
Chapter 913 Shopping

Chapter 913 Shopping
Walking on the street, Yi Tian showed a relaxed look on his face. If he had known that his identity during inspections was still so useful, he should have revealed it earlier.

Xue Liqi reminded himself that in Luoxia City, as long as he is a banner officer of the Inspection Division, he can enjoy some privileges and discounts in the Thousand-Holding Workshop.

Yi Tian knows it now, but he doesn't want to use his status to overwhelm others directly, after all, his Xindao Spirit World doesn't know much about the forces in Luoxia City.

It would be difficult to meet a guy pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger another day. If you don't have absolute strength, it's better to be a man with your tail between your legs.

After coming out of the refining workshop, he turned around and went to several elixir shops, and found that the elixirs in them were suitable for the transformation of gods, and they were all sold at extremely high prices.

After inquiring, in Luoxia City, if you want to buy pills, Tongtian Pavilion has the most complete varieties.But in the past few days, the caravan of Tongtian Pavilion was attacked, but I don't know how they will deal with it calmly.

Thinking about it, Yi Tian couldn't help walking towards the banner of Tongtian Pavilion in the city.Not long after, they came to a five-story building.

After a closer look, in the entire Luoxia City, except for the City Lord's Mansion, the Inspection Department and other major departments have the highest number here.

Since he didn't miss it, he walked directly into the Tongtian Pavilion's shop.As soon as he entered the door, a clerk came forward to receive him. After Yi Tian stated his request, he was invited to the VIP room on the third floor.

Knowing that there is no way to talk about it, he walked in directly. Anyway, after that, monks with similar cultivation levels as himself came to receive him.

As expected, the door was opened in less than a moment, and a female cultivator in palace attire with tulle came in.Yi Tian saw that this person was only in the middle stage of Yuanying, and wondered in his heart that Tongtian Pavilion looked down on him and only sent such a person to receive him.

When the female cultivator walked into the room, she said: "I am Ji Wen, the second innkeeper of our store, and I don't know if senior has any appeals."

Yi Tian heard her self-reported family and expected that her identity was not simple, and there should be array arrangements in these rooms to isolate his spiritual thoughts.

And since the shopkeeper Ji in front of her dared to face a monk who was a class higher than her alone, she was naturally confident.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian took out a jade slip without hesitation, wrote down the pills and some high-level materials he needed to buy, and handed them to Ji Wen.

Later, she only heard her say "Senior, wait a moment," and retreated out with the jade slip.

Yi Tian does things neatly, and this female cultivator is not procrastinating.Half an hour later, when she knocked on the door again, she came in with a few storage bags in her hands, and then handed them over directly.But he said in his mouth: "There are three high-level materials in the senior's list, Kanglong vertebrae, Bailian soft essence and Mo Yuzhu's shop can't provide them."

"I can't provide it," Yi Tian muttered in his mouth, but secretly said in his heart: "It's not that there are no such words, but he is unwilling to take them out. It seems that those three items are also in short supply. If they are too deliberate, they will easily arouse others' suspicion."

After thinking about it, he said: "That's okay, I'm also asking for others."

As a result, after scanning the storage bag with spiritual thoughts, all the common pills needed were all available, but it was only used to restore spiritual power in the city, and the effect was probably not as good as that of white jade lotus root.

But now there is only one complete white jade lotus root in his spiritual plant bag, and he hopes to transplant it out and use it for other purposes in the future.

Now Yaoli Sword, Flame Wheel and Lihuo Fan are nowhere to be found for the main accessories of the three spiritual weapons, and even if I have the fire phoenix feathers, I can't refine them into spiritual weapons.

After thinking about it, I can only give up for the time being. Let's look for these treasures of heaven and earth in the future.

Then he took out the inspector's identity badge, shook it and said, "Let's pay with merit points. I wonder if there is any discount in your store?"

At first, Ji Wen opened her mouth to make an excuse, but after seeing the handwriting on the identity jade card, her expression changed: "Senior, is your surname Yi?"

Suddenly, a thought flashed in my mind, Hua Yuxin in the team once mentioned that she had a best friend who was the treasurer of Tongtian Pavilion, and it seemed that this was the person.

But I don't want to have anything to do with Tongtian Pavilion, and I can't deny it.At that moment, he just said in a deep voice, "Do you recognize Hua Yuxin?"

"Sister Yuxin mentioned some time ago that she was taken care of by seniors in the inspection team," Ji Wen said with a knowing smile on her face.

I really want to do whatever I want, I am afraid of causing disputes between these forces, so I can't just leave like this.After a while of silence, he opened his mouth and said, "Master Ji should settle the account quickly, I still have something to do, so I can't bother you."

Ji Wen was taken aback when she heard this, and then took a look at it before taking it over, and then a flash of inspiration deducted the merit points from it and returned it.

After Yi Tian took the identity jade card, Shen Nian swept his brows and frowned slightly. Only [-] points were deducted from the jade card, and after calculating the value of these elixir, it basically only charged the cost price.

Feeling more and more bad in his heart, he said directly: "Treasurer Ji's business like this, I'm afraid you will lose everything in Tongtian Pavilion soon."

Unexpectedly, Ji Wen didn't care, she smiled and said, "It's better than being targeted and restrained everywhere, I have to thank Senior Yi first."

"You don't get paid for nothing, I ask myself that I have no connection with Tongtian Pavilion, so why should Treasurer Ji thank you," Yi Tian said lightly.

But Ji Wen waved her hand and replied: "I have understood the teachings of Senior Yi and Sister Hua, and for the time being, I have followed the instructions of Senior to thoroughly investigate the interior, and stopped all external shipments."

"Treasurer Ji agrees with outsiders to say so much, it seems a bit inappropriate?" Yi Tian said with a playful face.

"It's because of me that I have caused Tongtian Pavilion to suffer, and there is no one around me who can help me except Sister Hua," Ji Wen said helplessly.

"Oh, aren't you the shopkeeper of Tongtian Pavilion?" Yi Tian asked, "Could it be that the forces behind you can't be settled?"

Ji Wen sighed and then said slowly, it turns out that Tongtian Pavilion is jointly managed by three major families, namely the Ji family, the Huo family and the Mei family.

This time she came to Luoxia City under the pretext of avoiding the marriage contract of the Huo family, but unexpectedly, Huo Jiong, the second young master of the Huo family, also lurked and followed.Moreover, this person's thinking is extreme and he is persecuting Ji Wen everywhere. If Tongtian Pavilion suffers any reputation loss from the store in Luoxia City, she will definitely be blamed by the clan.

To be honest, Yi Tian guessed that there was an article in it early in the morning, but he didn't know that it was his Tongtian Pavilion who made the trouble.As a result, there are secret sentries watching everywhere in the Tongtian Pavilion. It is obvious that Ji Wen is looking for foreign help by making such a show of favor.

There was nothing Yi Tian could do, so he chatted with Ji Wen through voice transmission in private.Half an hour later, Yi Tian put away his storage bag and swaggered out from the main entrance of Tongtian Pavilion.

 Thanks for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor
(End of this chapter)

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