
Chapter 926

Chapter 926
After listening to Hua Yuxin's explanation in the wing room in the backyard of Hua's family, Yi Tian realized that this imperial beast also has a lot of knowledge.It is natural that people have a deep understanding of those spirit beasts, and among the spirit pets, these fierce beasts are the most sought-after.

If you want to take them back for your own use, you must subdue them first, so the special ring of beast control is necessary.

Presumably those refiners failed to refine a suitable beast-controlling ring as required, so the master in front of him was furious.

Then Yi Tian asked again: "It seems that a fierce beast came to your store and wanted to buy a good price, but unfortunately the buyer's strength is too weak, so you need to use the special beast-guarding ring to suppress the spirit of the monster, right? "

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin showed a hint of surprise on his face, "The captain's observation ability is really admired by Yuxin, and it is probably better than this."

"You are absurd. To tell you the truth, I was involved in refining weapons and controlling beasts before I ascended, so I can guess most of the time when you say it." Yi Tian directly stated the reason without hiding anything. .

Hua Yuxin's eyes brightened, as if he had re-evaluated Yi Tian, ​​but there still seemed to be some doubts in his heart that could not be dispelled.

At this time, the door of the room was suddenly opened, and an early-stage cultivator who was over forty years old walked in.A gleam flashed in his eyes in a rich attire, and he looked like someone who had lived in the mall for a long time.It's a pity that his lifespan seems to be less than 300 years left. If he doesn't advance to the middle stage, he may die here.

Seeing that his appearance is three to four points similar to Hua Yuxin, he should be his ancestor.I saw this person came in and bowed his hands to him with a smile and said: "Old man, the head of the Hua family is full of power and polite."

Yi Tian hurriedly stood up and returned the salute: "I'm the leader of Team 27 of the Herringbone Banner of the Inspection Department, Yi Tian, ​​and I have met fellow Taoists."

Hua Manquan hastily stretched out his hand to signal to sit down, and continued: "The old man has already explained in detail what happened last time when his great-granddaughter came back. Captain Yi really worried."

"Where is it, Hua Yuxin is my team member, if I get injured on duty during a mission, I, the captain, will have to bear the blame," Yi Tian replied with a smile.

Hua Manquan said politely: "Captain Yi's thought of this is enough to show his kindness. Yu Xin's ability to serve under your command is also a result of cultivation. I hope you will continue to support me in the future."

"Definitely, please rest assured that in the future, I will let her do what she can in any missions. After all, missions have their successes and failures, but only those who remain useful can hope to continue to practice," Yi Tian said.

But what Hua Manquan said was that he didn't seem to care at all about Hua Yuxin's role as inspector.In fact, if I ask myself, I have seen the property of the Hua family. Although it is not second to none in Luoxia City, it can also be said to be the richest.

There is absolutely no need to be an inspector to come out and take risks like this. You must know that no one can tell the work of the city defense.Maybe he spent his tenure safely, or maybe he got involved in a fight and died soon after taking office.

But looking at the appearance of the Hua family, they didn't take these things into consideration at all, or let her participate in it knowing that it was dangerous. The reason for this is also intriguing.

Later, Yi Tian asked again: "Is there a word that is not worth asking?"

After hearing this, Hua Manquan suppressed the smile on his face and sighed, "Captain Yi can probably guess what's on his mind, do you think why Yuxin is forced to join the inspection team?"

"Exactly. When we first met, I found that Yuxin's breath was not stable. It seemed that it was less than a hundred years after he broke through the pill and became a baby. It is too risky to join the patrol team now," Yi Tian asked.

After hearing this, Hua Manquan just sighed and couldn't talk about it.At that time, Hua Yuxin showed some determination on his face, and then he stood up and saluted to himself: "The future rise and fall of the Hua family depends on Yuxin alone. From now on, please take care of the captain. In the future, Yuxin will be like you If you succeed, you must remember the captain’s kindness.”

Speaking of which, Yi Tian knew in his heart that Hua Yuxin must have the difficulties of not being able to tell, but it is a pity that he is an outsider and it is inconvenient to go too deep into it.

The smile on his face turned serious and he said: "Since that's the case, I'll take it easy, and I don't ask for anything in return, as long as I can be safe before the thunder disaster comes."

Hua Manquan hastily agreed, "That's the best, that's the best. I'll ask fellow Taoists to take care of my family, Yuxin, in the future."

"Definitely, definitely," Yi Tian was not polite, and directly agreed.

These topics were also avoided in the subsequent conversations, and everyone chatted very happily.Yi Tian also took the opportunity to find out that Xiahua's family did have a secret secret technique of controlling beasts, which can be regarded as the true inheritance of Taiqing Pavilion's beast-controlling temple.

Although Yi Tian has ideas about this secret technique, he is not in a hurry. Anyway, Hua Yuxin will serve for two to three hundred years under his leadership, so he may have the opportunity to inquire about it again.

When talking about her own birth, Hua Yuxin mentioned to Grandpa Zeng about refining weapons and controlling beasts.After hearing this, Hua Manquan's eyes flashed brightly, and then he asked, "To be honest, my Hua family took on a job recently to tame a ferocious beast, but it's a pity that this beast has the blood of the ancient times, although the blood is weak. But it is also very rare. Therefore, I want to order a special beast ring."

"There are dozens if not hundreds of refiners in Luoxia City, why don't you invite them to help?" Yi Tian asked in confusion.

Hua Manquan said with a sneer: "Actually, there are no more than three of these craftsmen who can help. And two of them are on the side of my deadly enemy. Of course, they will not easily agree to help. "

It turned out that there was still such a way, and the person who came to the hall was the third person. Unfortunately, it seemed that the refined product this time failed to meet Hua Yuxin's requirements, so there was such a quarrel scene.

So it seems that the Hua family doesn't have any craftsmen to rely on for a while.

While thinking about it, Hua Yuxin suddenly heard asking: "Captain Yi has experience in refining weapons and controlling beasts, so can you help me once, no matter success or failure, Yuxin will remember this kindness in his heart."

Yi Tian wanted to agree, but Hua Manquan seemed a little surprised by Hua Yuxin's decision.Shaking his head secretly, he said that this is a disaster, but fortunately, Hua Manquan is a personal judge and will not let him try easily.

In this way, I could just use the donkey down the slope to push away this difficult matter, so I hurriedly replied: "I'm just ignorant, and I just arrived in the spirit world. I don't have a thorough understanding of the properties of many materials and dare not take this .Why don't you think of a way again?"

At this point, the meaning of resignation is beyond words, Hua Yuxin was about to say something but was interrupted by Hua Manquan: "It's okay, this time I will let Captain Yi worry about it, let's discuss this matter later."

(End of this chapter)

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