
Chapter 915 Sudden

Chapter 915 Sudden
The Tongtian Pavilion has been in trouble recently, and the caravans outside have been attacked by monsters on several roads.This account was directly charged to Ji Wen, the current second shopkeeper, and she had always been the one to arrange the shipping.

Ji Wen, who made such a big mistake, is naturally duty-bound to be responsible.In addition, there are rumors inside Tongtian Pavilion that if Ji Wen fails to improve the current situation, she will have to be transferred back to the headquarters after that year.

I think the meaning of being transferred back to the headquarters here was also arranged by the Huo family. As long as Ji Wen goes back, she will definitely face the Huo family's marriage proposal, and then she will be unable to control herself.

This time, Ji Wen personally escorted a batch of extremely important supplies to Maple Leaf City, which was four thousand miles away.The third shopkeeper of Tongtian Pavilion was supposed to be in charge, but in view of the troubled times, Ji Wen, the second shopkeeper, resolutely stood up to shoulder the heavy responsibility.

The materials transported this time are not very expensive, and they are mainly ordinary commodities in business exchanges.In view of the fact that the previous few times ended without a problem, the amount transported this time was three times more than before, mainly some special products and spiritual plants of Luoxia City.

These things are insignificant in the eyes of Nascent Soul cultivators, but they can be used by Foundation Establishment and even Golden Core cultivators, and even more than [-]% of them are the supplies needed by mortals.

In addition to the original Tongtian Pavilion guards, the entire transportation team specially invited a group of bodyguards from Mingyue Bodyguard Agency to accompany them.Most of these bodyguards are in the mid-Yuanying period, and they usually take on some valuable escort missions.

It is rare for such a dart bet to happen, if the shopkeeper Ji Er hadn't come forward to negotiate the price in person, the escort might not have accepted it.

This delivery is not only to deliver the supplies to Maple Leaf City, but more importantly, to show the world that Tongtian Pavilion is fully capable as a large business.It is nothing to rob the darts twice, but the reputation of Tongtian Pavilion cannot be slandered.

The transporting team started from the gate of Tongtian Pavilion and slowly left the city through the east gate of Luoxia City.As the team leader this time, Ji Wen naturally sat in the center of the town in Di Xila's car.

At this time, there were two other maids sitting beside her in the car. They looked like they were wearing the costumes of Tongtian Pavilion maids, but there was a glint of sternness in their eyes, and they stared at the surroundings as if they were secretly on guard. It was Mei Xiner and Hua Yuxin who were dressed up.

This time the inspection department mobilized three chevron flag teams all at once to mix into the transport team.Except for the two female cultivators who hid in Ji Wen's car disguised as maids, everyone else was dismantled and dressed up as escorts or servants.

As for the well-dressed Yi Tian who opened the way ahead, he was not afraid of being recognized because he was a cultivator with a very handsome face.

Moreover, it is appropriate to suppress the cultivation base in the mid-Yuanying period to be a pioneer official. In addition, when I was not a cultivator and mixed up with the White Horse Gang, I did a lot of work as a escort. After a thousand years, I am not unfamiliar with it.

Lian Feixiong was Ji Wen's butler who disguised himself as Ji Wen's butler and guarded in the last few transport vehicles.The captains of the three chevron flags occupy the head, middle and tail respectively, while the remaining twelve team members lurk in it and play the roles of bodyguards or servants.

The route this time was also arranged in advance, starting from Luoxia City, going straight south along the main road, crossing the Canglan River, crossing the Oblique Moon Valley, and then passing through the Crystal Frost Forest to reach Maple Leaf City.

There are only three places where people can set up an ambush on the way. It is clear that I have prepared in my heart, but the road ahead is quite smooth.

Two days later, the brigade came to the bank of the Canglan River, and immediately the servants in the Tongtian Pavilion started to unload the ground rhinoceros, and then cut down trees to build rafts to cross the river.

Yi Tian, ​​who is the leader, is also looking bored at this time, patrolling the surroundings and becoming vigilant.Seeing how busy the fellows of Tongtian Pavilion were, Yi Tian walked away to the Canglan River, and then released Yunmeng Toad with a slap of the imperial beast pouch.

This little guy has been clinging to the Jiuxian pot that he is connected to, and Yi Tian is also quite helpless about this.After having the experience of raising spiritual pets, I know that I can't just pamper them blindly, and sometimes I have to let them out for activities to absorb some popularity.

The Yunmeng toad landed on the palm of his hand after it came out, and then stayed there motionless, making Yi Tian unable to do anything, thinking that he dragged it out and disturbed Qingmeng.

Just as he was wondering, Yunmeng Toad suddenly jumped into the water with a plop, swam around in the ten-foot-wide Canglan River, and then jumped back.

But when Yi Tianzhuan was driven back to the transportation team, Yunmeng Toad opened his mouth wide and let out a 'croak'.Yi Tian didn't feel anything unusual at first, but when he got close to the Canglan River, the frequency of Yunmeng Toad's cry was several times faster.

At the moment, Yi Tian was stunned and felt bad, these spiritual pets were several times more sensitive to the world than ordinary people, so it seemed to remind himself that the crisis was in front of him.

In the blink of an eye, the transportation brigade had already started to cross the river. If someone attacked at this time, it would really be beaten seven inches above.

Immediately, Yi Tian became suspicious. He thought that the chances of being subdued in Oblique Moon Valley or Crystal Shuanglin would be higher, but he didn't expect Huo Jiong's people to be so impatient and ready to attack early in the morning.

Immediately, he hurried to Ji Wen's ground rhinoceros cart and shouted directly: "Master Ji has a situation."

The window of the car opened in response, and Zhiqian poked his head out and asked, "What happened to Yibatou?"

"The situation is not right, I think something will happen and it's not a good thing," Yi Tianzheng said, and suddenly some noises came from his ears.

Looking back, it was those mortal servants and coolies who were yelling. In a blink of an eye, I glanced at the upper reaches of the Canglan River and saw a white water line rushing towards the ferry.

With a flash of light in Yi Tian's eyes, he stared at the white line and glanced at it, and immediately realized that it was formed by the gathering of water waves about three feet high.

It is obvious that the caster is proficient in water-based exercises, and there seems to be a blue light flashing in the water waves, and someone should be hiding in it.

There was a sharp whistle, and all the people who had not yet crossed the river stopped what they were doing, and hurriedly rushed the ground rhinoceros to a high place on the bank, while a group of bodyguards jumped into the air and waited for it.

The waves swept in, and within a distance of less than a hundred feet, they actually split into two and swept towards the caravans on the two shores.

At the same time, there was a spiritual pressure fluctuation of the stage of transforming gods in the spray water.After three breaths, a blue-skinned monk rushed towards Ji Wen's ground rhino chariot with two tridents in his hands. It was obvious that the other party's purpose was to kidnap people halfway.

Someone opened his mouth and yelled: "It's the Jiangyang thief Lan Yasha, everyone run for your lives," and the whole scene became chaotic for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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