
Chapter 931 Counting

Chapter 931 Counting
After returning to Luoxia City, Yi Tian asked the four team members to disband directly, while he personally went to the Inspection Division to hand over the task.A total of [-] merit points were obtained for this rescue mission, and the deacon allocated half of them to Yi Tian as usual, and the remaining half was shared equally among the four team members.

After completing this task, there are four or five hundred points left in his identity jade card.In this way, you can find a way to operate and buy some materials to refine some spiritual weapons, and then go to the hunting house or auction house to earn some merit points.

There is no shortage of pills for cultivation now, but if you don't find some way to earn spirit stones, you won't last long.And there is still the lightning protection pill to be exchanged. To be honest, the speed at which Yi completes the task and earns merit is really too slow.

But the Lightning Protection Pill has to be redeemed with merit after completing a certain number of tasks. I calculated in my heart that it would take at least a hundred years to hope to be able to redeem it.

After thinking about it, Yi Tian put away his identity jade badge and left the inspection department and hurried back to his cave.

This time, the five members of the team divided up the beast master Ying'an's belongings. In addition to a large number of spirit stones, there was also a secret art of beast control called 'Spiritual Art'.Zhao Cheng and the Kui family brothers were not interested in Yushou, and Hua Yuxin was obviously absent-minded after the fight, so it didn't make any sense.

In the end, I mentioned that as long as the "psychic art" is shared, the rest of the property and spiritual weapons will be shared equally among the four.Zhao Cheng is also an individual expert. When he brought the secret technique, he also attached the beast-controlling wolf tooth.Although the head wolf of the Gale Demonic Wolf escaped, the fangs were used by Ying Chen to drive and control the beast, so it must be useful for studying spiritism.

After accepting these things, Yi Tian stopped talking, and let the four of them dispose of the rest at will.Anyway, I still have Xu Youcheng's storage ring in my hand, and the things in it must be much richer than Ying'an in the late Yuanying period.

After returning to the cave mansion, the ban was placed as usual before sitting cross-legged at the deepest part of the implementation.First, he took out the psychic formula and studied it for a while, but after reading it, his face showed some joy.

This psychic formula can be regarded as an intermediate-level beast control technique, and the technique recorded in it is a secret technique of controlling beasts obtained by obtaining a certain part of a monster.The advantage is that there is no need to sign a master-servant contract, in other words, there will be no limit on the number.

But the disadvantage is that this kind of beast control method fails to make the monster beast city, but only exerts mental coercion through a part of its body to force the monster beast to follow the trend.Moreover, the person who performs this technique needs to have a super spiritual sense.

Yi Tiandao sneered at these things, no wonder the Gale Demon Wolf turned around and ran away after Ying Yan died.Holding the wolf fang in his hand, a look of contempt appeared on his face, and then with a light grip, the wolf fang was directly crushed into powder.

In fact, the biggest use of this psychic art is to communicate with monsters, even monsters that have not been refined or transformed.

In fact, many monsters in the spirit world are of very high level, but their transformation is limited by the problem of their ancient blood. This psychic art is used here.

In addition, there are detailed records of monsters with ancient blood in the secret arts.Although the content is incomplete, Yi Tian found the description of Yunmeng Toad from it.

It turns out that this little thing has a bloodline of a different species from the wilderness, and the maturity period is slower than that of ordinary monsters.The same will be delayed accordingly for the opening of Psychic and Shapeshifting.

In addition, toad-type monsters can absorb all kinds of poisons. Seeing this, Yi Tiantian's face was sullen, and he couldn't help but think of Yunmeng's toad flying out of the beast-controlling pouch automatically when he was facing Xu Youcheng.It turned out that it was not to protect the lord at that time, but to discover that the green poisonous mist can come out as a feast, just to collect its coefficient into the mouth.

According to the records of the psychic art, Yunmeng toad likes fire and poison, so it needs to absorb a lot of fire aura and poison in order to advance.

So it seems that it is impossible to advance if you want it. The fire spirit power is enough, but the toxin absorption is not enough.Thinking of this, Yi Tian used his spiritual thoughts to go deep into the beast's bag and found that Yunmeng Toad was sleeping soundly on top of the flagon.

After taking back the divine sense with his hand, Yi Tian thought about it for a moment and showed a helpless look on his face. Although this little thing is only level five, its effect is irreplaceable by ordinary spiritual pets.

Since the last time he used it to absorb the luck of the three members of the Huo family, Yi Tian obviously felt that his own luck had also increased slightly under the feedback.In this way, when one's own luck is enhanced, the things encountered will also develop on the better side.

In the long run, as one's own luck continues to increase, the future path of practice will become smoother and smoother.

Then he took out Xu Youcheng's storage ring, reached out his hand to erase the mark on it, put his own mark on it, and stretched his divine sense in to check it.

After taking three breaths, a look of joy appeared on his face, Xu Youcheng could be regarded as a well-off cultivator of transforming spirits.But in terms of high-grade spirit stones, there are no less than ten thousand, and there are also many other medicinal herbs and raw ore treasures.

But Yi Tian found that he, like Wang Fan, did not have any spiritual plant collections, and felt contemptuous in his heart.These Gufeng thieves only know how to rob all day long, so they don't bother to plant spiritual plants.

As for the jade slips of exercises, there were dozens of volumes of jade slips, and they were carefully separated after they were taken out.Except for a volume of secret art called 'Feng Xing Dun', the rest are of little use to him.

Taking this 'Feng Xing Escape' to Yi Tian, ​​he immersed himself in it and read it through, and after ten breaths, his face showed ecstasy.No wonder Xu Youcheng's escaping speed is far faster than that of the same level. It turns out that he has practiced such a secret technique.

And it is obvious that he failed to practice the secret art to great success because of the attribute of the main skill.Now it's cheaper for me, as long as I practice this secret technique, even if I bring my own flying speed, it won't be slower than that of a monk in the middle stage of transformation.

If you use escape speed alone, you can catch up to the late stage monks, and this secret technique can be used even when you are distracted and even in the fusion stage.

After picking up his mood, he took out the crescent shovel that was broken into two pieces in the storage ring, and Yi Tian put it in his hand with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then lit a bunch of real flames and began to sacrifice.This thing and Wang Fan's hammer should be a set of spiritual weapons. It can be seen that the material on the fracture is of the yang attribute.

In this way, as long as there is a little cover-up, the dagger can be paired with the one sold to Mi Jun before.Presumably, after he finds Mi Jun again, the other party will never miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he retreats in the cave to practice and practice.

There is no sun and moon in the cave, and I don't know how long it has passed. Just as Yi Tian was immersed in the restriction outside the cave door when he was practicing esoteric escapism, a messenger talisman flew in, and after turning around in his cave, he went straight to the closed door. The stone room flew over.

Yi Tian frowned and said in his heart: "Could it be that another task is announced so soon," he opened the stone gate and took the messenger jade talisman into his hand.After sweeping his eyes, he found that the signature on it was Hua Yuxin, but he didn't know what kind of moth came out this time to ask himself for help.

 Thank you for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor, and thank you for the monthly ticket of Zhong*kou. (Please forgive me for not being able to find the character in the middle, it is estimated that only Wubi input is available)
(End of this chapter)

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