
Chapter 919

Chapter 919
The Battle of Canglan River ended with Huo Jiong's hasty retreat.

Fortunately, with the cooperation of three teams sent by the Inspection Department, the transportation team of Tongtian Pavilion was not greatly affected.

The main casualties were those mortal servants and some original guardian monks of Tongtian Pavilion.

The people in the inspection department are monks and monkeys, and they have been informed when assigning tasks before, and they are also very careful when fighting.

The ransom that Huo Qing exchanged this time is quite substantial, and Yi Tian looked at the full amount of more than 2 high-grade spirit stones.This time, Yi Gong dispatched three teams, and Yi Tian divided them according to the [-] spirit stones of each team member, and even Hua Yuxin got a share.

As for the three captains, they divided the remaining spirit stones equally, and after careful calculation, each of them had nearly [-] spirit stones.

After returning to the Canglan River and talking with Lian Feixiong, Mei Xiner and Ji Wen, the three of them all agreed that this matter is over.The cause of the incident lies in the Tongtian Pavilion, I am afraid that after this incident, Huo Jiong will not dare to cause trouble no matter how courageous he is.

What's more, Yi Tian also mentioned that when Huo Qing was let go, he revealed his identity through private voice transmission.

Presumably, they should leave immediately after returning to Luoxia City, lest they be caught again.

Lian Feixiong and Mei Xiner naturally appreciated their actions, they could successfully complete this mission without offending the forces behind Tongtian Pavilion.In addition, he also got the benefits in his hand, so why not do it if the inspection department can get another sum after handing in the task.

Half a day later, after the follow-up reinforcements from Tongtian Pavilion arrived, the political transport team continued to set off towards Maple Leaf City.This time, the second shopkeeper Ji Wen followed the three teams of the inspection department back to Luoxia City, and entrusted the third shopkeeper to handle the follow-up tasks here.

Besides, this is not Ji Wen's job in the first place, it's just that this time she led the snake out of the hole to be the bait herself.

It only took three hours to fly from Canglan River to Luoxia City, during which Yi Tian took care of Hua Yuxin and stayed by Hua Yuxin's side.Fortunately, she took the decisive action to save Ji Wen this time, but Yi Tian was very interested in the Hua family where Hua Yuxin was.

After returning, Yi Tian checked Hua Yuxin and found that nothing was damaged. Huo Qing probably knew the severity, so even if he kidnapped the wrong person, he didn't dare to do anything to her.

When Hua Yuxin heard others describe the scene afterwards, she looked at her with a grateful expression in the blink of an eye.

Speechless all the way, they returned to the inspection department and returned the task, and everyone received the merits of this task.

Each team member has thirty points, and the three captains have almost ninety points.Yi Tian looked at the merit point record in the identity jade card, but his face was full of embarrassment. He didn't expect to find the clues of the missing caravan to have as many as 150 points, but this time the big fight was not even full of [-] points.

Afterwards, Mei Xiner explained that Xia Yi Tiancai suddenly realized that each mission has a fixed amount, and thought that this escort mission would have twice as much merit as the normal one, but there are more people dispatched.

In the case of too many monks and too few porridge, everyone can only reduce points. If the mission fails due to insufficient manpower, it will not only deduct merit, but also face the anger of the director.

After the task was handed in, all the team members dispersed, and Yi Tian felt that there was nothing to do, so he turned around and prepared to go back to the cave to continue his cultivation.

Unexpectedly, there was a voice transmission in his ear: "Captain Yi, wait a minute."

Turning around, it turned out that Lian Feixiong was staring at him for a while, then continued with his lips slightly parted: "Captain Yi, please take a step to speak."

After speaking, Lian Feixiong ignored Yi Tian's reaction, turned around and walked towards the side hall corridor of the Inspection Department.Yi Tian didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, anyway, he wouldn't know how to play tricks at the headquarters of the inspection department, so he took a step and followed slowly.

The two walked through the long corridor one after the other and came to a quiet courtyard. After Yi Tian stepped in, Lian Feixiong stretched out his hand and opened a soundproof barrier to cover both of them.After turning around and looking at Yi Tian, ​​he asked, "Captain Yi is indeed a real person, and you are the weakest among the three of us, but this time you are the first to rush back and forth. I just don't know if Wang Fan is dead or alive?"

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard this, seeing what Lian Feixiong meant was that he was suspicious of himself.He looked carefree, but he didn't expect that he had thought about it early in the morning. If he couldn't give a reasonable explanation this time, he might be sad.

Then he opened his mouth and replied: "After I fought with Wang Fan, we couldn't do anything to each other. Besides, he was just looking for help. It's not worth playing. He retreated after fighting for a while."

"Captain Yi's words are too unconvincing," Lian Feixiong said with a sneer on his face, "We all know what kind of person the Gufeng Pirates are, and I'm afraid only Captain Yi will not know their details. Be careful if you get into any trouble."

After hearing this, Yi Tian realized that there was something in his words and was about to ask more questions, only to see that Lian Feixiong had opened the sound-proof barrier.Then he turned around and looked at himself for a while, but he sighed and said: "Captain Yi, stop at the next point, and you can take care of the next thing yourself."

"Captain Lian, please stop." This time it was Yi Tian's turn to speak up and said: "Friar Feisheng doesn't know much about the forces around Luoxia City, so please help me explain the confusion for the sake of Tongliao."

Seeing Yi Tian's sincerity, Lian Feixiong said lightly: "Then Wang Fan is just a member of the Gufeng Pirates, but his elder brother Wang Wei's reputation is known to everyone in Luoxia City. He is a disgrace in the spirit world Even though the famous figures in the world are ranked relatively low, it is enough to prove that their strength is also one of the few in the incarnation period."

"What is the evil list of the spirit world?" Yi Tian asked tentatively.

Lian Feixiong didn't explain much, but just opened his mouth and said, "You can buy the information at Tongtian Pavilion and you'll know as soon as you ask about it." After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the corridor, ignoring Yi Tian's reaction.

With the tips of practicing flying, Yi Tianxin said that it was not good, it seemed that he had provoked a difficult person.In this way, Wang Fan's beheading will be discovered by his elder brother sooner or later, and so many people saw that he was the one who led Wang Fan away in this operation, and the Lone Wind Bandit will track him down sooner or later .

Thinking of this, he began to feel uneasy. Lian Feixiong and Mei Xiner were also extremely experienced, knowing that their opponents were difficult to deal with, they specially handed over the most troublesome people to themselves to deal with.

Now that it's all right, it's okay for me to play and have an accident, but it's okay to end. Thinking of this, Yi Tian's face showed a gleam of determination. Would he really be afraid of the monks on the list here after he has experienced many battles.

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy will never end in a hundred battles, so I'd better find a way to find out the news on the local evil list first, and see what's going on with this thing.

(End of this chapter)

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