
Chapter 917 Killing

Chapter 917 Killing
After drawing Wang Fan out, Yi Tian first swept his spiritual sense around and found that it was about three hundred miles away from the Canglan River before taking action to meet the enemy.The main reason is that I don't want people to see my moves. Nowadays, even if I don't use Lihuogong's moves, I still need to use Scarlet Rain Sword Sect's direct method.

No matter which one he sees, he will leave something to talk about, and he is also determined to keep the other party here.After the vine net of ghost-faced flower covered the red light, Yi Tian ignored it, and stretched out his hand to control the Taiyuan Sword again, and the sword wire transformed into it hit Wang Fan's protective cover directly.

With a sudden attack, the sword threads gathered together and broke through the white protective shield effortlessly.Then there were several 'jingling' sounds, and seeing that the situation was wrong, Yi Tian hurriedly took the Taiyuan Sword back.

I saw a ray of black light flying out of the reconstructed light, and Wang Fan's figure appeared from it, but at this time he was wearing a black spiritual armor, with an incredible expression on his face and said: "You are Scarlet Rain Sword Sect inner disciple."

Yi Tian knew that he recognized his moves, so he didn't say much once he took the initiative.After suppressing the opponent in terms of momentum, he directly sacrificed the Taiyuan sword again.This time, the Taiyuan sword was transformed into a blue sword light, which was compressed into a very thin sword color and attacked Wang Fan.

With the previous experience, Wang Fan didn't dare to procrastinate, and hastily stretched out his hand to make a seal, trying to recall his spiritual weapon.But how could Yi Tian let him get his wish, stretched out his hand and pointed at the vine net, and then the vines on the vine net intertwined with each other and became more tightly entangled, and the spiritual hammer rushed left and right in the net but could not break through.

Seeing that it was too late to return the spiritual weapon, Wang Fan gritted his teeth and took out his face shield again to block in front of him.

After a black light flashed across the shield, it turned into a huge phantom of a skull to protect Wang Fan in it.Under such two protections, Wang Fan's face also became a little calmer.

But when the sword wire touched the ghost image of the skeleton, what was unexpected was that the sword wire seemed to be slightly hindered, and then cut a hole in the middle of the ghost image of the skeleton.

Immediately afterwards there was a crisp sound, and a little later there was another 'click', and the sword thread transformed by the Taiyuan Sword directly pierced Wang Fan in front of him to the point of chilling.

Before the phantom of the skeleton dissipated, a gleam of golden light flashed inside and fled in the opposite direction to Yi Tian.I knew something was wrong, this must be Wang Fan's Nascent Soul body, like if he lost his body after reaching the stage of transformation, it would be fine, as long as he had a suitable body to take away, he could recover it with a little time.

Yi Tian's eyelids twitched and he knew that this matter could not be done well, if he was allowed to run away, he would have to be wary of it in the future.

A purple arc flashed all over his body, after which his figure flickered, leaving an afterimage in the air, and his real body flew out in an instant, chasing after the Nascent Soul in the direction where he fled.

Fortunately, my Wind and Thunder Escape Technique has been strengthened once by Leiyan Ziyan, and its speed is far higher than that of the same level.Even late stage monks might not be able to catch up with all the urging, but there are many disadvantages of flying away like this, the spiritual power in the body is too strong to last.

Fortunately, it was more than enough to deal with the fleeing Nascent Soul, and a purple figure caught up with Wang Fan's Nascent Soul from behind in an instant in less than ten breaths.

Immediately, a big hand swiped across and grabbed Nascent Soul in the palm of his hand.

At this moment, the golden Nascent Soul spirit body drooped its head and cried out bitterly: "Fellow Daoist, spare my life, Fellow Daoist, I have a valuable property that can be used to redeem my life."

After hearing this, Yi Tian sneered and said: "The things that kill you belong to me, what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

After speaking, regardless of how Wang Fan begged for mercy, he reached out and took out a three-inch long silver needle, and directly pierced Yuanying's eyebrow.Instantly Nascent Soul trembled a few times, then the brilliance in the eyes lost, and then the eyelids closed as if falling asleep.

He took out a jade bottle and stuffed the Nascent Soul into it, and after affixing the mouth of the bottle with a talisman, he put it in the storage ring with satisfaction.

After finishing these Yi Tian put away his escapism, switched mana output, turned around and flew towards the place where he just fought.The net worth of this cultivator who transforms the spirit is not ordinary, and it is said that the lone mountain robbers are robbing everywhere on weekdays, and the property in their hands is bound to be much more than that of ordinary monks.

After Feizhi took it out just now, he lowered his head, let go of his divine sense and scanned the bottom, and soon found the place where Wang Fan's body fell.The body that lost the Nascent Soul was broken into pieces after falling from a high altitude.

On the contrary, the jet-black shield and the original armor on his body were intact, except for a half-inch gap in the center, everything else was still intact.

After finding the storage ring in Wang Fan's hand on the ground, he put it away together with the armor and shield.As for the spirit hammer in the vine net in the air, it has long lost its master's control, and it was entangled by the vine net and fell firmly on the ground not far away.

After reaching out to remove the spell, a half-foot-sized tiger-headed copper hammer was revealed, but the evil spirit on it was three points stronger than the unupgraded Taiyuan Sword.

It can be seen that there are quite a few monks in Wang Fan's hands. Yi Tian just took a glance and then reached out to put the tiger-head copper hammer together with the other two spiritual weapons.

After doing all this, he hurriedly returned to the original route. It took only about an hour before and after the fight just now. I believe that with the strength of the inspection team members, they can still hold on.

Half a moment later, when Yi Tian returned to the vicinity of the Canglan River, he saw no less than dozens of dead bodies all over the place, and one of them was actually wearing the costume of Tongtian Pavilion guards.

Most of the rest of the people also showed fear, presumably the extremely shocking scene they saw here just now.After sweeping the spiritual sense, I saw Ji Wen was safe and sound on the floor below, but her face was haggard and worried.Yi Tian stepped forward and asked, "Are you all right, what about the others?"

"I have notified the inspection department of Luoxia City that someone will come to meet him soon." Ji Wen saw that Yi Tian was the first to come back, and then she showed some relief on her face, but the color didn't ease much after she finished speaking. .

Knowing that something was wrong, Yi Tian hurriedly asked: "What happened after I left, what about the fourth cultivator and his accomplices, and the rest of the team members."

Seeing the anger on Yi Tian's face, Ji Wen replied tremblingly: "Sister Hua pushed me away at a critical moment, but she was captured by Huo Qing."

"Who is Huo Qing?" Yi Tian said suspiciously.

"It's that cultivator who transforms spirits, and the other two helpers. The late Nascent Soul is Huo Liping who usually follows Huo Jiong inseparably," Ji Wen said angrily.

It seems that he recognized the other party's identity, so the last kid in the mid-Yuanying period must be Huo Jiong.It's just that this time they provoked themselves and kidnapped the team members under them. After the news got out, it was very difficult for them to hang out in the inspection department.

(End of this chapter)

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