
Chapter 916 Coping

Chapter 916 Coping
The sudden tide on the Canglan River directly cut the entire transportation team into two sections, and it wasn't just someone who deliberately yelled and then revealed the identity of the person, which instantly made the panicked team look even more messy.

Yi Tian didn't know the background of the person who came, but when he glanced at his team members, Zhao Cheng and others' expressions froze, obviously they knew the details.It's really impossible to advance or retreat like this now. If the captain didn't speak, if they went back when they fled, they would inevitably be guilty of dereliction of duty.

That Lan Yasha seemed to have locked on the target early in the morning, jumped out of the waves, and rushed directly to the ground rhinoceros where Ji Wen was.After raising the two steel forks in both hands, they turned into two blue arcs of light and flew straight away.

Only two 'Dangdang' sounds were heard, and the two steel forks were blocked by a white aura.After the two blue lights flew back to his hand, Lan Yasha shouted disdainfully: "I didn't expect Luoxia and a flower to come, but it's a pity that the power is only mediocre."

I saw Mei Xin'er leaping out of the ground rhinoceros with her sword and flying into mid-air to fight against Lan Yasha, at the same time she opened her mouth and said coquettishly: "You bastard in the water rushed to the land in time to make trouble."

Lan Yasha turned angry after hearing this, obviously very annoyed at being called a king.With a steel fork in hand, he mobilized the waves behind him to turn into a water dragon and rush towards Mei Xiner.

At the same time, a few gleams of light flashed across the sky, and Yi Tian's face became extremely ugly after a sweep of his divine sense.

There were five people who came to Jiedao, at least three of them were cultivators of Huashen, and there was a late Nascent Soul, and the worst one was in the middle Nascent Soul.

This kind of lineup has an advantage in the shape-changing monks, and the opponent seems to have a very clear purpose this time not only to rob, but also to kidnap people.

At the same time, Lian Feixiong and the others on the other side of the river also noticed that the coming person was very powerful, so they no longer concealed the fact that they let go of all the spiritual pressure fluctuations on their bodies and jumped up into the air.

So Yi Tian had no choice but to show his cultivation and soar into the sky, and then hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Zhao Cheng and the Kui family brothers to ask them to be ready to attack at any time.

According to the current trend, the opponent only needs to entangle the three captains here, and then the remaining cultivator who transforms the spirit can take action calmly.Ji Wen in the ground rhino car also noticed this situation, and then flew out of the car with Hua Yuxin, whistled, and the patrolling teammates who were hiding among the servants and escorts quickly gathered stand up.

The opponent's men and horses approached in no time, Lian Feixiong had no choice but to bite the bullet and go forward.Just as I expected in my heart, the opponent sent out two cultivators who transformed into gods to fight against the two people here.

Yi Tian used his pupil technique to roughly measure the opponent's appearance, and the two who met him and Lian Feixiong showed their true colors.Someone below recognized the other party and blurted out: "It's Xu Youcheng and Wang Fan."

After careful scrutiny, it was found that the two of them were both in the mid-stage cultivation of the gods, and they were agile and full of spiritual power.One can tell at a glance that it is the battle repairer on the battlefield, and the bloody aura emanating from his body directly affects the people below before he makes a move.

The other three people all wore masks, which were obviously carefully planned. The masks had the effect of blocking the peeping of spiritual thoughts. Needless to say, such actions must be to kidnap people.

Seeing the three patrol captains being entangled, the three of them flew directly towards Ji Wen's direction, and the servants beside her were already terrified.Moreover, they all panicked in the face of the menacing cultivators who transformed themselves into gods. No matter how Ji Wen shouted, they still scattered in a crowd and no one dared to approach them.

At this time, several auras of light flashed across the air and blocked Ji Wen's face. After the light faded, the figures of the inspectors appeared.Even Zhao Cheng, who was under him, bit the bullet and rushed forward at this time.

You must know that Ji Wen is the client this time. If there is something wrong with her, the three captains will definitely be severely punished after returning. As for the team members below, there is no good fruit to eat.

Under the protection of the four late Nascent Soul cultivators and Ji Wen, five people resisted the opponent's Huashen cultivator head-on.As for the remaining two people, everyone surrounded them.As soon as the two sides clashed in the air, it immediately turned this place into an Asura battlefield. The aftermath of the spell from the clash continued to spread to the transport team below, instantly overturning them to the ground, and some mortals burst immediately after being hit by a wave of spiritual power open.

Yi Tian's opponent is a mid-stage cultivator named Wang Fan, with a slightly higher level of cultivation, he manipulated a flying hammer in both hands and turned into a ball of blood to attack him.

There are too many monks present, and if this continues, the damage to one's own side will become more and more serious.Immediately, Lian Feixiong, who was in charge, said directly via voice transmission: "Leading the three of them away separately, staying here will only increase the casualties."

After Yi Tian knew it, he directly took out the Taiyuan sword to attack Wang Fan, and then consciously led him away from the crowd.

What surprised me was that the opponent knew his intentions and followed up, and the strength of the offensive spells in his hands remained unabated.

After flying seven or eight hundred miles away to a deserted place, Yi Tian stabilized his figure, retracted the Taiyuan sword and confronted Wang Fan in the air.

Seeing the other party's tired face and slowly cut off the way back, Yi Tian didn't change his face, and opened his mouth and shouted: "I didn't expect that the cultivator of Huashen would be ordered to become a mere Nascent Soul mid-stage cultivator. It seems that you Gufeng Pirates are really too big!" It’s dropped in price.”

"Fart," Wang Fan said angrily, "We, Gu Feng Pirates, take money to do things, as long as the price is right, we will do anything."

"Oh, then you all only recognize money but not people. How much benefit did Huo Jiong give to invite you out of the mountain?"

After hearing this, Wang Fan's face froze, and then he said like sinking water: "It seems that you already know that the price given by the Huo family boy is not low, but I don't mind getting some extra money." After speaking, there was a fierce look on his face His eyes stared at Yi Tian, ​​as if he had locked on the target Cailang and was ready to hunt.

Yi Tian curled his mouth and showed an undeniable look, since he entered the spirit world, he has never fought against monks of the same rank.A look of seriousness appeared on his face at the moment, and the Taiyuan sword in his hand turned into hundreds of blue lights in an instant before covering Wang Fan's head.

With a 'choke' sound, a group of red halo appeared in the blue sword rain silk, and broke through facing the sword silk.

But before flying far, it was covered by a vine net, which was the vine and wood entanglement cast by Yi Tian.These ghost-faced flower seeds that have been irrigated by the spring water of the spirit world become very good after absorbing the spiritual power. Although the rattan net that was sacrificed in the air is only as thick as a thumb, it has excellent toughness and is invisible after the opponent's spiritual energy is caught. There are signs of cracking.

 Thanks for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor

(End of this chapter)

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