
Chapter 934 Learned

Chapter 934 Learned
After bidding farewell to Hua Yuxin, Yi Tian returned to his cave and took out several materials and the crescent shovel that was broken in half.Then it took more than a month to refine it into a three-foot-long sword.

The refining of the spirit weapon this time was completely in accordance with Mi Jun's requirements. After the crescent shovel was re-smelted, several precious materials were added into it to enhance the limit of the blade's ability to withstand extreme yang energy.

Yi Tian stayed in the cave, constantly thinking about how to go in the future, and now he certainly does not lack spiritual stones for cultivation.But what is in front of him is that the accumulation of missions can obtain the qualification to exchange for lightning protection pills.

Calculating the time of 500 years is just a long retreat for me, but without the supply of resources, it is as difficult as heaven to advance to a higher level of cultivation.

Obviously raising resources by yourself is the most feasible way at present, but in order to avoid unnecessary troubles, we should be careful in everything and try to cover up as much as possible.

It is best to choose the way of shipment to find familiar people in private. Although the price cannot maximize profits, it is better than safety.Moreover, doing so also earns favors and kills two birds with one stone. My understanding of the spiritual world is only superficial, and there are many internal unspoken rules that I have not yet figured out.

Thinking of this, he lowered his head and looked at the three-foot-long knife, took out the Jade Talisman of Communication and activated it with spiritual power, then reached out and tapped the restriction on the east gate.In an instant, a not-so-big or small gap opened up, and the Jade Talisman of Communication turned into a flash of spiritual light and rushed out of it.

Not long after, there was feedback from the restriction outside the cave, and after Yi Tian opened the gap of the restriction, a flash of spiritual light also flew in with a 'swish' sound.

He stretched out his hand and gently grasped the aura in his hand, lowered his head and glanced at it with his spiritual thoughts, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Three days later, in the depths of the backyard of Taixing Building in Luoxia City, Yi Tian stepped into this courtyard alone and found that the place was surrounded by birds and flowers, surrounded by spiritual mist.There is also a pool of water opened up in a corner of the courtyard, and there seems to be a spiritual spring emerging from it.

And there are restrictions all around this far away, covering the spiritual energy inside.Speaking of which, the concentration of aura here is not much better than the cave where I cultivated.

Being able to live in such an environment for a long time is also very beneficial to people's mood, but at this time Yi Tian also doesn't care about the surrounding environment, he just scans it roughly once with his spiritual sense, and then goes straight to the door of the house in the courtyard .Then he shouted in a flat tone: "Mi Daoyou is coming down."

The door opened and Mi Jun sat in the room and looked at himself with a smile on his face, then stood up and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation: "Yi Daoyou is indeed punctual, please come in and discuss in detail."

Seeing the other party's expression, although he was smiling, he probably already had doubts about himself.But everyone takes what they need and they are also on Hong Fei's side, some things are just tacit understanding.

After entering the room and slowly sitting down opposite Mi Jun, Yi Tiancai said slowly: "I recently found a spiritual weapon that happens to be an extremely yang-type saber, thinking that Mi Daoyou has a special liking for this kind of spiritual weapon. , so hereby bring it here and please have a look at it." After speaking, he stretched out his hand and took out the newly refined saber, and gently handed it over.

Mi Jun, on the other hand, quickly scanned the surface of the spiritual weapon a few times with his divine sense, and found that it was similar to the short knife before.But since Yi Tian said that he found it, it was inconvenient for him to dismantle it directly, but he echoed and responded after taking it: "You can make fellow Daoist Yi so troublesome, I'm really terrified."

"Don't dare, friend Mi Dao, why don't you try the spirit weapon first," Yi Tian hurriedly said modestly.

Mi Jun held the knife with one hand, and then gently poured spiritual power into it. After three breaths, the color of the whole sword turned red and red, as if it had just been refined and had not been annealed.

Then Mi Jun held a knife in both hands, and after a while, he brought out the extreme yang attribute of the sword and turned it into a three-foot-sized ball of light.After a while, he slowly closed his skills and held the sword in his hand, showing a hint of joy in his eyes, but his tongue twisted and praised: "It's been almost a year since I saw you, and Daoyou Yi's refining skills are back again!" Improve it."

Yi Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and said inwardly: "I still saw it for him," but his face showed a calm expression: "You Daoist misunderstood, I found this spiritual weapon accidentally, How can I refine such a spirit weapon?"

After hearing this, Mi Jun burst out laughing, and finally turned to Yi Tian and explained: "Yi Daoyou said that, but he doesn't regard me as a friend. To be honest, the two swords you made are better than I see. In Luoxia City, all the refining masters in the stage of transforming gods are much stronger. To put it bluntly, its quality is comparable to the exclusive spiritual weapons produced by Lihuo Palace."

Hearing the word "Li Huo Gong", Yi Tian couldn't calm down anymore, if the other party saw something, he didn't mind taking action directly.Even at the risk of being wanted by Hong Fei and others, he had to show some hidden dangers. To be honest, this time he really got off the hook. He wanted to make some extra money, but he almost exposed his old background.

Seeing Yi Tian's serious face, Mi Jun really restrained the smile on his face and comforted him: "Actually, since the first time I met you, I realized that you are a person with a story. Don't worry, you can refine weapons. I know in my heart that I won’t spread it to the outside world, you Ascended Cultivators don’t have several skills, I think you are probably concerned about the alliance of those refining masters or alchemists in the city and dare not take it lightly.”

Yi Tian's eyes lit up when he heard this, Mi Jun's words seemed to have a turning point, and he hurriedly asked, "How did Mi Daoyou find out?"

"Does Fellow Daoist Yi know that there is an Ascension League in the spirit world?" Mi Jun asked with a blink of an eye.

"Ascension Alliance, is it a sect composed of ascension monks?" Yi Tian said with a strange expression on his face.

"It's not a sect either." Seeing that his appetite was almost whetted, Mi Jun explained the origin of the Ascension League in detail.It turns out that the Ascension League is indeed an alliance formed by a group of Ascension monks, and most of its members are casual cultivators.These top monks who were supposed to dominate one side in the next generation would naturally not be willing to submit to others after they came to the spirit world, so they united to form such an organization.

And these people are all people who have several skills and can start a sect.Over time, remote areas in the spiritual world will also prepare to build their own sect forces.

Although the power of the three major sects in the spirit world cannot be shaken, the small and medium sects around them are also springing up like mushrooms after rain.Many of them are offshoots of the three major sects, but most of them are sects recreated by Ascension Cultivators.

Although the three major sects hold the mainstream of weapons, pills, and arrays, the skills of these ascended monks are not weak, and after continuous learning in the spirit world, they integrate them into their own skills and find another way.

As for Luoxia City, there are only three affiliated weapon refiners of the three major sects to support the facade. In fact, there are many weapon refiners who do not want to disclose their names.So it's not unusual for people like Yi Tian to exist, at least Mi Jun knows several of them.

Hearing this, Yi Tian's restless mood gradually calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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