
Chapter 924 Shipping 2

Chapter 924 Shipment II

Yi Tian sat alone in the trading room of Qiuna Exchange in Luoxia City and waited.Shen Yeming, the deacon of the Qiuna Office, suggested that he could help him make a bridge, but the final negotiation still needs to be done by himself.

After browsing through all the missions completed by Qiuna, I found that there are very few that meet my requirements.And this last one is also a matter of luck. The mission released by others mentioned that what is needed is a three-foot-long sword, and the proviso is that it must have the extreme yang attribute.

The saber in his hand was smelted with Wang Fan's iron hammer, and its extremely positive characteristics had been deeply covered up in terms of attributes.But in terms of size, it is only more than one foot, which belongs to the category of short knives.

If it weren't for Shen Yeming's relationship this time, I'm afraid I wouldn't have the chance to negotiate with the other party.

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the door opened and a black shadow flashed in, facing him in an instant.Gathering his mind and scanning his eyes, he found that the person who came was a gentle young man, and his cultivation level was also in the early stage of becoming a god.

After looking at himself, he said: "Mi Jun is the person who announced the mission. I just heard that there might be me asking for a spiritual weapon here, so I came here to meet you. I hope you don't disappoint me."

Yi Tian saw that the other party had the aura of being the first to beat others as soon as he came up, so he took out the one-foot-long saber from the storage ring and put it on the table without saying a word, and then said lightly: "This is it, friend Mi Dao You can check the goods first."

Seeing this, Mi Jun frowned slightly, and then looked at the saber before saying: "I must have made a mistake, fellow daoist. The task I issued is to ask for a three-foot long saber with the extremely yang attribute. Your spiritual weapon Let’s not mention the wrong size, but I haven’t seen the attribute characteristics of the knife at all.”

After finishing speaking, he got up and was about to leave. Suddenly, Yi Tian said coldly: "Is it unfair for Mi Daoyou to draw conclusions so hastily without even trying the spirit weapon?"

After hearing this, Mi Jun paused, then turned his head and stared at Yi Tian with a playful look on his face, then reached out and took the short knife on the table in his hand.

After three breaths, the spiritual power was poured into it, and suddenly the surface of the short knife was as hot as the sun, Mi Jun's face changed, and then he continued to inject spiritual power, as if to see how much spiritual power the knife could absorb.

Half a moment later, the light on the knife turned from light to bright, and finally turned into a ball of scorching light one foot in size.Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting opposite, could feel the hot air on the saber at this time, which should be caused by Mi Jun's extremely powerful yang attribute skills.

A little later after he finished his skills, he took the short knife and weighed it carefully before he sighed and said: "Fellow Daoist's spirit weapon is not bad, just suitable for my use, but the fly in the ointment is that the size of this thing is slightly smaller."

Yi Tian replied calmly: "What do you mean after you tried it? To be honest, I also got this item by chance from the outside world. If it wasn't for the inappropriate style and attributes, I wouldn't have sold it. It's just that There is one point for fellow daoists to know that this spiritual weapon has a price but no market, presumably fellow daoists are also discerning people who know how to choose."

Having said that, Mi Jun raised his head and stared at Yi Tian for a while, then sighed and said: "To be honest, the attributes of this spirit weapon, fellow Daoist, are the most suitable ones I have seen. Except for the slightly shorter size, the other aspects are similar to mine. Mind."

"That's fine," Yi Tian explained when he saw he hesitated a little: "Actually, the most important thing for a spiritual weapon is to match the cultivation method, so that the true strength of a monk can be displayed."

After hearing this, Mi Jun showed a determined look on his face and said: "Okay, I will accept the spirit weapon based on what you said. The grade of the sword is enough, but the size does not match. Can I ask for a [-]% discount?"

Originally, Mi Jun was just asking tentatively, but unexpectedly, Yi Tian nodded and agreed without hesitation.This thing can be sold as long as it can be sold, and the price in the mission is not lower than [-] merit points.

There are more discounts and 360 appearances than completing two tasks by yourself.After thinking about it, he asked directly: "How will Mi Daoyou plan to trade?"

Mi Jun directly took out a jade token from the inspectorate and said, "Fellow Daoist, do you have the identity jade token of Luoxia City, I will transfer the merit points to you directly."

Yi Tian was also polite and took out his jade token and put it in front of Mi Jun and shook it.The latter's eyes lit up, but he asked casually: "Since fellow daoist is also a member of the inspection department, he is really a family. I am in charge of the inner city government affairs and belong to Brother Hong Fei. I don't know which part you are in charge of."

Now that Mi Jun has brought Hong Fei's name out, Yi Tian naturally dare not neglect, at least he has to pretend to be warm on the surface.After a while, he suddenly said: "Since Mi Jun is the subordinate of Director Hong, he is one of his own. This spiritual weapon should be given to a fellow Taoist."

After hearing this, Mi Jun's expression changed and he hurriedly persuaded him: "It's impossible, it's too polite for this matter to be treated as one's own."

Yi Tian looked at Mi Jun's appearance, although he was polite on the face, there was still a bit of reluctance in his eyes.After all, it is 360 points of merit, and [-] high-grade spirit stones are placed outside, which can be regarded as a small fortune for a cultivator in the transformation stage.

Then he used an excuse to mention that he was a monk who was ascended to the sky, and after he came to Luoxia City, he was taken care of by Director Hong Fei and joined the inspection department.Since Mi Jun is responsible for the defense of the inner city, he must be Hong Fei's direct subordinate, making friends with him is equivalent to building a good relationship with Hong Fei.A mere spiritual weapon in the inspection department has brought many friends closer to the boss. It really kills two birds with one stone, and it is worthwhile.

Under Yi Tian's insistence, Mi Jun finally bought the sword at a price of [-] merit points.Afterwards, they exchanged the communication jade talisman with themselves, and agreed that we will have more opportunities to communicate in the future.

After leaving the Qiuna Office, Yi Tian continued to wander around Luoxia City, during which time he searched for many shops and bought some refining accessories.In order to avoid revealing their identities, they added a lot of alchemy ingredients to the precious materials they purchased every time, so that these stores couldn't figure out their true intentions.

As I was walking, I happened to see a spiritual pet shop, and it was the first time I saw such a shop after visiting most of Luoxia City.Immediately, he looked up and found that the store was owned by the Hua family.

I secretly thought in my heart: "It can't be such a coincidence, it happens to be the property of Hua Yuxin's family, but if it comes, it will be safe, and now I urgently need to learn more about the monsters in the spirit world. And that Yunmeng toad , so much time has not seen any signs of upgrading, and I am a little impatient."

As soon as he stepped into the shop, he heard someone arguing about something inside. With a glance, he found that it was Hua Yuxin and a female cultivator who were arguing about something.

Seeing this, the people around hurriedly dispersed for fear of harming Chi Yu, and Yi Tian didn't want to cause more trouble, so he dodged to the side.Seeing this, the clerk in the shop hurried forward and led him to the VIP room on the second floor.

 Thanks for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor

(End of this chapter)

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