
Chapter 911

Chapter 911 The Return
The first task of the Inspection Division was completed perfunctorily in this way, but after Yi Tian handed in the task, he found that the deacon greatly appreciated his conclusion.

Although he didn't say anything, there was a hint of relief in his eyes.The development of the matter was just as I expected. After the inspection department notified Shangfeng, there was no news.

In this way, he had passed the first test, and he gained another 150 points of merit in the inspector's jade token.

It has only been more than ten days since Ascension to the Upper Realm. Although I have a preliminary understanding of things in the spirit world, I have not experienced the existing buying and selling of items.

The currency commonly used in the spirit realm is still dominated by spirit stones, but unlike Tianlan Continent, the smallest unit of spirit stone level here is at least medium-grade.

As for the few high-grade spirit stones I gave to Shen Yeming last time, they can be regarded as common currency.As for the merit points in Luoxia City, they can also be used instead of spirit stones, and they are still one to one hundred high-grade spirit stones.

If converted to 200 merit points given by Hong Fei, it would be [-] high-grade spirit stones and [-] million middle-grade spirit stones.If it is placed in the lower world worth [-] million low-grade spirit stones, it is basically the output of spirit stones in Dongao for ten years.

Every time the Inspection Division completes a task, they have a three-day vacation, during which time they can visit the market in Luoxia City for supplies.

But Yi Tian still has a very important thing to do now. After leaving the inspection department, he went directly back to the inspection station in the north, and then used the thousand-face technique in a place where no one was there to change his appearance from the north of Luoxia City. The door slipped out.

This thousand-face technique is useless to distracted cultivators, but Yi Tian only needs to use it to fool those Nascent Soul cultivators in the city defense.

Apart from the back of the city, he flew east all the way to the uninhabited barren mountains three thousand miles away, and then stretched out his hand to pat the imperial beast pouch on his waist to summon Meng Xin out.

Back then, I had an agreement with her to bring her to the spirit world, and the task would be considered as completed, and then both parties could cancel the equal contract.

After a blue light flashed, a ball-like figure flew out, and then there was a lazy voice: "You really did it, I didn't expect that you would ascend to the upper realm after less than 200 years."

"Are you surprised?" Yi Tian said disdainfully: "You seem to have a lot of things in the spiritual world that you haven't explained to me clearly, making me run into walls like a headless chicken."

"I didn't explain clearly, I never lie to children," Meng Xin said angrily.

"You haven't mentioned such an important thing as entering the World Thunder Tribulation, and you haven't heard about the structure of the spirit world," Yi Tian said dissatisfied.

This time Mengxin flicked the small wings on his back and stopped in mid-air, pointed at Tiantian's nose and said: "These are small things, as the direct heir of the Lihuo Palace, facing the Thunder Tribulation is not a piece of cake. In addition, I am not a monster in the spirit world, so how could I know what the structure of the spirit world is like?"

"Okay, stop the gossip, I will undo the equality contract now, and you will be free after that," Yi Tian stretched out his hands and quickly formed a seal on his chest, and then a series of light curse characters flew out from his forehead Then it flew directly into the back of Mengxin's head.

Suddenly, Yi Tian found that the relationship with Mengxin seemed to be broken, which should be the result of the termination of the equal contract.

Then Mengxin's originally young body was seen with a red flame, and then the whole body stretched in the air and swelled up.The aura on his body also skyrocketed, and Yi Tian could feel the terrifying spiritual pressure fluctuations on Meng Xin's body no matter how close he was.

To tell the truth, Hong Shanhe, the lord of Luoxia City, might not have such terrifying strength. After ten breaths, he could only see a ball of flames after the halo receded.

After shaking her wings in the flames, Meng Xin put the flames under her wings, and then revealed that her body was a two-foot-tall adult fire phoenix.

The prehistoric alien cultivators like Huofeng couldn't see clearly, Yi Tian immediately seeped a layer of crystal sweat on his forehead, even in front of Huofeng, he could feel the coolness on his back.I have kept her with me as a pet for hundreds of years, and even asked her for three drops of spiritual blood to bless Fat Dog.

A little later, Huofeng said: "My real name is Mengxin, and I am Wuye's spiritual pet. I was beaten back to Nirvana state and sent to the lower realms. Fortunately, you took the initiative to bring me back."

Hearing that the voice was exactly the same as the original Mengxin, Yi Tian felt better.Then he said respectfully: "Since senior is the spiritual pet of Patriarch Wuye, he is also my uncle. I don't know where Patriarch is now?"

Mengxin lowered his head slightly, as if sensing Wuye's existence, and said after three breaths: "He is not in the spirit world now, and should accumulate strength in other planes. Although I know he is there, it is inconvenient for me to disclose it to you. Presumably there is also an agreement between you, and he will naturally come to you when the time comes."

Yi Tian knew this matter well, since Mengxin didn't want to disclose it, it would be useless to ask him again.

Later, Meng Xin said again: "I'm leaving, I'll give you a reminder before leaving, you must avoid the monks in Lihuo Palace before the fusion period, if you let them know your existence Big bad."

"Patriarch Wuye told me about this, and I planned it early on. The best refuge now is to join the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. With the protection of the sect, everything will be taken care of," Yi Tian replied.

But Meng Xin said with a look of disdain: "You are nothing more than fancying the spirit planting technique of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect. Let me tell you that the background of Taiqing Pavilion is also profound, why don't you think about it."

"As far as I know, Taiqing Pavilion is the last in the spirit world, and it was also the most damaged when the demon world invaded ten thousand years ago. It has not recovered yet." Yi Tian said.

"Then do you know which sect was the strongest in the spiritual world ten thousand years ago?" Meng Xin asked suddenly.

"Isn't it Lihuo Palace?" Yi Tian said suspiciously: "If it is really Taiqing Pavilion, how could Qingfeng City be occupied by the demon world after it was invaded? In the end, it was the ancestor Wuye who helped the demon clan force The coefficient is relegated to the Demon Realm."

These words seemed to bring back some memories of Mengxin's past. She bowed her head in silence, as if she was recalling something.It took a long time before I saw her sigh and said: "Some things are not what you see. Even the records of the anecdotes that have been circulated in the spirit world have not been able to tell them in detail. Well, that's all I have to say, I hope You can make the most reasonable choice. We will definitely meet again in the future, let’s talk then.”

Speaking of this, Yi Tian also knew that it was time to part. According to Mengxin's strength, he was far behind her, and staying by his side would only drag him down.After thinking about it, he cupped his hands and said, "You also cherish this, and hope to see you again in the near future."

A smile appeared on Mengxin's face, then he shook his tail and instantly dropped two three-foot-long feathers in front of Yi Tian.I only heard her say: "This is the feather left by me in my previous life. I originally kept it as a souvenir, but I found that leaving it to you can better exert its power. Goodbye, little nephew."

After speaking, the whole body flashed into a flame and rushed directly into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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