
Chapter 910 Attendance 3

Chapter 910 Attendance Three

Under Yi Tian's overall planning and arrangement, the four of them quickly started the work at hand, and after landing on the ground, they took out the photo beads prepared in advance and recorded all the scenes here.

On the other hand, Hua Yuxin, who was on the side, was full of disdain and was also grinding his hands, and it was not easy to do things.

In fact, I was also full of doubts in my heart. According to what Zhao Cheng said, if I really encountered wolves, these monks would always escape.

He quickly said in his mind that Luoxia City's Geography and Foreign Objects had been searched. According to historical records, there had been no trace of wolves within a radius of [-] miles for thousands of years.

And Zhao Cheng's ability to be sure that it was the Gale Demon Wolf after a glance seemed too great.Also, Kui Bao seems to be a rough old man, but he can't bear the subtleties in his roughness, so he covered up the doubts in a few words.

They are all old rivers and lakes. Most of them saw that there was something hidden in it, but they didn't want to get involved in it, so they became unified and determined the nature of this matter.

Only Hua Yuxin, a stunned young man, insisted on making excuses. In fact, she could see that other people had already understood it in their hearts, but they just didn't say it.

Thinking of this, Yi Tian also sighed helplessly in his heart. He didn't expect that the inspector's job would not be easy to do.This incident may not seem like a big deal, but it is a hot potato.

Maybe Tongtian Pavilion and this Jiedao are still rivals, but everyone knows it in their hearts but hasn't made it clear.If I investigate this matter thoroughly, I am afraid that I will offend many people.

Zhao Cheng and the others also saw the key point, so they tried every means to cover up the truth for them, turning man-made disaster into animal disaster.

Yi Tian can only let it go. Now that he just joined the inspection department, he has not found out the relationship between Hong Fei and Qingyuan, so he should be cautious in everything.

After investigating the situation at the scene, only some broken truck wreckage and a few mortal bones were found, and Yi Tian also dug a big one together and buried them.

After tidying up hastily, he took the team members and rushed towards Luoxia City.

On the way back, Yi Tian could notice that Zhao Cheng and the three seemed relieved, talking and laughing along the way.Even the Kui brothers, who had always been silent, started chatting one after another.

On the contrary, Hua Yuxin had a sad face, and every time she wanted to say something, the three of them took the opportunity to stop her.In the end, it was just a person flying behind and sulking alone.

The first mission was completed in such a 'satisfactory' way, now Yi Tian has a better understanding of the characters of the four.As expected of Zhao Cheng and the others, they knew how to choose and reject for a long time, and they didn't say a word about what should be said or should not be said.There is no need to worry about these things.

As for Hua Yuxin's temper like a newborn calf, fortunately, she is a female cultivator, so people will give her three points.Coupled with her family background, the other three did not want to offend too deeply.

After returning to the resident of the 27th team of the Luoxia City Inspection Office, Yi Tian asked the four team members to disband first on the pretext of going to the inspection department to recover.As for when the mission will be dispatched next time, we will have to wait for the deacon officer in the department to notify us separately.

After hearing this, Zhao Cheng and the others hurriedly retreated with joy on their faces, and then slipped away as soon as possible.Only Hua Yuxin clung on like a heel under her feet.

After Yi Tian saw it, he didn't say much and was about to go out to the head office to deal with business. Suddenly, he heard a crisp and charming voice: "Is Captain Yi going to report like this? Is it a dereliction of duty?"

Shaking his head, he said in his heart that this stunned head is going to drag himself into the water, and then his face sank and he said: "Does Fellow Daoist Hua have any unique insights?"

Now Hua Yuxin seemed to be looking for an opportunity to vent, and hurriedly said: "Don't the captain think that this matter is very strange?"

"Oh, didn't Kui Bao already say that the caravan was wiped out when it encountered a group of monsters? Could Fellow Daoist Hua tell you another reason?" Yi Tian replied impatiently, and immediately Pretending to leave.

Unexpectedly, this little girl directly stopped at the door to block the exit, and then said convincingly: "There is something strange about this matter, the number of wolves is wrong, and they don't seem to be wild, they should be pets raised by someone. The attack method is orderly and orderly, as if someone deliberately commanded it, this attack is completely premeditated, and the nature of the attack is completely aimed at Tongtian Pavilion."

Yi Tian really didn't want to stay here and talk to Hua Yuxin any more, but seeing her extremely serious attitude, he couldn't help but sighed and asked: "May I ask you if the Hua family has any business with Tongtian Pavilion?" Are there contacts or conflicts of interest?"

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin was stunned for a moment, and then said nonuo: "My Hua family is indeed related to Tongtian Pavilion, and I am also a good friend with the shopkeeper of the Tongtian Pavilion branch in Luoxia City, so we must investigate her entrustment to the end."

It turned out that this was to show off to her best friend, no wonder she would stare at her and chase after her.But now it's over on the surface, and the other three even don't want to care about it anymore.

Yi Tian thought for a while before replying: "You are right at all, the result of this on-site inspection is just as you expected."

Turning his head to look at Hua Yuxin's face showing a smug look at this time, Yi Tian continued: "Everyone can understand such a simple answer at a glance, but do you know why Zhao Cheng and the Kui family brothers insisted that it is true?" What did the monster do?"

When Hua Yuxin heard the words, there was an incredulous look in his eyes and he said: "Could it be that they have seen it all but want to stay out of it?"

"You are still too young," Yi Tianyu said earnestly: "That's right, with their sophistication, it is absolutely impossible to say something that is not there. There is only one thing that can drive them to do so."

"Could it be that Zhao Cheng and the others found out that there are too many involved, so they dare not investigate further?" Hua Yuxin asked in a low voice.

"Including me, I have found a few illogical places, but you can't forcibly deny it now that it is four to one." Yi Tian replied: "Listen to my advice and put this matter aside first, if you want to make a move There is another way to deal with the Tongtenkaku people. Instead of getting entangled here, it is better to inform your friends to strengthen their defenses."

Speaking of this, Hua Yuxin's face changed greatly and he said hastily: "You mean they will continue to chase and fight, so how should we deal with it?"

"First of all, we must take back all the caravans that have been released, and immediately abandon the materials on hand and retreat lightly. Retaining talents is the most important thing," Yi Tian said lightly.

"Then what's next, you can't just sit and wait for death?" Hua Yuxin asked anxiously.

"Find out the root cause of the matter, so that we can prescribe the right medicine. If I am not wrong, the other party will attack Tongtian Pavilion's shop in Luoxia City in the next step. Instead of sitting around and suffering unjust injustice, it is better to announce the closure of business during this period of time and wait until the matter is resolved." Good reopening," Yi Tian explained.

This time Hua Yuxin seemed to be enlightened, and hurried forward to thank Yi Tian and then left in a hurry. As for the handling of the task, she didn't mention it anymore.

 Thanks to the man who loves to drink baijiu for voting again
(End of this chapter)

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