
Chapter 922 Processing

Chapter 922 Processing
After returning to his cave, Yi Tian hung up the door plate of "Do Not Disturb the Idle People" on the outside, and then opened the restriction outside the door, pretending to retreat and practice.

Half a moment later, in his cave, Yi Tian opened another restriction to seal the whole room, and then sat cross-legged on the stone bed in the middle.

Then pinched the magic formula with both hands to reveal Asura's real body, and then took out the complete set of exercises of Zixiaozhan and 'Lihuo Nine Changes' respectively, and began to sacrifice and read them at the same time.

As for the front of the middle, I took out the storage ring and the few spiritual weapons I got this time, and scanned it several times with my spiritual sense to check.This black armor itself is not low in quality and belongs to the middle-grade armor of the human level, but the black shield is a magic weapon.

As soon as I took it out, I saw a strong devilish energy emanating from it, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.Facing this magic weapon, Yi Tian directly sacrificed a piece of Buddha sect power with traces of gold in its spiritual power to surround the magic weapon.

After a while, only the slightest sizzle sound was heard, and the black air on the magic weapon was slowly purified by the Buddha's power. Although it lasted for a long time, after the black air on the magic weapon was cleared, the gray shield inside was exposed. ontology.

Yi Tian stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, and immediately smiled. The material of this shield is actually mixed with a large amount of Taiyin iron in the magic crystal copper.

Moreover, the refiner seemed to be shoddy and forged the two materials with yang fire, so that the different flame properties limited the application efficiency of the materials.

There was a burst of contempt on Yi Tian's face for such a nondescript refining method, and then a look of excitement.

In terms of his own weapon refining skills, he is definitely not under that Xue Liqi who has been tempered for thousands of years, but because he dared not reveal his identity, he asked him to raise the grade of Taiyuan Sword.

Now that there are such good materials and only need to separate out the real fire of Sunflower Yin to worship the spirit weapon, it is really bright.At first, I thought that I had nowhere to use the refining technique, but I didn't expect that it would come in handy right now.

Immediately, he stretched out his left hand and sacrificed a wisp of blue Sunflower True Fire to point directly at the shield, and in an instant the blue flame wrapped it and began to sacrifice continuously.

This time, I also bought several low-level spiritual weapons in Tongtian Pavilion, all of which were mixed with a small amount of high-level treasures.Yi Tian originally planned to decompose them after smelting and save them for later use. He took them out one by one and put them by his side for a closer look.

Then he stretched out his right hand and sacrificed Leiyan Ziyan, and under the control of divine sense, these spiritual weapons were put into it one by one to be smelted and disassembled.

After several months of continuous refining like this, Yi Tian never stopped, during which time the Inspection Division didn't assign any tasks, and he just happened to be happy to have a leisurely time.

During this period, only Hua Yuxin's communication jade talisman came, and Yi Tian roughly understood its meaning after reading it with his mind.I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank myself, and I didn't care too much about these human incidents, so fortunately, I declined directly on the grounds of cultivation.

After the short retreat lasted for a while, Yi Tiantian slowly put away the real fire in his hand. At this time, he smelted and disassembled half of the lunar iron in the shield, and then mixed and added several materials to make the pitch-black armor Refined again.

After the real fire on the armor receded, a blue-black luster appeared, and the place on the chest that was pierced by the Taiyuan sword had been completely repaired at this moment.

The original intention was to raise the level of the spirit armor to a high-level character, and then used the real flame to engrave a set of combined inscriptions on it to increase its defense again.To put it bluntly, this spiritual armor can be called a top-level spiritual weapon, but I have not yet known whether there is such a division in the spiritual world.

As for the remaining materials, they can't be wasted, plus the rest of the decomposed treasures, Yi Tian directly changed them, and refined them into spiritual weapons according to the prototype of the Tiansha magic knife.

According to his current cultivation base, the spirit weapon refined can at least reach the high price of character.He took this spiritual weapon in his hand and felt it, only to see a tinge of coldness emanating from the three-foot-long steel knife.This kind of spiritual weapon is quite in line with the appetite of those monks who practice cold attribute kung fu, and I am afraid that they can make a fortune if they take it out and sell it to them.

It's just that I am not qualified to open any shops in Luoxia City, and I have no way to sell goods to make money, so I frown for a while.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly remembered that Hua Yuxin's Hua family had a lot of energy in Luoxia City. This time he saved her, but he could take the opportunity to ask them to find a way to sell them.

After thinking about it, he put the matter aside first, then erased the mark on Wang Fan's storage ring, and then took out all the things inside to identify them one by one.

After ten breaths, the corner of his mouth curled into a satisfied smile. These Gufeng Bandits had done a lot of robbing and robbing houses on weekdays, so naturally they kept a considerable amount of wealth in their hands.

The capacity of this storage ring is not much worse than his own, and there are as many as [-] to [-] high-grade spirit stones in the pile.In addition, more than a dozen bottles of elixir were found in it, and the seal talisman that opened the bottle once and identified it, and then secretly admired the members of Gufeng Pirates.

Among them, there are as many as three bottles of 'Zhenyuan Pill' used by the Guanghuashen stage monks to improve their cultivation base, and some of the rest are high-level tonic pills to replenish spiritual power.These elixirs are also useful to me at this stage. It can be said that these elixirs alone are enough for me to practice until the middle stage.

It's no wonder that they say murder and set fire to the golden belt. If they encounter the other gufeng bandits in the future, even if Wang Wei wants to come, he doesn't have to be polite.This is obviously a gift, and I have no reason not to understand such a simple truth as God does not take the blame but accepts the blame.

In addition to the elixir, there are also some human-level treasures and minerals in the storage ring.

Most of these things were collected by Wang Fan to make spiritual weapons for himself, but he didn't expect that all of them were cheaper for him now.

As for the most valuable thing is the short hammer in his hand, after taking it out for inspection, Yi Tian found that there were three inscriptions engraved on it, which can be regarded as a high-level spiritual weapon of character.It's a pity that such a rigid and yang spiritual weapon has nowhere to use it when it encounters his vine-wrapped spell, even with all his brute strength.

I was surprised that the re-cultivated ghost face flower seeds could have such an effect. Fortunately, many of these seeds were soaked in the spiritual pool water in the cave for later use.

Even if this short hammer wanted to be sold, it would have to change its shape.After thinking about it, Yi Tian made up his mind and directly sacrificed Lei Yan and Zi Yan to wrap it up.

Half a month later, when the real fire in front of me receded, a short knife with a handle more than a foot long was exposed. This time, I spent a lot of thought on refining the prototype with Leiyan Ziyan, and then mixed other materials into it with the real fire of sunflower shade. Covered with a blue shell on the outside.In this way, there is no trace of the Lihuogong technique at all, and even Xue Liqi and his like can only find that it is a spiritual weapon made with the real fire sacrifice of the cold attribute.

After packing up all these things on hand, he put away his exercises, got up and walked towards the cave door.

(End of this chapter)

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