
Chapter 927 Rescue 1

Chapter 927 Rescue One
After returning from the Hua family's spiritual pet shop, Yi Tian returned to his cave and began to retreat.Now is to seize every minute and every moment to practice, and on weekdays, there is only a summons from the inspection department, and he simply hides in the cave for retreat.

The good times didn't last long, and the peaceful days lasted for more than a few months, when a summons from the inspection department flew in and went straight into the restriction of the cave.

Half a moment later, the cave door opened, and a cyan light flew out of it towards the inspection post in the north of the city.In the light is Yi Tian himself, who is wearing the official uniform of the inspection company. He has just received an order from the deacon to go to the inspection station immediately and take the team to Huangfeng Valley, thousands of miles west of Luoxia City.

An hour ago, a call for help was sent, and it seemed that a group of people had been attacked by monsters of the level of transformation gods there, and they were now standing firm and waiting for help.

Yi Tian knew that this matter could not be delayed, so he hurriedly informed the other four members of the team and told them to meet up at the north gate in a quarter of an hour.

In Luoxia City, except for the city lord and others, only the inspectors who have accepted the mission can fly in the air on weekdays.Such a journey of one or two hundred miles can only be reached in a flash.

After arriving at the north gate, I found that Zhao Cheng and Kui's brothers were already waiting. They were old people from the Inspection Department who knew when to make soy sauce and when not to be sloppy.

Seeing Yi Tian rushing over in a hurry, they all gathered around and said hello.Yi Tian swept his eyes and found that Hua Yuxin was missing again, and his face was really helpless.Fortunately, in his divine sense, he found that there was a breath flying towards his direction at high speed, so his face was not so ugly.

Half a moment later, a white light flew over, and it was Hua Yuxin who was wrapped in it.

This time, in order to hurry up, Yi Tian didn't hide his clumsiness, and directly took out a five-inch assault boat model and sacrificed it in his hand.Later, he picked up and tossed the five-inch assault boat into the air, stretched it against the wind, and immediately turned into a ten-foot-long appearance.

He said in his mouth, "Let's all go in", then reached out and pointed to the main control room to open the hatch, and then the figure flashed and flew in first.

Zhao Cheng and the Kui family brothers are also people who have seen the world, so they followed Yi Tianfei into the cabin without saying a word.

As for Hua Yuxin, he stopped outside and stared at the assault boat above his head for a while, his eyes were bright and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

Later, I heard Yi Tian shouting impatiently in the cabin: "What are you still looking at, I'm waiting for you, why don't you come in quickly."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin shrugged her shoulders, pursed her mouth, and showed a look of contempt on her face, and then she used her escape technique and flew in through the open hatch.

When I came to the cabin, I saw that Zhao Cheng and the Kui family brothers had found a place to sit on the ground, and smiled maliciously at Hua Yuxin.

As for Yi Tian, ​​he didn't have time to chat with her, so he went directly to the main control position and drove the assault boat towards Huangfeng Valley.

Ten breaths later, a cyan aura flashed across the north gate of Luoxia City, and its escape speed was three points faster than that of a late Nascent Soul cultivator fleeing with all his strength.

Hua Yuxin looked around while staying in the cabin, and then looked out through the window of the cabin door, only to realize that the flying speed was beyond her imagination.However, thinking that the captain deliberately let her fly all the way to Guyun Mountain when he was on a mission for the first time, he felt a little uncomfortable, and even looked at Yi Tian with a somewhat complicated look in his eyes.

It took an hour to arrive at the thousand-mile journey to Huangfeng Valley. In the high altitude, Yi Tian used the escapism technique from the cockpit to observe from a distance, and found that within a range of less than a hundred miles, there was a mountain full of yellow maple trees.

He took out the map and compared it carefully, then turned his head and said to the people sitting cross-legged in the cabin: "We are here, be careful when you go down. Prioritize finding the people who are calling for help. If you encounter monsters, don't fight and avoid them as much as possible. Our The task is to save people, not hunt monsters."

Both Zhao Cheng and the Kui family brothers nodded and agreed, "I understand the captain."

Turning his eyes to Hua Yuxin and seeing that she was about to reply, Yi Tian said again: "Your cultivation base is the weakest and it's hard to protect yourself when you encounter powerful monsters. After you go out, go with me."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin was stunned for a while, and then said reluctantly: "Yes, captain."

Except for the assault boat, the Yellow Maple Valley is right in front of your eyes, Yi Tian waved his hand, and everyone walked around the valley in the direction of death.Not long after, they passed over the valley, and when they looked down, it seemed that a group of Gale Demonic Wolves were besieging the caravan.

Hua Yuxin was about to go down after seeing it, but Yi Tian grabbed her and said: "Slow down first, it seems that the besieged people can withstand it for the time being."

"Looking at them, they seem to have been besieged for a long time, and their spiritual power is almost exhausted at this time," Hua Yuxin replied.

In fact, Yi Tian glanced at the situation below with his divine sense, and it was obvious that the guards of the caravan in the middle were forming a defensive formation.But these Gale Demon Wolves look suspicious, they are not many in number but each one has the strength close to the late Nascent Soul.It is somewhat different from what was described in the mission information.

But Yi Tian is also a cautious person. After quickly finding out and analyzing the habits of this monster in his mind, the expression on his face became deeper.

Obviously, these are spiritual pets specially raised by someone, but besieging the caravan like this seems a bit unreasonable.It's just that those strong people disdain this kind of practice, and then asked: "Do you know anyone who is proficient in beast control, and even raised the Gale Demon Wolf?"

"Captain, do you mean that what's going on below is not a beast but a man-made disaster?" Hua Yuxin asked hastily.

"It's basically a man-made robbery, and it's very similar to the first mission. I guess the man who controls the beast is hidden in the valley. It's just that some secret method was used to prevent us from noticing his whereabouts for a while," Yi Tian said firmly.

"So that's the case, so what should we do now?" Hua Yuxin stabilized his figure and asked.

Just when Yi Tian was about to answer, a flame suddenly flashed in the valley, and after the divine sense swept over him, he said: "Brothers from the Kui family have fought with others, why are these two big bastards so careless?" , Going deep into the wolves and being directly surrounded."

After finishing speaking, I saw another sound of spells erupting in the valley, and Yi Tian had no choice but to show up and turned to Hua Yuxin and said, "Be careful yourself, go to the side to help, I will help the Kui family brothers to rescue the siege." Come down." After speaking, the figure of stretching escape technique flashed a few times and then fell into the valley.

Before he got close to the target, he suddenly felt a sense of crisis in his heart. In an instant, a red light flashed from the side, and then struck straight at him.Yi Tian snorted coldly, flashed twice in the air to avoid the incoming spell, and then swept along the source, only to see Xu Youcheng of Gufeng Pirate holding a crescent shovel in both hands, staring out and locked himself .

Then he yelled: "It's you, kid, who made you lucky last time, and this time it happens to settle the old and new debts together."

(End of this chapter)

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