
Chapter 936 Quota

Chapter 936 Quota
Mi Jun in Hong Fei's mansion is reporting to his boss about the two intersections with Yi Tian during this period.

Suddenly, a communication talisman flew through the sound-proof barrier, Hong Fei stretched out his hand, held it in his hand, looked at it, and then curled his mouth and said: "This Yi Tian knows how to advance and retreat, it seems that he can be pulled into it with more force." Zongmen."

Mi Jun said with joy on his face: "He refused to join the Ascension League?"

Hong Fei nodded and replied: "Not only did he refuse, but he also made it clear that he wanted to enter the Taiqing Pavilion. It is naturally a good thing for the sect to be able to absorb such ascending monks. And if he can enter the ancestral line with his ability, I’m also credited with recommending it.”

After hearing this, Mi Jun was overjoyed, and then asked: "Then do you need your subordinates to test him again?"

After hearing this, Hong Fei shook his head and said: "There is no need to test, I have seen his way of handling things these days. As long as she can take good care of the girl from the Hua family for me until the concubine selection ceremony in 300 years, I can exchange him for a lightning protection pill, along with a place for selection by the inner sect of the Shangqing Dao Sect."

Mi Jun's expression changed drastically and he exclaimed, "Why does Brother Hong value this person so much?"

"You know how to be a human being, but your eyesight to recognize people is still a bit weak." Hong Fei waved his hands and said, "Like my elder brother who has cultivated to the distraction stage and hasn't made any progress in the past 2000 years, it is conceivable that this road will go up and down. It is difficult. My Hong family will definitely fade out of the Shangqing Taoist sect in the future and go out to open up a family of cultivation, why not take advantage of the power at this time to make friends and support those younger generations with potential."

Only then did Mi Jun's face change and he praised: "Brother Hong is really far-sighted. The icing on the cake is not as good as the timely help. When these ascending monks have not yet shown their advantages, they will definitely keep in mind the timely support. In the future When the cultivation base has improved, they will naturally drink water and think of the source to feed back to the Hong family."

"That's right, ascension monks are outstanding people in the lower realm, how can they not understand this truth, and they are much stronger than the family monks recruited by the sect in terms of loyalty, aptitude and potential. If I didn't miss it , as long as this Yi Tian is given a chance, he will definitely be able to take a place among the direct disciples of the ancestral line of the Taiqing Pavilion," Hong Fei's eyes flickered at this point.

"Then do I need to give him some advice at the right time?" Mi Jun then asked.

"You can figure it out. Since he is a craftsman, he will spend some effort to earn resources in this area. I think you have benefited a lot," Hong Fei said with a wave of his hand.

"I know about this," Mi Jun said knowingly: "His skill is good, but he won't make it clear because of the accountability of the Artifact Refiner Alliance in the city. Armorer, so I will try to help him ship it."

"Don't take too much profit from it, it's enough to get two points each time. Remember that it's more beneficial to make friends with him than to make the difference," Hong Fei said with a glance.

Besides, Yi Tian resigned and Chen Taixing didn't go back directly after leaving Taixing Building. Thinking of the Taiyin War Saber he had left in the auction house for a while, he didn't know whether it was auctioned.

Then, after turning a few streets on the street, he walked towards the auction house.Not long after, I came to the reception desk where the auction house consigned last time.

After showing the token sent for auction, he was led to the VIP room, and later a deacon of the auction house in the late Yuanying period came to receive him.When the other party inspected the sent token he presented, he made an inquiry on the spot.He replied later: "Shi Jie, the deacon of the auction house, may I ask senior whether you want to exchange all the proceeds from the auction into high-quality spirit stones or transfer them directly with merit points."

Yi Tian didn't even want to take out a jade slip and handed it over, "Don't be busy, I want to ask the auction house if there are any materials in it for sale."

After Shi Jie took the jade slips, he read them quickly, but his brows gradually frowned, and then he sighed and replied: "Senior wants to buy all high-grade precious materials, and to be honest, I have seen some of them for the first time. .” After speaking, he respectfully presented the jade slip back.

Yi Tian knew that his authority was not enough to get access to higher-level treasures, so he took the jade slip back and prepared to find another way without making a fuss.

Suddenly Shi Jie said: "Next month the auction house will hold a Huashen-level auction. If the senior wants to have a recommended spot among the underlings, you can enter."

"Oh, there is such a good thing, I wonder what are the requirements and restrictions for participating in this level of auction?" Yi Tian certainly does not believe that the auction will be a loss-making business, and such an exchange meeting is bound to be expensive.

"There is no other requirement other than the entrance fee of [-] merit points per person," Shi Jie said without changing his expression.

"A ticket for [-] merit points," Yi Tian repeated in his mouth, but he deeply despised Shi Jie and the entire auction house in his heart.Just one ticket costs five thousand high-grade spirit stones, so it's better to rob it.But this is also an opportunity to get in touch with the high-ranking monks of Luoxia City. Most of these rare natural treasures are in their hands. If you want to find them, you have to participate.

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian nodded slowly, and Shi Jie seemed to be convinced that Yi Tian would agree, and directly took out a jade token from the auction house and said, "This time, the Taiyin War Sword sent by the senior was finally awarded with 850 achievements. After deducting the fees deducted by the auction house and the tickets for the fair, there are still 650 points left."

Yi Tian took out his identity jade card and said: "Transfer it all here."

Half an hour later, when Yi Tian left the auction house, there were a lot of merit points in the jade token, and there was also a mask and cloak in the storage ring.These were specially given by Shi Jie, and he also stated that he could hide his appearance at the auction. After all, some monks still didn't want to reveal their identities.

During this period of time, I searched everywhere in Luoxia City, but I couldn't find the treasure I wanted. Only Ji Wen, the second shopkeeper in Tongtian Pavilion, mentioned it.Right now, only Mi Jun and Hua Yuxin's grandparents know about their background, and the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. That's why I want to participate in the high-level exchange meeting held by the auction house without hesitation.

After returning to his cave, Yi Tian also knew that he should prepare for this auction. If he only bought it with merit points, the nearly thousand points he had earned so hard might not be enough.

After taking out all the raw mineral stones in Wang Fan and Xu Youcheng's storage bags, they picked up three of them for spare.Later, I took out a few spirit weapons that I bought earlier, lit the real fire, put them into it and began to extract the raw materials separately.

This time, in addition to refining some spirit weapons, I also plan to use the remaining materials to make some arrays.These things can be used either for your own use or for auction.

So Yi Tian spent a long time in seclusion in the cave until the auction next month came.

 Thanks to Yang Zhiji for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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