
Chapter 938 Exchange 2

Chapter 938 Exchange II

Yi Tian got the mask and cloak before the auction, and these two things can be regarded as low-level human-level spiritual weapons.Wearing the cloak can change a person's body shape at will, as for the mask, it can block the prying eyes of the spirit, and it also has the effect of changing the voice.

When Yi Tian stepped forward and took out the red phosphor armor to tease Ji Wen, the people around only heard low and hoarse voices.Ji Wen who was standing on the stage frowned, as if she felt underestimated.

But when her divine sense swept across the red-black scale armor, her expression changed, and a look of doubt appeared in her eyes.As the second shopkeeper of Tongtian Pavilion, he handles at least a hundred spiritual artifacts every year, and he will never be fooled by people's one-sided words.

It's just that the spiritual armor on the masked monk's hand is indeed a bit special, but it's impossible to see some clues without a close look.

Then he stretched out his hand and replied coldly: "Can this senior show me the spirit armor?"

Yi Tian snorted coldly, showing a look of indifference, and stretched out his hand to pass the spirit armor to Ji Wen, but said without emotion: "If you want to see it quickly, if it doesn't work, find an expert to inspect the goods . " It was a look that didn't take Ji Wen seriously.

After taking the spirit armor, Ji Wen gently stroked the lower surface with her hands, and after three breaths, her eyes flashed, but she pretended to be calm and replied: "The things are good, it seems that seniors have done a big deal, and this thing is for sale." You can choose which Lingzhi you want."

Yi Tian snorted coldly and replied: "Change it, just change it, how can there be so much nonsense." Then he stretched out his finger to the pot of Huang Jing and said: "That's all."

Ji Wen was taken aback for no reason, and after carefully looking at it, she sent Huang Jing along with the flower pot without saying a word.

This kind of transaction caused several monks around to be puzzled, but since such a choice must have a deep meaning, it is just a way that ordinary people cannot guess.

Yi Tian didn't care so much, after putting away Huang Jing and the flower pot, he turned around and returned to his seat, waiting quietly for the next exchange.

Not long after, Ji Wen took another spiritual weapon and exchanged it for the jade box containing thunder bamboo. After that, there were still a few monks who were still unwilling to exchange for the last seven-heart crabapple.It's a pity that none of the things they took out could fall into Ji Wen's eyes, so the matter was left alone.

After Ji Wen, several monks also stepped forward to take out their private collections to exchange for their favorite items, but unfortunately, Yi Tian didn't like them at all.There are even a few people who have already made a move before, and now they can't come up with anything good.

It didn't take long before it was my turn. After slowly walking up to the high platform in the middle, Yi Tian flipped his hands and took out the array disk, and then said in a deep voice: "A set of large-scale psychedelic traps, exchange for Kanglong vertebrae, one hundred Any one of the three items of Refining Roujing and Moyuzhu."

As soon as the words were finished, many monks looked sideways. These three things are all low-level earth-level treasures, and there are usually not many places where they can be used.But since Yi Tian opened his mouth, he was naturally noticed by interested people, and many people looked at Yi Tian with playful eyes.

More people have a look of hesitation in their eyes. After all, no one can experience the actual effect of this array, and words alone cannot be convincing.

Only Ji Wen stared at the corner of the mouth of the masked monk standing above, taking it for granted.He immediately recognized Yi Tian when he heard the three treasures just now, and he mentioned it when they met for the first time, but he was politely rejected at that time.

Also, I learned from Hua Yuxin that Yi Tian took out array disks and other objects to lay out suggested arrays on the spot when he was on a mission for the first time.Seeing the masked monk turn around at this time, the eyes of the two intersected and saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

But Ji Wen was taunted a while ago, so naturally she refused to bow her head, so she turned her head away and pretended not to see it.

After Yi Tian glanced at it, he could only sigh in his heart. He was supposed to go for Ji Wen, and only Tongtian Pavilion could possibly produce these three treasures.

After waiting for a while, but no one responded, Yi Tian had to put away the array and prepare to step off the stage.Unexpectedly, someone next to him said: "Wait a minute, fellow daoist, I don't know if you can describe the power of your array?"

Yi Tian turned his head to see that it was Hong Fei who was sitting on the main seat who was talking, and he thought there was something wrong with him, so he walked up and said: "Since it was the shopkeeper Hong who spoke in person, I should know that I can say everything without saying anything. This array plate is an eight-door golden lock trapped dragon array refined based on the principle of four images and eight trigrams. With the strength of an incarnation monk, the coverage area can reach a hundred miles. After the array is completed, the gods in the array None of the demonic beasts will be able to escape."

"Oh, there is such a magical effect, how big is the range that the cultivator in the unknown distraction stage can control?" Hong Fei asked expectantly.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know how much range a distracted cultivator can control. But based on my experience, it is estimated that it can be reached at about two hundred miles, but it consumes a lot of spiritual energy," Yi Tian said truthfully. replied.

"Then Daoist Yi, what if you control the formation yourself?" Hong Fei suddenly restrained his words, but moved his lips, and whispered.

It's not surprising to hear that the other party reveals his identity to Yi Tian. This auction house is originally the property of the City Lord's Mansion, and he, Hong Fei, is naturally prepared to do business under his nose.

After thinking about it for a while, he arched his hands and saluted, and then replied via voice transmission: "Since Director Hong is willing to do so, I will personally set up this magic circle to cover 150 miles. It can also mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth in the circle to strengthen me." Cultivator Fang's technique."

After hearing this, Hong Fei couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, he reached out and took out a jade slip and handed it over.Immediately, it seemed as if a few words were transmitted again, and Yi Tian also replied as if some kind of agreement had been reached on the spot.

Although everyone present was curious, they didn't dare to ask directly, even Qingyuan looked at the two with strange expressions and frowned slightly.Obviously, there must have been a private communication between them, and many of their words are inconvenient to be made public.

Later, after Yi Tian put away the jade slips, he turned around and went back. Obviously, although the exchange did not achieve the goal, it was an inadvertent way for Hong Fei to follow.

Before he got off the high platform, Ji Er, the treasurer of Tongtian Pavilion, stood up and shouted coquettishly, "Wait a minute, fellow daoist, I have a piece of Mo Yuzhu here that can be exchanged for a formation disk, do you still have any intentions?"

After hearing this, Yi Tian stopped and glanced at Ji Wen, then sized her up with a smile before replying: "Treasurer Ji will naturally agree if he can make a move."

Ji Wen also walked forward with a small mouth, took out a jade box and handed it over, and finally said in private: "I got the things for you, but don't be complacent."

Knowing that she felt aggrieved, Yi Tian just nodded slightly and exchanged the array disk in his hand with her. This was originally prepared for Ji Wen. If he pretended to play and took it off, the gain would not be worth the loss.

(End of this chapter)

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