
Chapter 928 Rescue 2

Chapter 928 Rescue II

In Huangfeng Valley, Yi Tian led the team members to sneak down to rescue the besieged caravan, but the Kui brothers first attracted the attention of the wolves.And he was being targeted by Gufeng Bandit Xu Youcheng again. To be honest, this guy's strength is not inferior to Wang Fan, and it takes a little effort to deal with him in full view.

Yi Tian hurriedly took out his identity jade badge and quickly wrote a message on it to the other four people, ordering them to immediately attack below to rescue the caravan.And I need to do my best to deal with Xu Youcheng, a mid-stage cultivator of transformation.

After receiving the message, the four team members all showed embarrassment on their faces. Unexpectedly, they all encountered the Gufeng Bandit here. Now that the captain is entangled, they are going to face the beast master below. They want to come and fight with this group of people It's really fate.

But the surrounding situation was not much better, the captain ordered the four of them not to dare to confide in others, so they directly took out the spiritual weapon and attacked towards the wolves.

Seeing that the four of them shot at the same time and controlled the situation on the scene for a while, Yi Tian relaxed and turned his head to deal with Xu Youcheng seriously.

The spiritual weapon in his hand seemed to come from the same origin as Wang Fan's hammer before, and it was also soaked with a strong yang energy.

After the crescent shovel turned into a red light, it flashed towards him, and Yi Tianyi reached out and took out the pitch-black shield to block in front of him.Then he poured spiritual power into it, and suddenly a golden ripple swayed out of it, shaking the incoming red light in the air.

Seeing this, Xu Youcheng's face changed and he didn't know what was going on, but it was obvious that the shield he was dealing with was weird, so he stretched out his hand and hurriedly called back the spiritual weapon.

Yi Tian was overjoyed when he saw it, and knew that his guess was indistinguishable. Like Wang Fan, Xu Youcheng had practiced some magic skills, so his spiritual power was full of bloody evil spirit.

But what they never expected was that they also practiced the Buddhist sect's secret technique, which was their nemesis.

After taking out the Taiyuan sword, he quickly sacrificed it, and quietly blessed one after another Buddhist sect's secret techniques.He also chanted the mantra of Tianlei Bayin back and forth quickly without stopping.

A series of golden ripples spread out from the mouth and covered the opponent's body.

Xu Youcheng, who was in the air, was visibly shaken after being swept by the golden light. The positive energy in his body seemed to be mobilized, and gradually he couldn't function normally.After being drawn out of the body, a trace of blood evil qi was directly purified by the power of the heavenly thunder eight sounds.

Seeing that Xu Youcheng was furious, he took out the crescent shovel again with his hands, spit out black air on it, and then turned into three feet wide in the air and hit Yi Tian.

This time, under the blessing of the black Zhenyuan, the obvious spiritual weapon easily broke through the eight sounds of thunder to form a sonic defense, but it was entangled by a vine that appeared out of thin air as soon as it approached a distance of twenty feet.

There seemed to be a faint golden light on the vine veins, no matter how powerful the crescent shovel was, it could not be cut off, and new vines grew rapidly at the wounded fracture, and soon it would return to its original state.On the contrary, every time the crescent shovel hits the tree vines, a few strands of golden light will invade its surface and weaken the blood evil power on it.

After a few moves, Xu Youcheng also found it very tricky. The cultivator in front of him had some weird skills, and he was blocked even under the control of a spiritual weapon.Moreover, those vine veins are extremely difficult to tangle and have extremely strong growth power, no matter how they attack, they can't get full power.

Later, Xu Youcheng stretched out his hand again to take out the black banner, and then thrust it fiercely into his arm. Immediately, the handle of the black banner entered and quickly absorbed the blood and spiritual power to activate it.

In an instant, a dark green mist rushed out and directly surrounded the vines, and only some "click" sounds were heard under the dark green mist.Then there were big strips of vines falling out of the thick fog, and Yi Tian glanced and found that there was a faint green light on the falling vines, as if they were corroded and broken.

Then, under Xu Youcheng's control, the cloud of green mist was divided into two and surrounded him in the middle, and then the encircling circle shrunk rapidly, as if trying to strangle him in it.

Suddenly, the two groups of green mist encircled and shrunk the space inside smaller and smaller, engulfing Yi Tian's figure in a short while.Xu Youcheng's face was filled with joy, holding the black flag in his hand, he continued to use his spiritual power to control the green mist, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the black flag to strengthen his spiritual power output.

But after ten breaths, the aura of billowing green mist not only didn't become stronger, but showed signs of weakening, Xu Youcheng was stunned and didn't know what happened in it.

I saw that the besieging green mist seemed to be absorbed by something, and it was so thick that it could cut off the spiritual sense, but now it became thinner and thinner.

After Yi Tian's figure gradually appeared in the fog, thousands of cyan sword threads shot out from it and instantly dispersed the surrounding fog.

Then the thousands of sword wires gathered in the air to form a ball of light again, and turned their heads to cover Xu Youcheng's body.

In an instant, the ball of light spread out again and turned into thousands of thin lines. Seeing him wrapped in the center, only a burst of dense "jingling" sounds were heard, attacking Xu Youcheng from all directions at the same time.

At this time, Yi Tianshen swept the Yunmeng toad in his hand, and saw that it had a full stomach as if it had eaten and drunk, and then happily croaked at itself, and then turned into a white light flying Go back to the beast sac.

It was really weird just now, when I was trying to break through the siege of the poisonous mist, who knew that Yunmeng Toad, who was originally in the beast sac, seemed to smell some delicious food and flew out of it as a white light.

After staying on the palm of his hand, he opened his mouth and inhaled the surrounding poisonous mist directly into his mouth, and this little thing seemed small in size but had a lot of appetite.The poisonous mist was sucked clean, but there was still an expression on his face that was still unfinished.

Knowing for the first time that his spiritual pet still has such a magical effect, Yi Tian also took out the Taiyuan sword in his hand to sacrifice his sword moves, and attacked forcefully after the poisonous mist was almost dispersed.

The sword silk was extremely sharp and flew out quickly, splitting the air and making a 'Zla' ​​sound.After the ball of light hit Xu Youcheng completely, it pushed him down by more than three feet.

A little later, a figure wearing a protective shield broke through forcibly, Yi Tian swept his eyes, and stretched out a finger to separate a filament from the light ball to chase Xu Youcheng behind him.

The shield vibrated rapidly and looked as if it was about to fall apart due to exhaustion.He only heard a scream of "ah", the sword thread pierced through the protective cover and directly stretched into it and slashed across his arm.

In an instant, the whole arm fell down weakly, but it was a pity that he did not hurt himself. The cultivation of the cultivator of Zhaohuashen is just a waste of spiritual power to regenerate the severed limb.But there was a layer of golden Buddha's light attached to the fracture, like tarsal maggots constantly eroding Xu Youcheng's body.

 Thank you for the monthly pass and reward for the man who loves to drink baijiu
(End of this chapter)

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