
Chapter 918

Chapter 918
After finding the survivors by the Canglan River, Yi Tian was relieved to find that Ji Wen, the second treasurer of Tongtian Pavilion, was safe and sound.

After asking about the situation, I realized that Huo Qing, the cultivator of Huashen, had kidnapped the wrong person this time, and then attracted eight of the other ten members of the inspection department to follow. Can't fly fast.

And Huo Jiong, the second generation ancestor, needs to take care of it, and his strength is less than [-]%.I'm afraid that Zhao Cheng and the others will not be able to get rid of this long ago.

After asking about the situation, Yi Tian didn't waste any time and chased them in the direction they were fleeing.

I just left for a while, according to Ji Wen's description, the group of Huo family members should have left for a quarter of an hour.Roughly estimated that at their speed they flew at most five or six hundred miles away.

In this way, he opened his mind and extended it towards the front. Ten breaths later, he frowned and found a large number of monks besieging the three of them.

Then the spiritual power in his body was gathered again, and he accelerated his speed by three points and rushed straight towards that place.

It may be that Huo Qing also noticed that a monk of the same level had come, and knowing that he could not leave with two people, he stopped there immediately as if he was waiting for him.

Not long after, dozens of people could be seen stranded in the air, and a group of members of the Inspection Department set up a siege formation, but no one took the lead.

In the face of higher-level monks, everyone is still on guard, not daring to act rashly, and there is still a hostage in the opponent's hands.

After Yi Tian arrived, everyone seemed to have found the backbone, and everyone dispersed to stop Huo Qing and the others from retreating.

It is almost impossible to get out of such a situation now, but there is still a slight change in grasping this bargaining chip.

Yi Tian slowly flew forward to look at the three people surrounded in the center, and saw that the masks on their faces were not taken off.She couldn't confirm their identities at all, but Ji Wen insisted that they were the three members of the Huo family, so there was nothing wrong.

Looking at Hua Yuxin in Huo Qing's hand, he seemed to faint from this matter, but fortunately, his life was safe.Yi Tian directly stretched out his hand and waved away the surrounding people before he said: "This fellow Taoist in front of you knows that people don't speak dark words, today you are hard to fly with your wings."

"Really, then your team member will be buried with you," Huo Qing replied unceremoniously: "And you are even worse than me in cultivation. If I really want to break through with all my strength, I won't be able to stop you." I."

"Friend Daoist is right, so I just want to make a deal with you, release my team members, and I can let you go," Yi Tian said tentatively.

"No, we have to leave together if we come together," Huo Qing directly vetoed without thinking.

If I had known that he cared about Huo Jiong, the second ancestor, I was just lying to him just now, but I didn't expect to reveal my truth so soon.Pretending to be contemplative at the moment, he said, "Okay, I agree to a one-for-two exchange. You let my teammate take one away, and leave one behind."

Huo Qing snorted a few times and said: "Fellow Daoist, this is us in the inner room. Tell you, do you want the three of you to go together today? Otherwise, even if you die, you won't be able to do well. As for your colleague from the Inspection Department, I will be the first!" Take one to sacrifice the flag."

Several people around showed disdain on their faces, they knew that as long as they grabbed any one of the three people in front of them, they would be able to do business, but Yi Tian, ​​who was in charge, had no intention of doing anything at all.

Later, I heard Yi Tian negotiating: "Since Fellow Daoist insists on this, you should leave some tolls. The eight inspectors here have to take care of it. If you really want to get out of your body, you might as well consider me. proposal."

Huo Qing was obviously moved by these words. To him, whether to take people into captivity or not is secondary. Protecting Huo Jiong, the second generation ancestor, is the most important thing.

He also agreed to come to deal with the second shopkeeper Ji Wen because he had a heart of lard. If he had known that the juniors were messing around, he should not get involved, so as not to cause a mess like he is now.

After thinking about it, he lowered his head and spoke to the two people behind him through voice transmission. After ten breaths, the three of them gathered enough spirit stones and put them in the storage bag and stuffed them into Huo Li's hands.Then Huo Qing said: "How do we hand over?"

"It's very simple. I'll release one first. You exchange the hostages, and then release the other for the ransom. As for if you want to come, I'm not sure that I will stop it in full view, so let you go," Yi Tian suggested.

Huo Qing thought for a while before replying in a deep voice: "Yes, but I have to change the order, one will pay the ransom, and the second will exchange hostages."

"No problem," Yi Tian curled his lips and said: "The late Nascent Soul will go first, and the one in the middle Nascent Soul can only go after the hostage exchange. This is my final limit."

Huo Qing was taken aback for no reason, but looking at Yi Tian's dignified look didn't seem like a fake.This kind of proposal is reasonable, one asks for a price, and the other pays back the money, as long as the negotiation is smooth, the matter will be easy to handle.

After thinking about it for a while, he nodded helplessly, and then ordered to go down and hand over the ransom.

I saw Huo Li slowly flying ten feet away, controlling the storage bag in his hand and slowly sending it over.Yi Tian didn't take over directly, but just summoned Yunmeng Toad with a slap of the Beast Sac.Immediately ordered it to come forward and hand over.

After three breaths, the four-inch-sized toad took a deep breath in the direction of Huo Li, then croaked a few times, then flew forward, opened its mouth, and took the storage bag. return.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take the storage bag, and after sweeping it with his divine sense, he nodded his head slightly and said to the patrolling team members around him: "Open the opening and let that person leave first."

Immediately, a gap was opened on the side of the encirclement. After Huo Li saw it, the figure flew out of it in a flash, and fled towards the north.

Then Huo Qing waved his hand to let Huo Jiong slowly fly to the exit, but he flew forward and gently pushed the Hua Yuxin in his hand forward.

Yi Tian hurriedly reached out to catch Hua Yuxin in the air and pulled her into his arms, stretching out his spiritual sense to check whether there was any damage on her body.After three breaths, he said: "You go, I hope you will not be so lucky to meet again next time."

At the same time, the Yunmeng toad in his hand took a breath towards Huo Jiong and then croaked a few times.

Huo Jiong just felt stunned for no reason, then turned his head and flew straight in the direction where Huo Li left.

After he had almost disappeared, Huo Qing said: "Fellow Daoist Shanshui will meet again, we will meet later." Then he turned around and chased after them in the direction they left just now.

Yi Tian's face was calm, but his mouth moved slightly and said something in private.

Huo Qing's figure paused for a moment before flying away.

Looking at the Yunmeng toad in his hand, he stretched out his hand and sent it back to the beast-controlling bag, and then said to the surrounding people: "Let's go, this matter is too involved for us to go too deep into it. Fortunately, everyone There is always a reward for hard work.”

(End of this chapter)

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