan left. Cheng was in charge of security in the air, and Hua Yuxin and I went down to collect evidence on the spot with photo beads."

(End of this chapter)

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