
Chapter 923 Shipping 1

Chapter 923 Shipping One
After wandering around Luoxia City, I realized that there are usually only three ways to get the spirit weapon out of my hand without a trace.

Either borrow the auction house in Luoxia City, usually the things consigned there are not asked about the source.

Generally, [-]% commission is charged for this kind of spirit weapon auction house. If the auction is lower than the given reserve price, the auction will be passed directly, and the employer can take back the spirit weapon auction house without charging a cent.The biggest disadvantage is that the auction is not held in the market, so the things have to be stored there, and will not be taken out for bidding until the next time it is held.

The second way is to find shops like Trials of Tempering and sell the spirit artifacts directly to them. The downside is that usually these shops will buy them at a low price.After belittling the spirit weapon he took out, he bought it at [-]% to [-]% lower than the market price.

The last way is to find a buyer by yourself. Fortunately, there is also a solicitation office in Luoxia City.Among them, there are usually monks who will release the required materials in the form of tasks, but it is unknown if anyone will actually ask for a knife.

As for the second method, Yi Tian thought that he would not use it unless he had to. Instead of being slashed by those profiteers, it would be more beneficial to try his luck by asking for it.

The spirit weapons that were refined this time are all knives, and they have been carefully considered.Usually monks use swords as the majority, and those who use knives are a minority after all, so the spread of spiritual weapons will not be too conspicuous, which is in line with my low-key expectations.

So Yi Tian decided to go to the auction house to have a look first.The auction house of Luoxia City belongs to the Dao Sect of the Shang Qing Dynasty, and it is located on the most prosperous street in the east of the city.

Yi Tian just followed the direction of the flow of people and quickly found that location.After inquiring about the doorman, he was invited into the reception room of the consignment center, and not long after, a receptionist came to inquire.

After learning about the rules of the auction center in detail, Yi Tian took out the Taiyin Long Saber without saying a word and asked someone to evaluate it on the spot.

Unexpectedly, after taking out the spiritual weapon, the surrounding temperature dropped a lot, and the female cultivator who received it did not dare to inspect the product lightly because of the gusts of wind blowing on the blade.

After waiting for a while, the master appraiser of the auction house finally came, and immediately priced the Taiyin sword at [-] merit points on the spot, which is like [-] high-grade spirit stones.Yi Tian was very puzzled by this, according to his own understanding, there are not many people who can use such a spiritual weapon, and it is easy to fail the auction with such a high price.

On the contrary, the reason given by the appraiser is that rare things are more expensive, and those monks who practice special skills will definitely not miss it.And the auction house can also guarantee that even if the auction fails this time, it can be placed in the next auction.

After putting the Taiyin long knife in the auction house, Yi Tian went to the Qiuna place non-stop.These two places, one in the east of Luoxia City and the other in the west, are more than 200 miles apart.He couldn't fly in the sky in the city, so he could only walk there slowly.

It was already an hour later when I arrived at the requesting place, so I simply put my cultivation base there and walked like flying on the street, and at the same time, I could see the scenery of Luoxia City in my eyes.Apart from the City Lord's Mansion, the biggest forces in the city belong to the Tongtian Pavilion and the Hua Family, and the shops opened by the two can be seen basically everywhere along the way.

It wasn't until we came to the main street of Qiunasuo that we could see the flags of each family were lit up.Needless to say, these are all shops opened for the feng shui treasure of Qiunasuo.Even if monks can't find the items they like inside, they can find some substitutes from these places.

When Yi Tian walked into the Qiuna Institute, he found that there was a constant stream of monks coming and going, and in the lobby, there were monks below the Nascent Soul level coming and going to issue tasks.

Looking up at the high-hanging begging signs, you can find that there are all kinds of demands.Not only spirit weapons and elixir, but also the demands of cultivation methods and skills are not rare.

What's more interesting is that some of the information about seeking Taoist companions seems to be clearly priced, and many of them are posted by female nuns who want to find a monk with a slightly higher level of cultivation to assist in clearing the level after a weekend break.

The place to receive the cultivators of Huashen is on the second floor, and as soon as Yi Tian entered the door, there seemed to be a man on duty leading him up.

After waiting in the room for a while, I heard the door open with a 'Zhi Ya', followed by another familiar voice: "Yi Daoyou, why did the wind blow you to the begging place?"

When Yi Tian heard the words, he looked up and saw that it was Shen Yeming who was in charge of guarding the reception desk at that time. He didn't expect that he would be transferred to the request office as a deacon since then.

Immediately stood up, cupped his hands and smiled, "Daoist Shen, we are really destined, so please sit down quickly and talk."

"Friend Daoist Yi, please," Shen Yeming said politely, and then he took the door directly to the room and sat down opposite Yi Tian.Then he took a look before continuing: "Seeing that Daoist Yi's cultivation has improved a lot compared to when he first ascended, it seems that in time he will definitely be able to surpass the old man."

"Don't dare, I'm currently working in the Inspection Department, and I spend my free time on cultivation on weekdays, hoping to consolidate my cultivation and get through the thunder disaster of entering the world as soon as possible," Yi Tian replied.

"Yi Daoyou is really a hardworking person, and I am not as smart as I am." Shen Yeming smiled and complimented a few words before asking: "I just don't know whether this time it seems that seeking Nasuo is to release a task or to choose something to be completed. What about the mission?"

"I don't lack materials for cultivation now. Naturally, I want to see what tasks can be fulfilled, and I can also earn some merit points or spirit stones along the way," Yi Tian replied lightly.

"That's it," Shen Yeming looked at Yi Tian but couldn't see anything, so he asked: "Then why does Fellow Daoist Yi need to look for the mission requests that have been released?"

Speaking of which, Yi Tian is no longer ambiguous and directly replied: "There is a high-level spiritual weapon on hand, unfortunately it is at odds with the cultivation method, so I want to try my luck to see if anyone can use it, or use the spiritual weapon The device was exchanged."

After hearing this, Shen Yeming nodded and said in his mouth: "So that's the case," then he took out a jade slip and handed it over, "Please Daoist Yi, please check it yourself. Please inform the next old man of the mission request."

Yi Tian stretched out his hand to take the jade slip, stretched out his divine sense and quickly retrieved the catalog.It's almost as expected, but most of the requests for spiritual weapons are mainly spiritual swords, and there are very few requests for knives.

Looking at the last three missions in the whole book to obtain the spiritual weapon of the knife, the first two are the appeals issued by the Nascent Soul cultivator.On the contrary, the last task was issued by a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, but the requirements were more demanding.

After reading the description of the mission, Yi Tian also frowned slightly and said: "To be honest, I saw that the No. 590 No. [-] mission required a high-level saber, but I don't know whether the spiritual weapon in my hands meets the requirements of the other party."

After hearing this, Shen Yeming smiled and said, "It's not difficult. After I send a message to the monk to find out, then Daoist Yi can have a face-to-face discussion with him in the meeting room."

(End of this chapter)

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