
Chapter 914 Settlement

Chapter 914 Settlement
In Luoxia City, there is a special zero-time cave that can be rented out to monks who come and go.There are four or five large spiritual veins converging underground here, so the spiritual power is much stronger than that of the outside world.

With the inspector's token, Yi Tian easily rented a Zhongpin Fudi Cave Mansion at a 200% discount.In consideration of the need to stay here for a long period of time, the [-]-year lease fee was paid in one lump sum.

In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, I chose a relatively remote area for the cave this time. First, I have too many secrets to keep away from everyone. Second, I can also create an aloof appearance to prevent people from easily accosting and prying into information.

After finding the cave, he took out the access control jade card and activated it with a line of spiritual power.In an instant, a spiritual light shot out from it and opened the restriction in front of him.

Yi Tian's figure flashed into the hole, and then opened the door again to seal the hole.

When I came to the cave, I found that the concentration of aura here was several times stronger than the best cave in the lower realm.It is impossible to slow down one's own cultivation speed in such an environment.

Overjoyed in my heart, I wandered around in the cave, and found that there were two vacant rooms besides the master bedroom.One of them happened to have a pool in the middle, and Yi Tian went up to check the soil on the ground and found that the spiritual power contained in it was more than twice as strong as the high-level spiritual plant cultivation soil in the lower realm.

Immediately with a thought, he directly took out the seedlings of the purple gold gourd, dug a hole in the ground and transplanted it in.Later, he took out the jade bottle and filled it with a few bottles of spiritual spring water and poured it down the roots of the gourd vine.

Gradually, the main vines of the Zijin gourd seedlings were full of water, and the gourd leaves on the vines were also covered with a layer of water vapor.

On the other hand, the three-inch-sized purple gold gourd on the vine seemed to have absorbed enough nutrients and began to grow.

After doing this, Yi Tian took out a whole branch of white jade lotus root and put it directly under the mud in the pool.After dealing with these two spiritual plants, he returned to his master bedroom with satisfaction and sat up cross-legged to exercise his skills.

Although he had to go to get the spirit weapon again in three days, Yi found that he couldn't waste a moment now, and he had to seize the time to improve his cultivation in order to face the thunder calamity of entering the world.

Three days later, when he came to the Thousand Hammers and Hundreds of Refining Equipment Workshop again, a waiter had already received the notice from the shopkeeper and came to receive him.This time, Yi Tian didn't meet Xue Liqi again, instead, he was directly received by the staff of the workshop.

Holding the re-melted Taiyuan sword in his hand, he weighed it lightly and found that the weight has increased slightly.If I'm not mistaken, it should be that some high-grade materials have been mixed with the sword body. If I put it in front of my eyes and take a closer look, I can see a faint blue halo on the sword body.

He quickly searched the treasures of the spirit world in his mind, and then said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "This Xue Liqi is also a real person, and his level of refining is not bad."

It's just that he didn't expect him to dissolve all the hostility on the original spirit sword. It seems that the power of the buff without hostility will drop by three points, but he also mixed in the Styx Iron to improve the Taiyuan Sword. level one.A set of combined inscriptions were engraved on the body of the sword. Although the level is not high, it is just right, which strengthens the sharpness of the Taiyuan sword.

It is also a great benefit for me to lose the influence of hostility. When performing swordsmanship, my mind will no longer be affected by hostility.Generally speaking, he is a high-level craftsman who is completely qualified, and even in Luoxia City, there are very few opponents at the same level as a craftsman.

In fact, Yi Tian can fully bless the spirit weapon himself, but the spirit weapon refined by Lihuo Palace has very obvious characteristics.I didn't realize until I reached the fifth grade of the Lihuo Nine Changes that year that the spiritual weapon refined after the self-transformation god contained a strong power of real fire. All very obvious.

Now the Zixiaozhan or Yunmeng jug on his body would be recognized by others if he took it out, so he made such a bad move and asked someone to help him improve the rank of the spirit weapon.

This time when I went to Tongtian Pavilion to buy elixir, I also asked about the precious materials by the way, and those like Kanglong's spine belonged to the earth-level treasures.Buying treasures that can only be used during the distraction period by yourself, a cultivator of transformation, will arouse suspicion.

Fortunately, although Ji Wen was a little skeptical, she didn't let go. After all, the value of this item would not be sold for no reason.Moreover, the price is ridiculously expensive, and it would cost thousands of credits just to talk about it.

I did the math myself, and now I have less than [-] merit points left after excluding the cost of upgrading the spirit weapon and leasing the cave, and it takes seven or eight more tasks to make up for it.

I'm afraid this matter will have to wait for a few years, so temporarily put aside the matter of refining the spirit weapon and concentrate on dealing with the upcoming challenge.

I gave Jiwen some pointers in the Tongtian Pavilion before, and she should be able to make arrangements now.Although it was her Tongtenkaku's housework, she still hoped not to get involved in it.

Half a month later, when Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged in the cave mansion to sacrifice the real fire, suddenly the barrier at the door made a beeping sound.Yi Tian made up his mind to put away the exercises and put Zixiaozhan into his body.Then he stretched out his hand to open the restriction of the cave mansion and strode out.

According to the inspection department's practice, he reported his whereabouts before retreating to practice, so the person who would disturb him must be the inspection department's deacon.

After opening the east gate and going out, I saw a messenger waiting in the air not far away.Yi Tianfei stepped forward and said, "What's the job of the unknown messenger?"

"27 The envoy in charge of the flag listens to the order," I saw that the envoy acted like a businessman as soon as he came up, Yi Tian didn't dare to neglect and waited for the next text.

"Master Qingyuan of the Inspectorate has an order, ordering you to rush back to the headquarters as soon as possible. There is an important task for you."

Yi Tian was stunned when he heard this, he thought it was the mission jade slip sent by the messenger, but he didn't expect to go to the inspection department again, it seems that this matter is not trivial.

It's just that my heart trembled for no reason, could it be that this matter has something to do with me.

It was useless to think too much, and after bidding farewell to the herald, Yi Tian closed the door and hurried towards the headquarters of the Inspection Division.

After entering the inspection department, he called the deacon in the front hall to stop, and then followed him all the way to the side hall to discuss matters.

After entering it, he found that the shopkeeper Ji Wen of Tongtian Pavilion was also in it, and now Yi Tian also understood that she was determined to drag herself into the water because of her ulterior motives.

I remember that when I was in Tongtian Pavilion that day, I had instructed her to use her strength to fight. The original intention was to ask the inspection department to help her plan to deal with Huo Jiong, but she did not expect to rely on herself.

There were two people present besides myself. They thought they were a middle-aged scribe dressed in Confucian robes, and the other was a coquettish Meijiao Niang in her early twenties.

Both of them were in the mid-incarnation stage. After being introduced by the deacon, they realized that the man's name was Lian Feixiong and the woman's name was Mei Xin'er, and they were both envoys of the chevron flag.

Calculated to be on the same level as myself, but the real strength should be slightly stronger on the surface.Looking at Ji Wen's appearance, her intentions are self-evident, this is just for fun, and she directly gathers three inspection teams to solve this matter once and for all.

(End of this chapter)

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