
Chapter 925 Beast Ring

Chapter 925 Beast Ring
On the second floor of the Huajialing pet shop, the person who received him was a shopkeeper who was at the Nascent Soul stage.Yi Tian was also polite and directly stated his request.

This time I came here mainly to ask for detailed information on the spirit pets in the spirit world. It would be great if I could find out about Yunmeng Toad.

After he made his request, the shopkeeper didn't say much and took out a jade slip and said in his mouth: "Senior, this album is the public part of my detailed explanation of the Hua family's imperial beasts, which contains nearly a thousand kinds of jade slips. The common monsters in the spirit world can be regarded as complete in variety."

After hearing this, Yi Tian just curled his lips and said: "The part of your Hua Family's Royal Beast Explanation has been released to the public. Doesn't that mean that there are still unpublished parts?"

"Senior, those are the foundations of my Hua family's foothold in the spirit world, so please forgive me. But the one in front of me is already very complete, and the ordinary spirit world monsters have detailed descriptions included in it," The shopkeeper said so.

Yi Tian knew that their authority was limited, so it was inconvenient to get to the bottom of this issue.After asking the price, he paid the Lingshi on the spot, and then exchanged the detailed explanation of the beast.Then he placed the jade slip on his forehead and quickly read it with his spiritual sense.

In fact, there are two main reasons for coming here this time. One is to check the information of his spiritual pet, and the other is to see if there is any record about Mengxin.After all, when she showed her true form that day, I was really shocked. To be honest, I can only decide how to deal with that fire phoenix feather after fully understanding her species characteristics.

It's a pity that I used my spiritual sense to browse through and carefully searched the two major items of frogs and birds, but I couldn't find the exact information.

The records among the frogs did not even mention the word Yunmeng Toad.However, there was a record of Phoenix at the end of birds, and it was briefly recorded that the Phoenix family was divided into two branches, Huofeng and Qingluan.Apart from that, there is no other text description.

After reading it, Yi Tian complained in his heart that such a jade slip actually cost him a thousand high-grade spirit stones.Although most of the monsters have never been seen before, the most critical part of the information that I pay attention to is missing.

It's a pity that the cover cannot be returned or exchanged once the goods are sold, especially these manuscripts and records are all like this.Later, Yi Tian put away the jade slips that explained the detailed explanation of the beast, and got up to leave, and the shopkeeper didn't try to keep him, and asked the waiter to see off the guests on his behalf.

After coming down from the second floor, Yi Tian found that the quarrel in the lobby was still going on, and it sounded like Hua Yuxin was chasing and staring at each other.And the cause of the quarrel seemed to be about something about the beast ring.

Yi Tian sneered at this, and he was not interested in these corners.Then hurriedly ordered the guy's leader to go straight out from the corridor on one side.

Before he reached the main entrance, he suddenly heard a clear and sweet voice: "Captain Yi is here, please wait."

It was Hua Yuxin who saw Yi Tian's figure and hurriedly asked to stay, and at the same time, this voice also attracted many eyes around him.But when these monks realized that in front of them was a cultivator who transformed himself into a god, they naturally looked back.

These high-ranking monks have weird temperaments, and if they are unhappy, they will suffer from others.

Yi Tian was also extremely helpless in his heart, thinking about how to avoid Hua Yuxin, but he stopped her after all.Then she stopped and turned her head to see Hua Yuxin walking towards her as if she had given up arguing with others.Today, she was not wearing the uniform of the inspection department, she was wearing a green shirt with her hair tied up in a bun, which looked like a refined shopkeeper's attire.

Before Yi Tian could speak, Hua Yuxin asked, "When did Captain Yi come, and Yuxin has never seen him."

"It's not busy, I just went to the second floor to buy some spiritual pet atlases," Yi Tian replied.

Hua Yuxin smiled and said: "Before, Yuxin sent a message to invite Captain Yi to come to the humble house. Unfortunately, the captain has no time to practice in seclusion. Today, it is better to choose a day than to hit the day. Please come to the inner hall for a talk, so that I To be a subordinate is to show the friendship of the landlord."

He didn't speak loudly, but there was awe in the eyes of the monks around him.Hua Yuxin's identity is well known, and since she claims to be a subordinate, the identity of the person in front of her has a lot of background.

Today, Yi Tian didn't wear the inspector's official uniform, so he looked like an ordinary cultivator.Now Hua Yuxin is a bit embarrassing to expose her identity in one sentence.

If I don't agree now, I am afraid that I will offend the Hua family head-on, and Yi Tian will not be so stupid as to do so.

Then he smiled and replied, "If that's the case, then I also have some things I want to ask."

Seeing that Yi Tian readily agreed, Hua Yuxin immediately put the unhappiness of the quarrel just behind her mind.After commanding a few words with the entourage around him, he led Yi Tian across the corridor to the backyard of the shop.

After a while, the two came to a wing room in the backyard garden, and then Hua Yuxin ordered the maid beside her: "Quickly invite the ancestors to come, and tell the captain of my inspection department to come."

The servant girl hurried out after taking the order, and finally closed the door behind her.

Then Hua Yuxin and Yi Tianfen sat down and said slowly: "I don't know why the captain came this time, please forgive me for the shortcomings of the staff in my shop."

Yi Tian smiled and nodded in agreement, then directly changed the topic and said, "Just now when I entered the store, I saw you arguing with someone. I don't know what's the matter?"

"Captain doesn't know, my Hua family started with beast-monitoring. In the early years, the ancestors worshiped under the first seat of the beast-monitoring shrine in Taiqing Pavilion and got some real teachings. It's just that time has passed, the older generation is gone, and the disciples in the clan are all Distracted cultivators did not appear, so it is worth going out to open up a cultivator family to be a vassal of the sect," Hua Yuxin explained.

After hearing this, Yi Tian's eyes lit up, and he didn't expect that the ancestors of the Hua family had something to do with Taiqing Pavilion.As she said, since she can understand the True Inheritance of Taiqing Pavilion Beasts, she must have a unique understanding of spirit world monsters.

Afterwards, Hua Yuxin continued: "Just now I was arguing with people because of the quality of those beast rings. Unfortunately, my Hua family doesn't have a craftsman to enshrine, so I have to ask others for help in this link."

Yi Tian felt a little unbelievable when he heard the words. This beast ring is easy to make, so there is something strange about it.

Seeing Yi Tian's doubtful face, Hua Yuxin explained: "The captain doesn't know that my beast ring is different from ordinary ones. It is specially used to tame those fierce beasts, and it has the effect of suppressing the soul."

Such Yi Tiantian suddenly realized that the physical strength of monsters is strong, but their souls are not specially tempered, which is their weakest point.As for the souls of those ferocious beasts, they are much stronger than ordinary spirit beasts, and the suppression of their souls is an indispensable link if you want to subdue them in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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