
Chapter 930 Rescue 4

Chapter 930 Rescue Four

The caravan in the middle of the Yellow Maple Valley is defending against the last wolf attack. Yi Tian swept his mind and found that there is a dwarf less than three feet near the wolf driving the wolf fangs in his hand to force the wolf to face the defensive circle. Launch an attack.

Among the caravan, only Zhao Cheng and Hua Yuxin are struggling to support them. As for the Kui brothers, their aura is much weaker than usual at this time, they must be injured.In this matter, the two were sitting cross-legged in one place, trying their best to maintain the defensive formation of the camp.

Seeing this, Yi Tian didn't say much and stretched out his hand to pop out a seed of ghost face flower.After three breaths, he went directly into the soil behind the dwarf.

Then Yi Tian made a seal with his hands in the air and clicked on the seed. In an instant, a thumb-thick vine vein appeared in the soil, as if looking towards the direction of the dwarf, and then "whoosh" With a sound, he retracted into the soil.

After three breaths, the soil bulges slightly, and the vine veins quickly extend forward from the ground.

All of a sudden, the dwarf yelled "Oops", and saw that one of his feet was entangled by a vine that his younger brother sprang out at some point.

The vines quickly entangled his feet and firmly fixed him on the ground, only to see that the wolf tooth controlled by the dwarf's hand stopped shaking when he suffered from pain.At the same time, the wolf felt that it was out of control and hurriedly glanced at the dwarf, then turned around and ran away.

As a result, the pressure on the besieged caravan formation was greatly reduced, and Hua Yuxin broke out directly from it.After flying forward, he glanced at the dwarf who was entangled, and shouted: "Gufeng Pirates should be angry, I didn't expect you to have today, right?" Go with the attack.

After being entangled by ghost-faced flower vines, Ying'an's lower body was covered with wounds pierced by thorns, from which blood flowed out along the veins of the vines, and at the same time, his spiritual power was also weakened.

Hua Yuxin found the gap and the spirit sword instantly hit Ying'an's protective cover, but after holding it for just three breaths, the protective cover quickly disintegrated due to lack of spiritual power.After the flying sword pierced, it hit Ying'an's chest and directly stabbed a cross at his body.

Ying An held back the severe pain and yelled, and then a golden light flew out from the forehead, escaped from the Nascent Soul, and flew straight towards Hua Yuxin.

Facing the sudden situation, Hua Yuxin was also petrified.It is estimated that this is the first time I have seen the situation where the Nascent Soul seizes the house, and I don't know how to deal with it.

Zhao Cheng, who was in the distance behind, shouted: "What are you still doing, get out of the way."

As soon as the words fell, the Nascent Soul was already very close at hand, and before Hua Yuxin had time to avoid it, the golden Nascent Soul was about to rush into her forehead.Suddenly a vine vein as thick as a thumb protruded from the oblique side, and a bud on the top opened with a 'snap' to the size of a foot and fell in front of Hua Yuxin.

Coincidentally, the spirit body of the Nascent Soul was directly swallowed by the flower bud, and then the surrounding petals closed together with a 'swish' sound, capturing the angry Nascent Soul directly inside.

At this time, Hua Yuxin saw a vague figure appearing beside him, and after three breaths, Yi Tian's real body was realized by blurring.

"Are you okay?" Yi Tian looked at Hua Yuxin who was still in shock and asked lightly.

"Oh, it's all right," replied mechanically, but the cold sweat on his forehead betrayed Hua Yuxin's composure.

Yi Tian just had a playful smile on his face, and then stepped forward to take out a jade bottle and waved towards the bud of the ghost face flower.

After a while, the flower bud slowly opened its eyes and opened a petal to reveal an air strike, and saw an unconscious Nascent Soul spirit body slipping into the jade vase.Then Yi Tian took out Zhang Fulu to cover the bottle cap, and then pasted the Fulu on it.

After finishing all this, he turned around and walked towards the caravan camp, yelling: "It's all right, everyone checks if there are any valuables lost, if there is nothing to do, take a rest for a while and then set off back to Luoxia City."

Ying'an's body fell powerlessly, but his belongings were scattered all over the ground.Yi Tian saw that Hua Yuxin seemed to be in shock, and then sent a private voice transmission to ask her to help her pick up valuables such as storage rings.

Then it sent a voice transmission to Zhao Cheng and the others to ask them to put away all the monster beast corpses scattered around.Although these Gale Demonic Wolves only look like level six, the flesh, fur, and even bones on their bodies are all high-quality treasures.

The rescue of the caravan patrol team also paid a big price this time. Just now, the spiritual sense swept over the Kui family brothers, and it seemed that the two had suffered a lot.This account must all be counted on Gufeng Pirates.

I know very well that the way of controlling the subordinates will give all the benefits that should be given, and will not show mercy when it is time to spur.

Later on, the guard monks in the caravan also bravely came out to clean up the battlefield, but the brothers of the Kui family were easy to meet, and those who ate it would never spit it out.Moreover, this effort should take the bulk of the effort, and only one-tenth of the area was left for them to deal with during the subsequent cleaning process.

Half a day later, after the head of the caravan confirmed the completion of the rescue mission, Yi Tian took out the assault boat again and asked the team members to wait for the boat, and then steered towards Luoxia City and galloped away.

Sitting in the cabin, the Kui family brothers and Zhao Cheng were sitting on the ground to share the spoils, and Yi Tian ignored them. Anyway, if they weren't there this time, they wouldn't be able to complete the task.So leave a certain profit margin and share it with them.

On the contrary, Hua Yuxin has been silent since she boarded the boat, even after being allocated a large amount of property, she didn't have any joy on her face.On the contrary, Yi Tian found that the eyes she looked at him were a bit complicated, and there was some admiration and fear mixed in the eyes.

For a monk like her who has been pampered since she was a child, she naturally doesn't know the dangers of the world, and she almost got caught twice in a row. Looking back now, she should be vigilant.

And she killed decisively. The first time she didn't see it, but the second time she saw a late-stage Nascent Soul cultivator at close range and was dealt with by herself. This shock was compared to her It's also unheard of.

Later, he moved his lips and said to her privately through a voice transmission: "Are you okay, when I gave you the property just now, I always had an absent-minded expression."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin was obviously stunned for a moment, then raised her head, smiled and replied via voice transmission: "It's okay, I'm just a little tired."

After sighing, Yi Tian said again: "Although I don't know the purpose of your joining the Inspectorate, I can only say that I can take care of you within my ability. Be careful in everything in the future, especially when you are fighting with others." That's it, if there is a slight mistake, you will step into a place of eternal doom, and you must not keep the slightest chance in your heart."

After saying these words, Yi Tian closed his eyes and concentrated on driving the assault boat, while Hua Yuxin had a glint of crystal in his eyes, and after sweeping his eyes over the driving seat, he didn't know what he was thinking about.

 Thanks to Shiliang Feibao, Yang Jiayilang, the man who loves to drink baijiu, who is confused, and who can know the monthly ticket of rise and fall with history as a mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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