
Chapter 933 Achievement

Chapter 933 Achievement
After Hua Yuxin left, Yi Tian went back to the cave alone and opened the storage bracelet, and then took out the atlas of the ring of imperial beasts and the rest of the materials.

After carefully reading the illustrated book with his divine sense, Yi Tian started to check the materials given.This time Hua Yuxin also seemed to be driven to a desperate situation. The illustration book mentioned that in the refining of the beast ring, soft gold needs to be melted into juice and branded with inscriptions on the inside of the ring.

Moreover, the beast ring was originally only one inch wide, and the level of inscriptions to be engraved was high. If the inscriptions could not be fully engraved on it, then it would not have much effect on suppressing the soul of the monsters.

The most important thing is that refining and engraving should be completed at the same time. Most of the previous refiners failed at this juncture.Thinking of this, Yi Tian didn't dare to procrastinate, and first put the rest of the materials into the real fire for sacrifice.

The body of this ring of beast control is not difficult, but according to his own experience, the Hua family must have found a monster with the blood of ancient prehistoric blood this time.If you want to subdue it, it is not enough to rely on the mental coercion on the beast ring alone. In addition to deterring it, it is best to have a soothing effect.

As for this point, using the power of Buddha sect is the best.After staring at these materials for a long time, the corner of Yi Tian's mouth twitched, and then he took out a jade box.After opening the seal on the top, he lifted the lid of the box, and in a blink of an eye, he saw a soft golden light flashing inside.

Inside is a Buddhist bead specially blessed by Abbot Wuyin in the Banruo Temple.After the battle against demons, Abbot Wuyin saw that the magic beads he used were very useful. Not only could they absorb the Buddha's light and generate power, but they could also be used to nourish and grow them.

It is tantamount to saying that it is a growth spiritual tool specially made for Buddhist monks, so when I stayed in Banruo Temple, I also made a string specially for Abbot Wuyin.

This one was taken off the bracelet, and it could be regarded as a gift from Abbot Wuying to himself.I didn't expect it to come in handy not long after I came to the spirit world.

Gently stretched out two fingers to take out this Buddha bead and put it into the real fire, and saw that it was smelted, and it was melted into juice and directly blended into the prototype of the beast ring.

In an instant, a dark golden light appeared in the originally pitch-black beast-controlling ring, and at the same time, it covered up all the traces left by the true fire of his own life.

Before the spiritual weapon was formed, Yi Tian took out the last piece of soft gold, put it in his hand, and burned it into juice with real fire, and then condensed it into a drop later.

When the beast ring was almost formed, he quickly raised his index finger to pick out a trace of the soft gold and began to brand the inscription on it.

The entire refining process was not long, but the effort spent on inscription carving took several times longer.

During this period, Yi Tian had to put his divine sense to the maximum, staring at the inner circle of the ring of beasts meticulously, and engraved all the inscription maps on it stroke by stroke.

The whole process lasted for seven days and seven nights, and finally Yi Tian finally engraved the entire set of inscriptions on it.After the last stroke was made, the real fire at the fingertips ignited again and burned the entire ring from the inside to the outside.

Usually the inscriptions are inscribed on the spiritual weapon with an inscription knife, but this time they used soft gold as the material, and the inscription method was changed to Yang engraving.Therefore, the operation steps and time are greatly lengthened.

At the same time, Yi Tian also stayed awake to carve the inscription, and then sacrificed it again so that the mural of the inscription was completely integrated into the ring of beasts.It can't be seen on weekdays, and it will only appear when the person to be manipulated uses this to exert mental coercion.

After the real fire faded away, there was only a black metal animal ring left on his hand. It seemed to be only three inches in size, but it could be stretched and contracted, even if it was like a bull like the one he had seen in the spirit world. Monsters of any size can be put on.

Moreover, this thing takes root from the flesh, and it cannot be removed without the master's spellcasting.

After finishing these, Yi Tian put away the spiritual weapon, closed his eyes and began to meditate and recover.Refining such a spiritual tool requires one-stop cultivation, which is also a disguised form for me, but the spiritual power is really consumed.

Half a month later, Yi Tian and Hua Yuxin met again in the courtyard wing of Team 27 of the North City Inspection Office.

When Yi Tian took out the refined beast ring and handed it to Hua Yuxin, the latter swept it with his spiritual thoughts and then showed a confused expression on his face: "Captain, is this the one you refined?" The beast ring?"

Yi Tian smiled irrefutably and nodded his head as a response: "Not bad, but the finished product is somewhat different from the illustrated book you gave me. I made some reasonable modifications that will definitely help tame the monster."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin's face became even more puzzled, she stared at the beast ring for a long time before asking: "Captain, you made the beast ring into such a dark appearance, and brought it to my spiritual pet It's really ugly."

After Yi Tian listened to Zhuan's preparations, he held back all the rhetoric, and later looked at Hua Yuxin with a look of contempt in his eyes, but secretly said in his heart: "It turns out that this little girl is not thinking about the beast ring at all. Its utility is only concerned with its appearance, and from her tone, it should be specially received by the Hua family for her use, so it is really a blessing to be a second-generation cultivator."

I didn't hesitate to think about it, and said directly: "When I was refining, I specially strengthened the effect of spiritual coercion. Even monsters like those in the late stage of transformation can be subdued."

After hearing this, Hua Yuxin nodded with a smile, injected her spiritual thoughts into the beast ring and tried it out before showing a satisfied smile.After putting it away, he took out a jade slip and handed it over, "This is the general outline of my Hua Family's Beast Control Art. I hope you can find it useful."

After Yi Tian took the jade slip, he put it on his forehead and scanned it with his divine sense, and found a description of the Phoenix family in the last piece of the bird.Not only that, but also several other monsters with prehistoric bloodlines are included in other chapters.

Later, Yi Tian tentatively asked, "I didn't expect you to be the one who will finally use this beast ring, but what kind of monster do you want to subdue?"

A smug expression appeared on Hua Yuxin's face and said, "It's an immature Vajra Demon Ape, my brother spent a lot of effort to catch it."

"Vajra Demon Ape," Yi Tian repeated in his mouth, but quickly inquired about the information of this monster in his mind.Fortunately, there was an introduction to apes in the general outline of the art of controlling beasts just obtained, and among them, the Vajra Demon Ape ranked second.

After quickly scanning it with divine sense, he gasped for air, and then kept admiring: "It really is a wild alien species, with the help of this devil ape, even a monk like me can't get close to you at will. "

Hua Yuxin smiled shyly and said: "Ordinary cultivators will definitely not do it, unless they have the strength of my brother to have a chance."

 Thanks to the monthly ticket of the confused god

(End of this chapter)

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