
Chapter 912

Chapter 912
In the east of Luoxia City, a powerful spiritual pressure fluctuation suddenly appeared, attracting the eyes of the four fields.Fortunately, Yi Tian left that place early in the morning, and walked around outside and re-entered the city from the south gate of Luoxia City.

Now carrying those two fire phoenix feathers on his body can be regarded as a treasure beyond the ordinary category.After the inspection, I thought about what kind of spirit treasure to refine it into.

There are three spiritual weapons that I can control with my current cultivation base, namely the Yaoli Sword, the Burning Flame Wheel and the Lihuo Fan.But no matter what they are, they are deeply branded with the imprint of Lihuo Palace, and once they are used, they will most likely reveal their identity.

Among them, the Flaming Wheel can be used as a flying vehicle, but the target is too obvious. After the fire flashes across the air, it tells others that there are monks from the Palace of Fire passing by.

As for the Yaoli sword, it is the natal spirit treasure that most direct monks from the Lihuo Palace will sacrifice.As for the Lihuo Fan, it is an upgraded version of the original Five Vulcan Fan, which is the most powerful and needs to be warmed in the dantian to fully demonstrate its power.

To be honest, none of the three offensive spirit treasures are suitable for me now.After much deliberation, it is better to put away this fire phoenix feather for the time being, and see what kind of auxiliary treasures can be purchased before making a decision.

It was already half a day after returning to Luoxia City, and it was a helpless move to take a long detour.After returning to the city, he went straight to the commercial street of Luoxia City.

Thinking about how I can buy some high-level materials with 350 merit points, but after walking around, Yi Tian's face became dark and terrifying.

The merit points in my hands can be added up to buy some high-level accessories, and if I want to refine the spirit weapon, I need to use the spirit vein and ground fire.Moreover, the rental price is also expensive, and if it goes on like this, there may not be much left over.

After thinking about it, let's temporarily use the Taiyuan sword in hand. Although it can barely be regarded as a human-level intermediate, it may not be as good as going out to fight with people.

The spiritual weapon in the master's hand is also a decisive factor for victory, so Yi Tian decided to buy some high-level materials and then find a refiner to upgrade the Taiyuan Sword to a high-level human level.

I have not yet experienced the skills of the craftsmen in the spirit world, so I took this opportunity to see the gap between myself and them.

After thinking about it, he took out the map of Luoxia City, and after the divine sense fell, he locked on a refining workshop called 'Thousands of Hardening'.This place can be regarded as the most famous workshop in Luoxia City.I heard the Kui family brothers mention that they can accept special requests to strengthen the spiritual weapon, and the price is fair, which is relatively close to the people.

Then he turned around and ran straight towards that place, and after a while, he saw the long-tempered flag floating in the air from afar.But when he got closer, Yi Tian was dumbfounded, there were too many guests here, and the waiting line was already twenty feet long.

After sweeping his eyes, his face suddenly relaxed. Fortunately, most of these monks were in the Jindan stage and Nascent Soul stage.As for the monks in the incarnation stage, I haven't seen any of them. I think there will be special passages according to my own cultivation.

Walking up with big strides, a lot of people in line looked sideways, and when he let go of his cultivation base without any reduction, these people honestly looked away.

When they reached the main entrance, the attendant who received him came up to greet him, and when he learned of Yi Tian's request, he led the way and walked in from the corridor on one side.

Not long after, he came to a side room in the backyard, where Yi Tian was temporarily arranged to wait, and the attendant left immediately knowingly.

After a short while, Yi Tian's mind moved and found that there was an aura not weaker than his own approaching the side room.After the Shaoqing Gate was opened, a late stage cultivator with white hair and childlike face walked in.

Yi Tian didn't dare to be negligent when he saw it, and he stood up and was about to salute. The man smiled and stretched out his hand to signal, and then said: "I have met fellow Taoist Xue Liqi."

"It turned out that Master Xue was in person, and Yi Tian was disrespectful," Yi Tian said hastily.

After the two guests sat down, Xue Liqi asked again: "I don't know if Fellow Daoist Yi wants to buy materials or tailor-made spiritual weapons?"

Yi Tian pretended to think deeply before he said, "To be honest, I have a spirit weapon that I have used for many years and I want to strengthen it. I wonder if your workshop can take it?"

Xue Liqi's face remained unchanged, but he said indifferently: "Strengthening the spirit weapon is just a small way, the key depends on what level the Taoist is going to strengthen."

"I don't know how much you charge for strengthening the spirit weapon?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

Seeing this, Xue Liqi is also a sensible person, and he directly explained the levels and charging standards that can be improved after hard work.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's face remained the same, but his heart felt contemptuous, saying that the price is close to the people, that's just below Huashen, and there is no such thing as being close to the people at his level.

However, the price and the goods are reasonable. The Taiyuan sword in my hand is of middle-level character, and it takes 150 high-grade spirit stones to upgrade to high-level and work materials.Yi Tian roughly calculated that it was about [-] merit points, so it seems that the reward for the first mission is just in vain.

Although there was reluctance in his heart, he still pretended to be indifferent, stretched out his hand and took out the Taiyuan sword, handed it up and said, "Master Xue, please raise this spirit sword to one level."

Xue Liqi took the Taiyuan Sword in his hand and looked it over carefully, Shaoqing showed a hint of surprise on his face and said: "This sword has such a powerful evil spirit, I'm afraid there are eight hundred souls under the sword if not one thousand."

Yi Tian smiled and said nothing but nodded silently as a response.

Xue Liqi immersed his divine thoughts in it again and began to investigate carefully, before he sighed half a moment later and said: "It seems that the original craftsman of this sword is of extraordinary strength, probably close to the strength of a high-level human character, and the spirit that can be trained Is it because the environment has affected the level of utensils dropped by one level?"

These words let Yi Tian have a full understanding of his refining skills, just as Xue Liqi said in his mouth that when he re-smelted the Taiyuan Sword, his cultivation was only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.At that time, under the influence of precious materials and the environment in the lower realm, it was already the best.Moreover, after only one spiritual inscription was roughly branded on the Taiyuan sword, it couldn't bear the second one.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said with an excuse: "This sword is a gift from an old friend. I am unwilling to give it up when I see things and think about people. I also ask Master Xue to help me."

Xue Liqi nodded and replied: "Okay, leave this sword in the workshop and pick it up in a month."

"One month," Yi Tian said with a frown, "to tell the truth, I only have this spiritual weapon at hand, it would be too childish to go into battle with bare hands next time, and I'm afraid it would be embarrassing for Shangguan to know. "

"Please Daoist Yi show your identity plate."

After hearing this, Yi Tian had to take out the jade badge of the inspection department, and Xue Liqi laughed after sweeping his eyes: "It turned out to be the inspector of the herringbone flag, so it's easy to say, please take the spirit weapon in three days, and the workshop is still OK." [-]% profit."

(End of this chapter)

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