
Chapter 937 Exchange 1

Chapter 937 Exchange One
The auction house in Luoxia City is a property belonging to the City Lord's Mansion, and the income of the auction house naturally belongs to the City Lord's property.But most of this will be handed over to Zongmen as the tax of Luoxia City together with the rest of the income, but the remaining amount is also staggering.

As for Yi Tian, ​​it is impossible to be lucky enough to see it. Yi Tian has already made full preparations when the high-level exchange meeting of the God Transformation Period opens more than a month later.He took the mask and cloak he had obtained before and came directly to the scene from the exclusive channel of the auction house.

To be honest, it was the first time for Yi Tian to see a grand gathering where dozens of cultivators from the stage of transforming gods gathered together.Although I have heard that there are at least a hundred monks in Luoxia City, it is conceivable that the degree of shock in the hearts of those who have seen about half of them at one time is also conceivable.

You must know that just finding anyone on the scene can dominate a certain lower realm, but looking at yourself now, you really don't have enough vision, and you really think that you have cultivated to become a god.Here I am under a lot of pressure, and it is hard to guarantee that there will be no one with supernatural powers among these people.

Therefore, you must think twice before acting in all your actions, and you must not act recklessly.

After seeing the crowd around him, he had some doubts in his heart. Not all monks wore masks and cloaks.Along the way, I found that at least dozens of monks showed their true colors, and some of them were inspectors.

Especially seeing that Mi Jun was actually following Hong Fei, the two of them walked in swaggeringly and looked at no one else, they went directly to the main seat in the middle of the auction stage and sat down like that.

After hearing the news for a while, the maid next to him realized that today's exchange meeting was hosted by Hong Fei himself, so it was all right for him to do so.

On the contrary, the inspector Si Qingyuan who came in later also showed his true colors, and it was a coincidence that he found a place facing Hong Fei.

There was no verbal communication between the two, but there was a rivalry in their eyes.Others knew their origins and naturally did not dare to get involved, so they all avoided coming.

Yi Tian just smiled at the corner of his mouth, anyway, as long as he doesn't come to provoke him, he can handle anything.

As the sand coefficients in the hourglass finished falling, the deacon of the auction house came forward and said, "The incarnation exchange meeting once every ten years in Luoxia City will start now, and this time it will be personally hosted by Shopkeeper Hong from the City Lord's Mansion."

As soon as the words were finished, Hong Fei stood up and cupped his hands to many participants around him: "Thank you for coming to support, this time I, Hong, will take the lead."

Then he took out a simple animal skin and said, "An attacking talisman with low-level power of distraction, you can exchange it three times for a high-level defensive spirit weapon of character."

As soon as the words fell, there were several monks scrambling to bid. Although such distracting charms with low-level power are consumables, they are more powerful than others.It couldn't be better to use it as a trump card, and if the monks present here are not the direct descendants of some sects or the powerful monks in the late stage of transformation, they will almost be killed in front of this.

The atmosphere in the whole scene was then stirred up, and the monk who was extremely bidding went forward to discuss with Hong Fei, and finally this talisman was exchanged for a gray shield spirit weapon.Although the eyes of the rest of the people showed reluctance, there was no way that Hong Fei was an old man who could tell the strength of a spirit weapon at a glance, and the final choice was in his hands, so everyone could only stare blankly. .

Then, starting from the left end of the exhibition stand, the monks went forward one by one to collect the spiritual tools, pills, materials or spiritual plants they wanted to find everywhere.

Yi Tian took a look at the things that everyone took out for exchange. Most of them were finished products of pills and spiritual weapons, and there were few raw materials.Not long after, Dao's beautiful figure flashed in front of him, and then a female cultivator in a yellow shirt and green skirt walked up to the platform.

Nearly [-]% of the monks in the entire venue did not wear masks and cloaks. Most of these people were well-known figures in Luoxia City, so there was no need to avoid anything.

This female revision is the shopkeeper Ji Er of Tongtian Pavilion. At this time, she stood on the stage and cupped her hands to everyone around her: "Ji Wen is polite in Xiatongtian Pavilion. There are three high-level spiritual plants in this pavilion. I want to exchange them for the same price. The level of formation, defense or attack spirit weapon, the priority level is also determined accordingly."

As soon as he finished speaking, he reached out and took out two jade boxes and a flower pot. In the flower pot was a plant of Polygonatum, which looked about 500 years old.

As for the talisman affixed to the jade box, I didn't know what the spiritual plant inside was.At this time, someone proposed to look at the spiritual plants in the jade box, but Ji Wen shook her head and refused, "Most of the spiritual plants in the jade box are 2000 years old, namely Qixin Begonia and Thunder Bamboo."

After the explanation, many monks in the entire venue began to whisper.This seven-heart crabapple is the detoxification elixir, and it is the main medicine used to refine the release of poison elixir.And Thunder Bamboo is even more incredible. This thing contains the power of thunder and is used to refine it into a spiritual weapon, which can have miraculous effects on those magical skills or yin corpse techniques.

Now, as for the sealwort, it seems to be a little inferior. Although the age of 500 years is rare, it is insignificant in front of the other two spiritual plants.

At this time, many monks took out the spiritual weapons in their pockets and went forward to discuss with Ji Wen, but these people did not dare to rely on their cultivation.

After all, the name of Tongtian Pavilion is still there, and if people dare to take it out, they are not afraid of being remembered.

Yi Tian, ​​who was sitting on the seat wearing a mask, couldn't see anything unusual, but the divine light in his eyes was fixed on the pot of Huang Jing, to be precise, he was staring at the soil in the pot of Huang Jing.Although I have also been involved in spiritual planting, the most comprehensive research on spiritual planting is the cultivation soil.

The spiritual power contained in the spiritual plant soil in this flowerpot is obviously stronger than all the high-level spiritual plant cultivation soils I have seen.And looking at the 500-year-old Polygonatum, most of it was born after being spawned by this spiritual soil.

There is also a Zijin gourd seedling brought from Tianlan Continent planted in his cave. Although it is more suitable for growth in the spirit world, if he can get a large amount of such spiritual plant soil, the cultivation period will be greatly shortened in the future.

After the purple gold gourd matures, it will still have magical effects, so it may be of great help to future practice.

Thinking of this, he slowly got up and walked forward to stand behind the line that wanted to inquire.

It didn't take long to see that the people in front all took out their exchange items to hear the news, but there were few Ji Wen who could get in.At most, there were only two spirit weapons. Ji Wen just had a symbolic conversation with the holders, and the others shook their heads after a glance.

Although she participated in the auction of the cultivators in the metamorphosis stage as a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, there was no trace of timidity on her face.

After a while, it was my turn, and I went up and took out a red-black spiritual armor and said lightly: "A pair of high-level defensive armor of character, just pulled from the dead man not long ago, if you want to see the shopkeeper Ji look."

 Thank you for the reward from the man who loves to drink liquor

(End of this chapter)

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