
Chapter 920 List 1

Chapter 920 Rank One
After being instructed by Lian Feixiong, Yi Tian went straight to Tongtian Pavilion after leaving the gate of the inspection department.It's been a month since I came to Luoxia City, but this is the first time I've heard of the existence of Earth Shabang in the spirit world.

And the ones included are the hundred strongest monks of the same level, so the descendants of Lihuo Palace must occupy a lot of positions among them.To be honest, I didn't care about the lonely wind thief Wang Wei mentioned by Lian Feixiong, but I became very interested in the establishment of this place's evil list.

You must know that it will be a matter of time before you want to enter the list with your own strength, but in fact, due to many reasons, if you enter the list, it will definitely attract the attention of others.

At that time, troubles will continue, and it is very likely that his true identity will be exposed.

Thinking of this, his expression didn't change, but his heart was secretly anxious, and he really wanted to see the list of the earth evil list soon.

After coming to Tongtian Pavilion, he greeted the receptionist directly, and then showed the identity badge of the inspection department.Those fellows in Tongtian Pavilion had also seen big scenes, and they knew Yi Tian's identity was not simple with a glance, and then hurriedly led them to the other courtyard in the inner courtyard.

Half a moment later, Yi Tian sat in the inner courtyard wing room, and with a movement of his mind, he noticed that two people were walking towards the courtyard where he was.Judging from the breath of spiritual pressure, they should all be Nascent Soul cultivators.

Just as she was thinking about it, the door of the room was opened, only to see the second innkeeper, Ji Wen, leading Hua Yuxin and walking in together.

Seeing this, Yi Tian stood up, cupped his hands at Ji Wen and said, "I really have something to ask when I come here next time, so I don't take the liberty to disturb you."

A smile appeared on Ji Wen's face, and then Tonghua Yuxin walked to the left and said to Yi Tian with a blessing: "Captain Yi is able to help Ji Wen, I am very grateful, please come to me in detail if you have anything to do."

Hua Yuxin also hurriedly joined in and said: "The captain is grateful for the care this time, and Yuxin is very grateful. Please don't take the unreasonable actions in the past to heart."

Yi Tian nodded slightly to signal, and after the guests and hosts were seated, he told about what Lian Feixiong had said about the Earth Shabang.During the period, there was no mention of killing Wang Fan.

On the contrary, Ji Wen looked at Yi Tian thoughtfully after hearing this, and then said: "Originally, merit points are used to purchase this local evil list, and this list is updated every thousand years. The ranking on the list is determined by Qing Tian of Taiqing Pavilion. The chief editor of the department has collected the outstanding cultivators who are outstanding in the spiritual world, and the top [-] will be included in it."

"Oh, I don't know what the cultivation level of the first Qing Tiansi of the Taiqing Pavilion is, why can this list be compiled?" Yi Tian asked with doubts.

Hua Yuxin rushed to answer: "Captain Yi, you are a monk who is ascending, so naturally you don't know much about these things. The first Qing Tiansi in the Taiqing Pavilion has the ability to predict ghosts and gods, and what he is best at is spying on the fate of the sky."

"Spy on the fate? Is it the prediction of the heavenly secret that I have heard in the lower realm?" Yi Tian asked again.In fact, I was very flustered at this moment, but I still pretended to be calm in front of the two of them.

I am on Tianlan Continent, but I have experienced the power of Tianyunmen, and it is really easy to deal with others with their assistance.And the Tianyun Gate was originally the Tianyun Pavilion affiliated to the Lihuo Sect, so its appearance is similar to that of Qing Tiansi in the Taiqing Pavilion today.

It is very uncomfortable to think that my future whereabouts will be calculated by others.

Ji Wen saw that Yi Tian was troubled and it was not easy to ask the bottom line, so she took out the jade slip and handed it over: "Captain Yi has really helped the Bi Pavilion this time, and I will feel sorry if I get into some trouble because of it, so this I don’t accept any merit points for the local evil list, but can you please copy it yourself?”

After hearing this, Yi Tian showed a look of relief, and looked at Ji Wen, it seemed that this little girl had guessed something.It's just that Tongtian Pavilion, who is in charge of Luoxia City, has known for a long time that there are some things that should be asked and others that are inconvenient to say.

After taking the jade slip and spreading it out on the table, he took out a blank jade slip and began to engrave and transcribe it.Looking at the top of the evil list, the first one is a female cultivator named Luo Ziyan, but there is no other mark behind the name.

The second one is called Chi Wuji, and there are some detailed descriptions behind his name.After Yi Tian took a closer look, he realized that this Chi Wuji was the young lord of the Lihuo Sect, and his cultivation base was in the late stage of Transformation God.

No.3 Jian Shaoqing is the No.1 deity-transformation cultivator of the Scarlet Rain Sword Sect, and his cultivation level is also in the late stage of deity-transformation, and he can be regarded as a match with Chi Wuji.

As for the fourth one named Xi Tianying, he turned out to be a casual cultivator who did not belong to the three sects.After Yi Tian glanced at it, he secretly looked at it in his heart. There must be something wrong with Xi Tianying's background.

It stands to reason that all kinds of resources in the spiritual world are controlled by the big sects, and it is almost impossible to advance without the support of the sect's resources.

Or it's not surprising that this person's mentor is a certain casual cultivator.

After passing this person, he found that the fifth monk was the monk of Taiqing Pavilion, named Qing Lianyun.It is estimated that she is a leader in Taiqing Pavilion's generation, but she should be a female cultivator just by her name.

From No.6 to the end, many monks belonging to other sects appeared, but in general, the disciples of the three sects almost filled the top fifty.You can only see a large number of disciples from small and medium sects when you are only fifty people away, and your cultivation base will reach the middle stage of transformation.

After three breaths, Yi Tian found two familiar names, Qing Yuan and Hong Fei, in the middle of the list. They were at positions 41 and 56 respectively.

The name Luoxia City Inspection Department was marked after the name, so it was easy to understand why Hong Fei and Qing Yuan didn't like each other so much, it seemed that they regarded each other as competitors in private.

Continue to look down and see a monk named Hua Yulin after eighty people, Yi Tian raised his head to look at Hua Yuxin in front of him and said in his heart: "It can't be such a coincidence, does this Hua Yulin also belong to Disciples of the Hua family, if this is the case, Zhao Cheng and the brothers of the Kui family should have known about this a long time ago. No wonder they look down on Hua Yuxin in every possible way but dare not bully her, the reason for their relationship lies here."

Thinking of this, he looked up at the two women and asked tentatively, "I don't know if these eighty Hua Yulin are from the Hua family in Luoxia City?"

Ji Wen smiled and just nodded slightly, and Hua Yuxin replied with a proud face: "Brother Yulin is a leader in the clan, he worshiped Feiyu Sword Sect in the early years and became an inner disciple, and now he is the biggest in my Hua family." depended on."

Seeing Hua Yuxin's frightened expression, Yi Tian didn't want to spoil her interest, so he continued to read after complimenting her a few words.

It wasn't until the 97th person that he saw Wang Wei's name, which was marked with Gufeng Bandit Master, who was in the middle stage of becoming a god.After engraving the contents of the entire Disha Bang list, Yi Tiancai handed over the jade slip to Ji Wen and said, "Do you have a detailed description of Wang Wei's situation?"

 Thanks for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor, and thanks for the monthly ticket of Shiliang Waterfall.

(End of this chapter)

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