
Chapter 939 Invitation

Chapter 939 Invitation

This exchange meeting Yi Tian can be said to have fulfilled his wish, that is, he got Mo Yuzhu, one of the three auxiliary materials, and exchanged it for the spiritual soil for cultivating Huang Jing. It can be said that he has achieved his short-term small goal.

After returning to the cave, he first transplanted the sealwort out of the flower pot.This 500-year-old sealwort itself can be used as medicine, and it was planted in the Lingzhi Garden in Dongfu by the way.

As for the purple gold gourd seedling that was originally planted next to the Lingquan water, blame carefully scooped up the roots, and then transplanted it into the flower pot.After the completion of the project, Yi Tian also introduced spiritual spring water to irrigate, and the spring water drenched the seedlings and flowed into the cultivation soil and was completely absorbed.

But later, Yi Tian discovered that something was wrong. The cultivation soil was drenched with a lot of spring water, but it seemed that he couldn't get enough of it no matter how much he drank.

Then he stretched out his hand and pointed out a stream of spring water to irrigate directly into the soil. It took a full three hours to see some water vapor from the surface of the soil in the flower pot.

The seedlings of the purple gourd vines have grown more than three inches in strings at this time, and the branches and leaves of the gourd vines can be seen to spread continuously on the set up vine frame almost with the naked eye.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian closed the door of Lingzhi Garden with satisfaction and returned to his bedroom.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he took out two jade slips and put them in front of him, one was given to him by Mi Jun before, and the other was given by Hong Fei himself at the exchange meeting.

He didn't feel too surprised when he revealed his identity before. This auction house belongs to his Hong family.It's a piece of cake to try to find out the origin of the Taiyin War Saber by following the clues, and I didn't mean to avoid it early in the morning.

He figured it out, since he is under the jurisdiction of Luoxia City, he can only turn a blind eye and close his eyes, as long as he doesn't deviate from some things, he can't catch any small braids.

After opening Mi Jun's jade slips, I found that there was a letter inside. After reading it carefully, I realized that the general meaning is that Mi Jun will compete with Ding Xuan, a direct disciple of the Taoist sect of the Shang Qing Dynasty, in 90 years. I would like to invite myself to do it. Accompany the guests.

I don't know anything about this Ding Xuan, I just feel a little familiar when I see this name, as if I have seen it somewhere.A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and then he took out the evil list and looked through it, and finally found the name at the tenth place at the bottom of the list.

I couldn't help being taken aback, I didn't expect that Mi Jun would have the strength to dare to challenge No. 90 cultivator in the earth evil list.If you want to come to this good show, you don't want to miss it. Being able to watch the battle between monks of the same level is also of great benefit to yourself.

After thinking about it, he reached out and took out the message talisman to write down a message, then activated it and sent it out.After dealing with Mi Jun's matter, open Hong Fei's jade slip.

At the exchange meeting, the other party didn't seem to speak clearly, but just reminded himself to take the time to read the contents of the jade slip when he came back.

Yi Tian's face darkened after quickly scanning with his divine sense. The letter straight to the point mentioned that after a hundred years, many cities in the spiritual world would hold celebrations as usual.But one of them is the traditional project of capturing monsters in the wilderness. At that time, disciples from the Taiqing Pavilion will come to try it, and Hong Fei will need to assist him with all his strength.

Usually, the higher the level of the captured monsters, the richer the rewards from the sect would be. Hong Fei had already found a few helpers, but he still lacked someone who knew formation techniques.This time, when I saw that I took out the formation disk to exchange, I kept my mind on it. After all, I didn't directly invite him, but just handed this jade slip to myself, but the meaning behind his words was self-evident.

Yi Tian also wanted to take this opportunity to see the way of hunting monsters in the spirit world, and naturally agreed with Hong Fei's proposal from the bottom of his heart.There is a saying that don't be afraid of being used by others, but be afraid that you are not worth being used.

As long as Hong Fei can fully realize his role, there is nothing to worry about in Luoxia City for nearly a hundred years.

After thinking about it, he took out a communication jade slip again, said a simple sentence in it, activated it and sent it out.

After finishing all this, Yi Tian stood up and regained his energy, then opened the restriction of the cave door and strode out.

The destination this time is the Buddhist scripture building in Luoxia City. I remember that when I went there a year ago, I couldn't choose any mysterious magic power because I was too shy.In fact, I had noticed earlier in the morning that there are many auxiliary magical powers in the scripture building that are suitable for my use.

After building the foundation, I once learned the spell of clearing the spirit, but unfortunately it can only be used for distant viewing, and even the area covered by my spiritual sense is far beyond the range of eyesight.

In the scripture building, I have seen a mysterious magic called "Eye of True Sight". The price of this secret technique is about [-] merit points.In the past, he was too shy to redeem it, but now that he has the income from selling the Taiyin Sword and the two Zhiyang Swords, he can take it down.

After coming to the Tibetan scripture building, Yi Tianbai met the deacon, and then showed his waist card, saying that he wanted to find a piece of magical powers and secret arts to practice.The deacon only briefly told the next selection method, and then let Yi Tian go to the third floor of the scripture building to choose. In the end, he just warned the ordinary monks not to go up to the fourth floor.

After Yi Tian replied cautiously, he entered the scripture building excitedly. Along the way, he passed the first and second floors and saw many monks of the Jindan stage and the Nascent Soul stage choosing exercises.After reaching the third floor, there are obviously only a few sparse people. As for the staircase on the fourth floor, there is a white barrier blocking it. Once you cross it, you will be noticed by the monks on duty.

I don't know if there are monks in the distraction period guarding here, and Yi Tian didn't dare to break the ban directly, so he honestly started to choose the mysterious magic power on the third floor.

Not long after, I found a scroll called 'The Eye of True Sight' in a corner. I opened it and looked at the previous introduction. It mentioned that this supernatural power is extremely difficult to practice, and requires considerable understanding and patience.But once the practice reaches a small level, one can distinguish the authenticity from the false and see through any disguise and transformation techniques performed by monks of the same rank.

It is even more powerful when it is practiced to a great extent, even the phantom formations in the world can't trap yourself.Even breaking the divine prohibition and finding the nodes of the formation is as easy as searching for something.

Seeing this, Yi Tian's heart became hot, isn't this supernatural power tailor-made for himself, and he reached out to take down this jade slip and wanted to copy it.

Suddenly, there was a burst of silver bell-like laughter from above the stairs on the fourth floor.Looking up, it turned out to be Hua Yuxin walking down from the top, wondering in his heart, suddenly his eyes swept across behind her, there was a young man in his twenties who looked sixty to seven times like her, and his spiritual pressure did not fluctuate at all. The non-converging cultivation base is about the appearance of the mid-incarnation.

Yi Tian thought to himself: "Could it be Hua Yulin," and then turned around to avoid the two of them as if searching for exercises.I knew before that this Hua Yulin was in the [-]th position on the Disha Ranking, and with his current strength, he was close enough.

One more thing is worse than one less thing is worse than pretending not to know and miss.

 Thanks to Yang Zhiji for the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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